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How to build a CMDB driven by consumption scenarios?
2022-08-01 17:59:00 【InfoQ】
At present, the cloud computing service has become the enterprise digital information infrastructure.Previous cloud focus tend towards building on the ability of cloud services,In the operations support level lacks consideration and attention,With the development trend of cloud computing and the scale is huge,Increasing needs of the business scope of scenarios,企业在管理IT环境时,Often deploy changes more、Monitoring and management is difficult,Service operations miscellaneous problems such as.
To build digital technical support,从架构上可以分为三个部分,分别是基础设施架构、应用开发架构和运维支撑体系,三者相辅相成,缺一不可.而在三大组成部分之中,最容易被忽视的往往是运维支撑体系.How to efficient organization and management of all kinds of resources in the,Enhance operational service efficiency,Quickly adapt to support operational scenario requires、To maximize the use of resource data as the primary problem the enterprise using cloud computing services.
CMDB For the definition of a configuration management database(Configuration Management Database),通过识别、控制、维护,检查企业的IT基础设施资源,从而高效控制与管理不断变化的IT基础架构与IT服务,并为其它流程,例如自动化运维、监控告警、故障定位、资源变更、服务发布、应急响应、VIPHeavy coverage and process to provide accurate configuration information.随着信息技术的进步与发展,企业的IT环境越来越复杂.数量庞大、A great variety of cloud network equipment、Cloud services are difficult to effective management,只有将ITEach object in the framework of digital,achieve its observability、可操作、可服务,Ensure the continuity and agility customer business further,全面支撑企业数字化实现成功.
in multi-cloud managementCMDB设计
It's cloudy management platform to consumption drivenCMDBConstruction method as a core,以敏捷、灵活、可扩展、可持续维护、Can be fully customized to manage customers cloud network infrastructure metadata、The information such as cloud service resource instances,And provide abundant model management、标签管理、Resource topology and other functions,Can automatically find all kinds of host、网络设备、应用,Continue improve data accuracy.All the fragments of configuration information integrate,Form the configuration data interchange hub,Configuration information for the enterprise management provides a complete set of solutions,Help solve pain points in operation and operational management.

Dynamic modeling for business
After clear resources configuration data consumption support scenario,to the required managementITResources for flexible modeling.Allows the user to create a configuration based on the requirements model,定义属性.The properties provide a rich control options,Can define attribute data type、数据范围、数据格式.
CMDBNeed for different device types、不同类型的云服务、技术\Application components on the unified management of the resources of the,So you need to resource configuration management database model definition have sufficient flexibility,According to scenario requires flexible configurationCI、CIitems and associations.

According to the flexible support scene dynamic extension management object,Dynamic customization model of metadata management,Provide flexible custom configurationCI模型,Can grouping management model、模型属性、Model of the relationship between configuration and define.Such as in the process of the use of cloud business or operational equipment,Usually there is at least thousands of dimension information、Each dimension information we can be considered as an object.Through the object attribute definition,And provide relationship management,To form a complete model group.And provides a flexible resource tags used for grouping of resources management.
在实际使用中,Users can be based on the system property is set to use common internal preset model,Also can be added sound to preset resource model.According to the scene、业务需要,Free new resource model,For resource model for like、属性、The relationship between dynamic management.打破传统CMDBAsset management limitations,将硬件、软件以及ITThe physical and logical relationship between the service map visualization.使得ITPeople can see the dependencies between each other,并确定该ITComponent to the customer the potential impact of.若ITPeople can see the real-time influence to company or customer business,Will greatly help improveIT服务水平.
From a business perspective classified cloud network infrastructure of the enterprise organization and management,Through the business across hierarchy build model topology relationship,Complex heterogeneous cloudy environment、Needs of the business can easily meet;提供灵活、Visual configuration modeling ability,Take over the configuration model、Manages the landing of views,And adapt to the business development model changes brought by the requirement.
Diverse data automatically discover
我们在CMDBBuilt into a wide variety of equipment manufacturers model、云平台、Middleware acquisition parsing adapter,支持SNMP、IPMI、SSHSuch as command, and a variety of protocol,To realize the collection monitoring access to resources related data,At the same time provide exception handling、Multi-channel access task mechanism,According to the configuration information automatic acquisition and maintenance of,Improve the stability and efficiency of the butt.
Provide configuration acquisition strategy and deployment ofagentTo achieve the ability to find,First of all to have access to the internal networkipAddress the implementation of blind scavenging action,According to the found that the survival of the equipment in order to get more information,The second is to knownIP主机,执行ps、crontab、finThe application of the vertical deployment command to find such as、中间件、数据组件、进程、定时任务、Did not start the application configuration information such as,Gets the current host object with other network interconnection relations,According to the relationship of application port can find the connection between the application.The use of automated audit script to compare the resource data check,through automatic auditing+Artificial and verification to ensure data accuracy,提升数据质量.

