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Vertx's responsive MySQL template
2022-07-03 07:25:00 【Sleeping Empire】
Vertx Response type mysql client , be based on SQL Client Templates Template operation sql Script
1. maven Project dependence
2.YAML File configuration
port: 8000
port: 3306
database: v_example
username: root
password: li123456
charset: utf8
collation: utf8_general_ci
maxSize: 30
reconnectAttempts: 3
reconnectInterval: 1000
poolName: v-pool
3. Start loading profile , And into the config In the middle
public class TemplateApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx();
ConfigRetriever retriever = readYaml(vertx);
retriever.getConfig(json -> {
try {
JsonObject object = json.result();
DbHelper dbHelper = new DbHelper(object.getJsonObject("mysql"), vertx);
DeploymentOptions options = new DeploymentOptions().setConfig(object);
vertx.deployVerticle(MainApp.class.getName(), options);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("===> Vertx start fail: ", ex);
* read yaml config
* @param vertx vertx
* @return ConfigRetriever
private static ConfigRetriever readYaml(Vertx vertx) {
ConfigStoreOptions store = new ConfigStoreOptions()
.setConfig(new JsonObject().put("path", "application.yaml"));
return ConfigRetriever.create(vertx, new ConfigRetrieverOptions().addStore(store));
4.Mysql Connection pool configuration
public class DbHelper {
private final JsonObject object;
private final Vertx vertx;
private static MySQLPool mySqlPool;
* Get the client
* @return MySQLPool
public static MySQLPool client() {
return mySqlPool;
* initialization mysql Connect
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
ConfigProperties.MysqlProperties properties = object.mapTo(ConfigProperties.MysqlProperties.class);
MySQLConnectOptions connectOptions = new MySQLConnectOptions()
PoolOptions poolOptions = new PoolOptions()
mySqlPool = MySQLPool.pool(vertx, connectOptions, poolOptions);
5. Connection pool database sql perform
public class UserService {
* find list
public void list(RoutingContext ctx) {
MySQLPool pool = DbHelper.client();
SqlTemplate.forQuery(pool, select(null))
.onSuccess(rs -> {
List<UserInfo> list = new ArrayList<>();
}).onFailure(e -> {
log.warn("Failure: ", e);
ctx.json(R.fail("list fail"));
* find one
public void detail(RoutingContext ctx) {
MySQLPool pool = DbHelper.client();
SqlTemplate.forQuery(pool, select("where user_id=#{userId}"))
.execute(Collections.singletonMap("userId", ctx.pathParam("userId")))
.onSuccess(result -> {
if (result.size() > 0) {
}).onFailure(e -> {
log.warn("Failure: ", e);
ctx.json(R.fail("detail fail"));
* add user info
public void add(RoutingContext ctx) {
UserInfo user = ctx.getBodyAsJson().mapTo(UserInfo.class);
if (user == null) {
ctx.json(R.fail(" The parameter is empty. "));
MySQLPool pool = DbHelper.client();
SqlTemplate.forUpdate(pool, "insert into t_user(username,password,age,status,create_time,update_time)value(#{username},#{password},#{age},1,now(),now())")
.onSuccess(v -> ctx.json(R.success("save success")))
.onFailure(e -> {
log.warn("Failure: ", e);
ctx.json(R.fail("save fail"));
* update user
public void update(RoutingContext ctx) {
log.info("===>{}", ctx.getBodyAsJson());
UserInfo user = ctx.getBodyAsJson().mapTo(UserInfo.class);
if (user == null) {
ctx.json(R.fail(" The parameter is empty. "));
MySQLPool pool = DbHelper.client();
SqlTemplate.forUpdate(pool, "update t_user set username=#{username},password=#{password},age=#{age},status=#{status},update_time=now() where user_id=#{userId}")
.onSuccess(v -> ctx.json(R.success("update success")))
.onFailure(e -> {
log.warn("Failure: ", e);
ctx.json(R.fail("update fail"));
* delete one
public void delete(RoutingContext ctx) {
MySQLPool pool = DbHelper.client();
SqlTemplate.forUpdate(pool, "delete From t_user where user_id=#{userId}")
.execute(Collections.singletonMap("userId", ctx.pathParam("userId")))
.onSuccess(v -> ctx.json(R.success("delete success")))
.onFailure(e -> {
log.warn("Failure: ", e);
ctx.json(R.fail("delete fail"));
private String select(String where) {
String select = "SELECT user_id as userId, username,password,age,status,create_time as createTime,update_time as updateTime from t_user";
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(where)) {
select += " " + where;
return select;
6. Full address of the project
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