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Various entanglements between qvariant and Jason -- QT
2022-07-02 15:55:00 【Less than ten years】
Although I knew QVariant Some of the features of , But not with Json All kinds of mutual transformation . I used to analyze Json after , Is to convert it into my customized structure , Convenient to see , It's easy to call , It is troublesome to parse and convert ; Later, I saw my colleagues directly Json Convert to QVariant( or QVariantMap QVariantList), Then call directly , I think it's good , But there are some confused places in the middle , So write it down here .
All kinds of mutual transformation
First A word of warning , This is also a mistake I often make : Don't think about one step ,QVariant What type of deposit , Just transfer it out of what type !!!
Json To QVariant
QJsonObject To QVariant,QVariant The constructor of contains these types .
QJsonObject obj;
QJsonArray arr;
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
QVariant var(obj);
Of course ,QJsonArray To QVariant It's the same
QVariant var2(arr);
also ,QJsonDocument To QVariant
QVariant var3(QJsonDocument(obj));
Generally, for the convenience of local call , Is to directly convert it into QVariantMap、QVariantHash or QVariantList
QVariantList varList=arr.toVariantList();
QVariantMap varMap=obj.toVariantMap();
QVariantHash varHash=obj.toVariantHash();
When you use it , Call directly
for(int i=0;i<varList.count();i++){
QVariant To Json
This only needs direct conversion , Premise is QVariant Originally, the type of deposit is Json
const QJsonObject& _obj=var.toJsonObject();
If deposited QVariant The type is QVariantMap, Then one more step is needed
QVariant var4(obj.toVariantMap());
const QJsonObject& __obj=QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(var4.toMap());
QVariant To QByteArray
Look at the help documentation , It can be seen that QVariant There are ways to directly convert into QByteArray, Just convert it directly into QByteArray, So what you got QByteArray It's probably empty ~
I still emphasize depositing QVariant What is the , You have to convert it directly to why , As for the other types , Continue to convert .
If deposited QVariant Yes. QJsonObject And so on
If the deposit is QVariant Yes. QVariantMap And so on
If the deposit is QByteArray, So what to say , Of course, direct conversion , Of course , The result is not empty , Unless you store an empty byte array
QJsonDocument doc(obj);
QVariant var5(doc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
QVariant What is deposited in , Extracted , The type must correspond to !!!!
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