Will be scattered distribution in different environment configuration information acquirement,And in the process of fetching the data to identify、筛选、整合、格式化,The whole process can match completely.Will the user from configuration information recorded in the hard work of completely free,And maximize the configuration information for the accuracy and timeliness of the.
在同步数据时,USES a model synchronization takes precedence over resources correlation synchronization measure,Through early discovery configuration with relational data,To solve the same model or correlation data exists in the complex problems in the same message,Avoid synchronization error data.
On the basis of the complete validation after cleaning,According to the resource model to instantiate,A merger with saved configuration data、建立关联.And then update the index of instance data,Analysis of the change of instance data(Including instance additions and deletions、Attribute changes, and so on and so forth),And will be pushed to the changes of management domain resources belong to、Relevant stakeholders of the business domain or use.
The key problem analysis and practice
基于CMDBIn the application of physical mixing cloud management,To provide customers public clouds、私有云、专属云、混合云、Edge of cloud full stack of cloud services to meet government affairs cloud、医疗云、大中小企业数字化转型需求.赋能企业ITManagement and operations staff control infrastructure and application of the change of the load,Improve the operational efficiency and quality of cloud environment.
建设CMDBThe core focus of demand is a timely in order to be able to master the daily operational services、应用、资源、Infrastructure, such as object information and operation situation,In the event of a magnitude fault、Abnormal shutdown、When abnormal issues in major accidents,Can accurately locate resources real-time situation,Identify areas of influence.At the same time to the enterprise to adapt to the industry structure and characteristics of business services application,According to the flexible support scene dynamic extension management object,May according to the need to manage all kinds of resource allocation in cloud data and the relationship between resource data.保障CMDBAfter the construction can be quickly adapted more kind of operational scenarios using.This article mainly resource modeling management、Operational service key practices build aspect.
分层、简洁、Flexible configuration model
By focusing on solving private cloud/Hybrid cloud on the size of the stuck points、难点,To support private cloud/Hybrid cloud business development,Goal physical resources、IaaS、PaaS、SaaSfull professional、Nanotubes covering all products,form a global topology,Do it all;In a hybrid cloud application platform support and resource types have been up to100余种.

