CTO 是企业内技术最高负责人,对企业的发展起到至关重要的作用.但随着公司的不断发展,CTO 的工作重心也会不断变化.只有在正确的阶段做正确的事,才能更好地为公司做出贡献.
Four stages of startup growth
首先,Need to have a very clear understanding of the development cycle of a startup company,Generally every stage requires2-3年的发展,Depending on the stage of the startup you join,to adjust the core of your work,这一点是非常关键的.
The life cycle of a startup goes through four stages:起步期、发展期、Expansion and maturity.
Founding stage
The core job of an enterprise at this stage is to find a direction,It will take about two to three years.Every startup starts with a general direction,But success requires precise direction.实践中,It takes trial and error to find that precise direction,And this direction requires products to carry.
在这个阶段,一个好的CTOEssential for startups,For many startups that focus on product technology,好的CTOCan shorten the trial and error cycle for the company,And greatly save the company's product development costs.
The core of this stage:The task is focused on finding the way,Polished product stage(Below I will talk about this stageCTO的核心工作)
1 :发展期:有产品,Operation stage
After the company has found a precise direction in the initial stage,start to develop,This stage need to obtain a significant market share,and realize revenue and profit.
2 :扩张期:快速扩张期
3 :成熟期:稳步发展阶段
Most startups are0和1these two stages,Today I mainly talk about0inception stage,CTOCorresponding core responsibilities and method steps.
第一步:配合CEO Product and business focus
1.聚焦产品:Sort out the prototype of the core product
这个阶段,many startupsCEOSome are just a preliminary idea and preliminary business model,What is the specific product,Who are the core user groups of the service?,not very clear,This stage can be combined withCEO讨论后,First use the brain map to identify the user group of the core business,模块,Product functions are initially sorted out,You can also draw the preliminary first prototype of the product.
through brain maps andPPT的方式,more intuitive andCEO再讨论(Save a lot of communication costs),In the initial product, the product documentation can be refined according to this direction,Technology can also research the required technology according to this direction.
For teams about to go on a long voyage,This product direction and product prototype are like a beacon in sailing,重要性不言而喻.
根据与CEOThe product form of preliminary discussions,Start doing user research early,Try to understand where the needs of the core user base are,Research user needs in advance.
The purpose of the research is to discover the most basic demands of the core user groups,Incorporate feedback from user research,Preliminary prototype of re-polished product.
With the preliminary product prototype,再与CEO讨论,it will be very efficient,Also show your professionalism and efficiency.
第二步:After confirming the product,开始技术选型
Adjust the selection of technology according to the shape of the product,移动产品(ios/android)、小程序、PC产品、AI产品、wait to adjust.
normal product form,Typically involves the following technical architecture selection:
1 开发语言选择
首先,The first priority is the business scenario.
Such as for YeWuXing project,采用 Java 或 PHP、Python universal language,Consideration for pure high-concurrency server-side projects Go 等.
其次,The cost of learning needs to be considered,cost of finding people.
比如:用C++to write a background management system,Are you sure you can find classmates with this skill at a low cost??But if you usephpThis development plan,You can grab anything outsidephp,No worries about finding someone(注意:我并没有对php有偏见).
任何开发语言,technically can accomplish the task,It's just a matter of time cost.If you say you must use a new technology, the function can be easily realized,But learn to use this technique requires a few months,Wait for your team members to learn,The project has long passed the best period of product trial and error.
总之,The purpose of technology is to realize the product,in the early stages of entrepreneurship,In addition to considering business scenarios,找人、In addition to learning costs and other costs,Nature is the trial and error,Implementation does not need to be too tall,Effective and practical.
2 开发框架
After determining the language,Around the language, we have to determine the development framework.generally front-end JS 、CSS 框架、后端的 MVC 、SOA 、ORM 框架的选型.Prioritize the use of mature and proven open source frameworks,Unless you reach such user traffic as Taobao,Perhaps it will take into account custom development frameworks and custom middleware development.
3 部署服务
server deployment mode,持续集成方案,Whether the cluster is distributed in the form of deployment, etc..
Corresponding server collection,by purchasing the server by yourself,Or use a service provider like Alibaba Cloud,Purchasing as needed,This can be considered in conjunction with the financial budget.
4 架构方案
The most basic technical architecture scheme,Still need to be determined sooner,比如:
基础架构:Which links to do high availability,Involves what middleware model selection,存储是什么,容量评估……
业务架构:核心系统,子系统,Internal or external,how to support each other……
应用架构:How to divide the layers,logical or physical layer,How to divide modules or services,How to communicate between modules,同步还是异步……
工程化:we need to consider sustainable、可迭代的,A good engineering structure and engineering method also need to be determined at the initial stage.比如,确定项目结构、源码管理方式、branch management, etc..
这里我就不一一说明了,write supplements later.
第三步:Budget and team building
1 through product prototype,Establish early product technical team
Assess how many technical teams are needed to launch the first version of the project within the specified time,Whether you need to product line,Plan the number of people in different positions.
比如,项目经理 1 人、前端 2 人、架构师 1人、后端 5 人、客户端 2 人、UI 设计 2 人、产品经理 2 人、测试 3 人、运维 1人等.
Then estimate the personnel cost according to the size of the technical team,And the server、hardware and software budget,Evaluate these budgets together with the company-wide budget,看是否可行.
If budget assessment is feasible,Just started full recruitment(这条很重要).
2.Establish product development mode
比如:Early-stage entrepreneurial teams can consider agile development models,Corresponding product technicians,Is it possible to consider agile daily standup,Control the pace of development,Iterative version cycle after going online, etc..
3.Recruitment and Personnel Screening
Since this is the early stage of the startup,Demand for personnel and development and maturity,Personnel needs will vary,It needs to be clear here.
There will also be a lot of interview skills involved,And how to meet people through interview communication,There are actually many communication skills to know people,重点是CTOIt is clear at this stage what kind of person is most suitable.
第四步:Preliminary Product Launch Timeline
在创业型公司,CEOThe most important thing is when the product will be launched.
Timeline for go-live,建议可以采用xmindbrain map,The product is in accordance with the way of business module,进行任务拆解,从UIto the front、后端,测试,Make a preliminary task estimate.
For experienced product technicians,According to the shape of the product and the composition of the number of personnel,Initially, a rough launch timetable can be estimated.
创业公司从0这个阶段,Quick product launch Trial and error is king,It's not as good as a mature company,It is important to estimate the launch timetable for startups,Partial fault tolerance time can be added to the specific online time.
第五步:Cooperate with the operation team to provide online feedback
Preliminary product data will be involved here,日志记录,key data collection, etc..
Data collection after product launch,产品测试.
The above is roughly from0start-up companyCTOFive steps to be done,合格的CTO,in the second step-Step 5 did a good job,But often it gets stuck at the first step,这就是我说的真正的CTO,Is a technical person who understands products,原因所在.