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Basic management of mysql database in Linux system
2022-08-02 17:31:00 【linyxg】
MariaDB basic information
- Start service: systemctl start mariadb
- Default port number: 3306
- Main configuration file: vim /etc/my.cnf.d/mariadb-server.cnf
- Data directory: /var/lib/mysql (you need to clean this directory and backup when you need to reinstall mariadb)
- Service startup script: /usr/lib/system/mariadb.service
Installation of MariaDB database
MariaDB database management system is a fork of MySql which is designed to be fully compatible with MySql, including API and command line.
- Install the database: dnf install mariadb-server.x86_64
- View the file of the mariadb installation package: rpm -ql mariadb-server
- Enable database: systemctl enable --now mariadb
Safe initialization of database
- For the database that has just been installed, you need to set the database password first
- Initialization script: mysql_secure_installation
- Log in to the database: mysql -uusername -ppassword
- Close the open port of the database
- View the data port number: netstat -antlupe | grep mysql
By default, the database opens the port to the outside world - Edit the configuration file and close the port: vim /etc/my.cnf.d/mariadb-server.cnf
- Restart the mariadb service: systemctl restart mariadb.service
Basic management of the database
- Part of the basic syntax
Database Password Management
- Database password change: mysqladmin -uroot -pwestos password redhat
- Database password cracking
Close the database: systemctl stop mariadb
Skip the authorization table to run the database: mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
Log in to the database: mysql -uroot -pwestos
View aboutmysql process: ps -aux |grep mysql
Kill process: kill -9 process number
New password login: mysql -uroot -plyx
User Management
New User
Ordinary user authorization
Super user login database: mysql -uroot -pwestosTest if authorization is successful
Cancel authorization: revoke insert on database_name.* from [email protected]
Database Backup and Restore
- Database Backup
- Database Restoration
- Restore successfully
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