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5. PCIe official example
2022-08-05 00:44:00 【jjinl】
官方提供3个使用PCIe的例子.第一个比较简单,I left out the instantiation parameter,整个文件结构如下:
module top_basic (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
hdoutp, hdoutn, pll_lk, poll, l0, dl_up, usr0, usr1, usr2, usr3,
na_pll_lk, na_poll, na_l0, na_dl_up, na_usr0, na_usr1, na_usr2,
na_usr3, led_out, dp, TP,
// Inputs
rstn, FLIP_LANES, LED_INV, refclkp, refclkn, hdinp, hdinn,
led_status led (....); // Templated
pcie2_core pcie (..... );
ip_rx_crpr #(.c_DATA_WIDTH (c_DATA_WIDTH)) cr (....);
ip_crpr_arb crarb (.....); // Templated
UR_gen #(.c_DATA_WIDTH (c_DATA_WIDTH)) ur (.......); // Templated
ip_tx_arbiter #(.c_DATA_WIDTH (c_DATA_WIDTH)) tx_arb (.....);
wb_tlc #(.c_DATA_WIDTH(c_DATA_WIDTH)) wb_tlc (.....); // Templated
wb_arb #(.c_DATA_WIDTH(c_DATA_WIDTH),
.S0_BASE (32'h0000),
.S1_BASE (32'h4000),
.S2_BASE (32'h1000),
.S3_BASE (32'h5000))
wb_arb (.....);
wbs_gpio gpio (......); // Templated
wbs_32kebr #(.c_DATA_WIDTH(c_DATA_WIDTH),
ebr (......); // Templated
There are several calls in this fileIP,分别是led_status、pcie2_core、ip_rx_crpr、ip_crpr_arb、UR_gen、ip_tx_arbiter、wb_tlc、wb_arb、wbs_gpio、wbs_32kebr.The connection diagram is as follows:
上图中PCIe发来的TLP包送到UR Gen模块和WB TLC模块,WB TLCReceive packages that interest you,并转换为wishbone总线接口,Generate read and write timing towishboneBus Arbitration Modulewishbone bus arbiter,The arbiter operates the corresponding data according to the address of the read and write datawishbone从设备,The data returned from the device passes throughwb tlc打包成tlp包,再通过tx arbiter发送到PCIe EP,Then upload to the host computer.UR GenModules are mainly dealt with herewb_tlcModules are not interested in packages,Reply to the completion message and identify the unsupportedTLP包.
Pick a simple file first,打开Tx Arbiter文件ip_tx_arbiter.v,内容如下:
// $Id: ip_tx_arbiter.v,v 2008/07/01 17:34:22 jfreed Exp $
module ip_tx_arbiter #(parameter c_DATA_WIDTH = 64) (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
tx_rdy_0, tx_rdy_1, tx_rdy_2, tx_rdy_3, tx_req, tx_dout, tx_sop,
tx_eop, tx_dwen,
// Inputs
clk, rstn, tx_val, tx_req_0, tx_din_0, tx_sop_0, tx_eop_0,
tx_dwen_0, tx_req_1, tx_din_1, tx_sop_1, tx_eop_1, tx_dwen_1,
tx_req_2, tx_din_2, tx_sop_2, tx_eop_2, tx_dwen_2, tx_req_3,
tx_din_3, tx_sop_3, tx_eop_3, tx_dwen_3, tx_rdy
input clk;
input rstn;
input tx_val;
input tx_req_0;
input [c_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] tx_din_0;
input tx_sop_0;
input tx_eop_0;
input tx_dwen_0;
output tx_rdy_0;
input tx_req_1;
input [c_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] tx_din_1;
input tx_sop_1;
input tx_eop_1;
input tx_dwen_1;
output tx_rdy_1;
input tx_req_2;
input [c_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] tx_din_2;
input tx_sop_2;
input tx_eop_2;
input tx_dwen_2;
output tx_rdy_2;
input tx_req_3;
input [c_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] tx_din_3;
input tx_sop_3;
input tx_eop_3;
input tx_dwen_3;
output tx_rdy_3;
output tx_req;
output [c_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] tx_dout;
output tx_sop;
output tx_eop;
output tx_dwen;
input tx_rdy;
reg tx_req;
reg [c_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] tx_dout;
reg tx_sop;
reg tx_eop;
reg tx_dwen;
reg tx_rdy_0;
reg tx_rdy_1;
reg tx_rdy_2;
reg tx_rdy_3;
reg [1:0] rr;
reg tx_rdy_p;
reg tx_rdy_p2;
always @(/*AUTOSENSE*/rr or tx_din_0 or tx_din_1 or tx_din_2
or tx_din_3 or tx_dwen_0 or tx_dwen_1 or tx_dwen_2
or tx_dwen_3 or tx_eop_0 or tx_eop_1 or tx_eop_2
or tx_eop_3 or tx_rdy or tx_req_0 or tx_req_1 or tx_req_2
or tx_req_3 or tx_sop_0 or tx_sop_1 or tx_sop_2
or tx_sop_3)
case (rr)
2'b00: begin // Service 0
tx_req <= tx_req_0;
tx_dout <= tx_din_0;
tx_sop <= tx_sop_0;
tx_eop <= tx_eop_0;
tx_dwen <= tx_dwen_0;
tx_rdy_0 <= tx_rdy;
tx_rdy_3 <= 1'b0;
tx_rdy_2 <= 1'b0;
tx_rdy_1 <= 1'b0;
2'b01: begin // Service 1
tx_req <= tx_req_1;
tx_dout <= tx_din_1;
tx_sop <= tx_sop_1;
tx_eop <= tx_eop_1;
tx_dwen <= tx_dwen_1;
tx_rdy_1 <= tx_rdy;
tx_rdy_3 <= 1'b0;
tx_rdy_2 <= 1'b0;
tx_rdy_0 <= 1'b0;
2'b10: begin // Service 2
tx_req <= tx_req_2;
tx_dout <= tx_din_2;
tx_sop <= tx_sop_2;
tx_eop <= tx_eop_2;
tx_dwen <= tx_dwen_2;
tx_rdy_2 <= tx_rdy;
tx_rdy_3 <= 1'b0;
tx_rdy_1 <= 1'b0;
tx_rdy_0 <= 1'b0;
2'b11: begin // Service 3
tx_req <= tx_req_3;
tx_dout <= tx_din_3;
tx_sop <= tx_sop_3;
tx_eop <= tx_eop_3;
tx_dwen <= tx_dwen_3;
tx_rdy_3 <= tx_rdy;
tx_rdy_2 <= 1'b0;
tx_rdy_1 <= 1'b0;
tx_rdy_0 <= 1'b0;
default: begin
end // always @ (...
// mux control
always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
rr <= 2'b00;
tx_rdy_p <= 1'b0;
tx_rdy_p2 <= 1'b0;
else begin
tx_rdy_p <= tx_rdy; // use pipe of tx_rdy to account for getting the tx_end through
tx_rdy_p2 <= tx_rdy_p;
if (tx_val && ~tx_rdy_p2 && ~tx_rdy_p && ~tx_rdy) begin
if (tx_req_0 && ~tx_req) rr <= 2'b00;
else if (tx_req_1 && ~tx_req) rr <= 2'b01;
else if (tx_req_2 && ~tx_req) rr <= 2'b10;
else if (tx_req_3 && ~tx_req) rr <= 2'b11;
end // else: !if(~rstn)
end // always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
这个文件实现4Select an output function
Originally wanted to use the synthesis tool 查看RTL,生成的RTL太复杂,I put the bus width from 64改为4后生成RTL视图如下:
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