在该项目上,Need to connect to the private cloud/All the resources a hybrid cloud services,and present the situation in real time,We start from buildingCMBDon the resource type、资源对象、The relationship between resource considerations.In view of global visual management resources,Purpose is to put the data center、服务器、交换机、防火墙、负载均衡、磁盘阵列、路由器、云主机、云硬盘、对象存储、中间件、容器、Application of resource instances such as information gathering,According to the flexible support scene dynamic extension management object,May according to the need to manage all kinds of resource allocation in cloud data and the relationship between resource data,Such as hardware configuration specification、部件、业务数据、Connection relationship between equipment and so on.Implementation of model group、模型、模型属性、Model of the relationship between configuration definition,集中呈现,Provide resources dynamic visual management.
Resource model group management:From the function or form for grouping similar resource model,General model objects belong to the same group of resources is most has the same properties,And with other groups within the resource model objects associated.With the development of the business needs,Resource model object will become more and more、越来越细.Through the resource model objects together,Grouping can be convenient to manage the resource model object for the unit.
Custom model object:可对应用、中间件、数据库、虚拟机、物理机、网络设备、Data center infrastructure model、关联设计,Flexible custom configurationCI模型.设计完成后,Can according to the relationship of grouping resource model and resource model object model objects to display of resources.
Properties are dynamically configured:Than ever before in the database set properties old operation,CDMBTransfer configuration properties directly moved to page flexible dynamic configuration properties.By defining the model object first established the basis of information and configuration information,Through the model the grouping ways to display,Can clear display model attribute information.For the convenience of users to quickly add resource model object properties,We are on the classification of similar attributes grouping management,The user classification of similar properties can be managed by the template configuration,In a new resource model object,By selecting the attribute template,Automatic application template above properties,Thereby greatly reducing operational configuration、维护的工作.
Resource model association:By establishing the model of the relationship between,Form associated categories,Abstract definition may have an association relationship between all kinds of model.Associated type set,Do not need to specify connection on both ends of the specific resource types,可通过构建CMDBRelationship model between the classification of,Convenient implementation model associated to create、修改、Query the same correlation information、To view the configured model topology relationship.To implement the relationship between the model object management and relationship definition.
Through resource model management practices,Built-in layered elastic model based on business point of view,Modeling through visualization,Flexible dynamic extension model,Meet the user's personalized requirements to the management of the.CMDBUnified model can be a good shielding the differences of the underlying cloud platform architecture,To solve the hybrid cloud before and after the end do not have a unified concept of resource pool,Vendor data matching relation between difference、The problem such as matching processing.Combining resources rowed small management requirements for construction of the resource pool model comb,Accurately established before and after the relationship between resource pool,明确基础设施、The cloud resource ownership,And the use of automated audit means+Artificial and verification to ensure data validity,A hybrid cloud resources instance configuration information and the accuracy of the network data、Real-time performance and operational support efficiency.
Link operation and maintenance scenarios、打通业务壁垒
It's cloudy project in docking public clouds、私有云、专属云、混合云、边缘云、The whole stack of cloud services management process will often face a lot of infrastructure and software service support operations management、In the face of the lack of privatisation deployment operations tool、Operations and monitoring data scattered,Is not found in time and location problem、Each resource ChiYunWei means uneven、缺乏统一标准、Loss of object lifecycle management of information resources, etc,Become the system construction of operational pain points.
How to break the barriers between operations,Unified building operations support system became the focus of operational support.
多云CMDB以应用场景为驱动,Build in cloudy architecture,Establish efficient operations of cloud data hub.提供ITSM流程管理、Resources/d closed loop process control,Realize the cloud network infrastructure from shelves、上线、监控、转维、变更、Off to the next frame of whole life cycle management.Through the joint management equipment、云管、云平台提供的APIto monitor the process in real time、设备、端口、CPU、内存等资源使用情况,and rely on the view、拓扑、Statements such as component object function for the construction of model associated show,In geared to the needs of different users to establish a visual view,Provide resource management service for various daily application scenario often.
资源全生命周期管理:可通过CDMBManagement interface or ability to provide operational control interface to realize the automatic resources/d input,对其属性、配置信息、Maintain all kinds of relationship provides the ability to,To dock with the external system embedded resources related process all kinds of events,Implement the data consumption closed-loop,And all the detailed tracking log.
数据自动采集:Full amount of automated collection configuration,Can automatic data collection and data,Real-time access to accurate configuration data,To reduce errors due to manual maintenance and low efficiency,And be able to use automatic collection of data for data audit,Discover the problem data automatically correct,提升数据质量.
资源标签:Instances of resources or equipment can be established through label binding service tree,And application service associated with resource tag,Using the tag in the service tree can query a different business types of resources,And to monitor resources through the label orientation,Resources to protect、Automate job management.Using the instance business relationship,Product line including belong to、maintainer and other information,The alarm accurate notification sent order.
Resource topology view:According to the construction of actual use of the business scenario all the equipment、网络、Resource instance topology,Physical resources to carry cloud platform、云资源、业务应用、Resource instances to show the relationship between,From a different perspective to help related to use、监控、运维,Management clear intuitive graspIT运营中的有效信息(如:Cloud hosting server information automatically belong to,It has had an accident、告警、配置变更),Control over cloud services、Convergence for monitoring alarm、Returning analysis provides the effective support.

Cloud business operation view:通过CMDBThe underlying modeling data correlation,rely on the view、报表、Form components form resources key indexes such as、situational information,Present the entire network resources、So customer business case、General overview of resources,资源使用情况、优化建议、Business development situation、business ranking、网络状态等信息.

To realize automatic monitoring access,性能数据、The alarm data automatic collection.Provide resource pool dimensions such as monitoring visualization.Can take advantage of the network relationship between resource instances、The relationship between equipment and parts, etc,To achieve the alarm automatic processing,At the same time the relationship established between maintenance resources,form a global topology,See all at once.在CMDBThere are a lot of business in changes or hardware components change information,By automatically find update mechanism,A calibration update existsCMDBThe data in the information and the actual running process online、端口、CPU、Memory data such as information,Ensure the accuracy of data and information resources and consistency.
All kinds of model in relation to established information abstraction,Abstract relationships exist when a one-to-many or many-to-many relationship situation.Through all relationships between the comb from the top down model,Form mapping resource model or type,Pull through integration→交付→In each link of the core data flow,According to the requirements of the future operational scenario quickly adjust,To build a hybrid cloud operations support data base,提升用户体验.
CMDBMain value on the one hand is the master data management,企业IT环境是动态的,Continues to introduce new infrastructure or scrap、云服务时,需要实时更新CMDB etc.Closed-loop control to achieve to reflect these changes;On the other side is consumption scenarios,The scene is the driving force,Common valuable scenes including automated operations、Interchange acceptance、告警收敛、故障定位、故障影响分析、应急管理、VIP重保、The cloud resource capacity analysis、服务发布、安全内控(账号、漏洞扫描、合规检测、port blocking、安全加固)等.
Combined with actual application scenarios and fall to the ground to play out the biggest use value.
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