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Distributed Computing Experiment 3 PRC-based Book Information Management System
2022-08-04 07:32:00 【Polaris_T】
利用RPCTechnology to implement a books information management system,具体要求:
1.The client to realize user interaction,The server-side implementation books information storage and management.Client and server usingRPCMechanism of collaboration.Middleware is optional.
2.The server at least exposed as followsRPC接口∶
· bool add(Book b) Add a book object.
· Book queryByID(int bookID) 查询指定IDNumber of books object.
· BookList queryByName(String name) The title query in conformity with the terms and conditions of books list,支持模糊查询.
· bool delete(int bookID) 删除指定IDNumber of books object.
1. RPC The selection of middleware
This experiment I usejava作为编程语言,因此我选用了Java RMI作为RPCMechanism of middleware.
Java RMI,即远程方法调用(Remote Method Invocation),Is a kind of used to implement remote procedure call (RPC)(RPC)的Java API,Can be used to build distributed applications,能直接传输序列化后的JavaObject and distributed garbage collection service.它的实现依赖于Java虚拟机(JVM),因此它仅支持从一个JVM到另一个JVM的调用,实现了Java程序之间跨JVM的远程通信.
2. RMI 过程
一个RMIProcess mainly involves three kinds of object:RMI客户端、RMI服务端、Registry注册中心.RMIThe client is mainly by calling a remote method provided by the service side;RMIThe server is the remote method call object provider,也是代码真正执行的地方,执行结束会返回给客户端一个方法执行的结果;Registry is essentially amap,相当于是字典一样,Provide the client with the client to invoke methods of reference.
RMI底层通讯采用了Stub和Skeleton机制,RMICall a remote method process is roughly as follows:
(1) RMIThe client when calling the remote method to createStub.
(2) Stub会将RemoteThe object is passed to the remote object reference layer and create a remote call.
(3) RemoteCall序列化RMI服务名称、Remote对象.
(4) RMI客户端的远程引用层传输RemoteCall序列化后的请求信息通过Socket连接的方式(传输层)传输到RMI服务端的远程引用层.
(5) RMIRemote reference layer received from the server can request is passed to theSkeleton.
(6) Skeleton调用RemoteCall反序列化RMIPass the client request message.
(7) Skeleton处理客户端请求:bind、list、lookup、rebind、unbind,如果是lookup则查找RMI服务名绑定的接口对象,序列化该对象并通过RemoteCall传输到客户端.
(8) RMI客户端反序列化服务端结果,获取远程对象的引用.
(9) RMI客户端调用远程方法,RMI服务端反射调用RMI服务实现类的对应方法并序列化执行结果返回给客户端.
(10) RMI客户端反序列化RMI远程方法调用结果,即为最终结果.
3. 基于Java RMIThe books information management system
(1) 设计思想
根据Java RMI的框架,This experiment involves the service side、客户端、The registry three roles.为了满足题目要求,The service side need to realize the function of the as:(a) To provide the remote service registration to the registration center,(b) 存储、Maintain and manage the books information system data structure;The client need to realize the function of the as:(a) Query the registry for remote method reference,(b) Call a remote method with the books management system management system can achieve information interaction, Provide simple user interface,To deal with the user's various operation request and input/output.
This experiment for operation interface such as book management system and provides the add and check,In order to facilitate the storage and maintenance books object,我采用了Java中的ArrayListStorage of books as the object of data structure.ArrayList有如下几个优点:支持自动改变大小(动态数组)、适合随机查找和遍历.此外,Object in books,需要设计一个bookClass to define its main properties, such asID、书名等,And implement some practical methods in a class to facilitate subsequent calls.
(2) 具体实现步骤
(a) 定义书籍类Book,In the class attribute defines booksbookID和bookName,Then define instance constructor(The incoming booksIDAnd the title to create books object),最后定义一个BookInfo()Method is used to print a book object information.
(b) 定义接口BookSystemInt,All the way in which the declaration system requires,To be thrown and the methodRemoteException异常.
Define the remote object implementation classBookSystemImpl,In which realize the books information management system of data structure definition and data manipulation function,Includes defining object stored booksArrayList动态数组,Defining specific to add and delete to realize the function.To add and delete the function of concrete realization steps show as follows:
·bool add(Book b):先遍历bookListTo see whether there is withID书籍,If you have refused to add,返回false;否则使用ArrayList自带的add()Method to add new books and returntrue.
·Book queryByID(int bookID):遍历bookList看是否存在ID=bookID的书籍,If there is the said query success,返回true;否则返回false.
·BookList queryByName(String name):遍历bookList看是否存在bookName能和nameFuzzy matching success books,If there is the said query success,返回true;否则返回false.通过判断b.bookName.indexOf(name, 0)的返回值是否为-1To determine whether the string between fuzzy matching success.
· bool delete(int bookID):遍历bookList看是否存在ID=bookID的书籍,若存在则使用ArrayList自带的remove()方法删除指定ID的书籍并返回true;否则返回false,表示未找到ID=bookID的书籍,无法删除.
· bool alter(int bookID):遍历bookList看是否存在ID=bookID的书籍,若存在则用b.bookName = newName修改指定IDThe title for the new title and return of bookstrue;否则返回false,表示未找到ID=bookID的书籍,无法对其进行修改.
· StringBuilder printBookList():先用bookList.size() == 0To determine whether a list of books is empty,若为空则直接返回"none",Traverse the list of books and constantly useStringBuilder.append()Method is used to string current books information added to the total books informationStringBuilder对象中,And then return to theStringBuilder对象.
(d) Define the server implementation classRMIServer,先定义RMI服务器IP地址、监听端口号、RMI服务名称,To create a registry,The monitoring request from the specified port,最后将RMIOn the service name binding to a remote method implementation class.
(e) Define the client implementation classRMIClient,In which implement a simple user interface to build.Mainly includes the display all features list,According to the function of the user to enter the number to call the corresponding remote method for books to add and delete,According to the result of the remote call returns again for subsequent processing and so on.First of all to the registrylook up RMI服务名,获取远程对象的引用,To call remote method according to the reference implementation function.
(3) 注意事项&要点记录
(a) Book类必须使用Serializable接口,All the properties and methods of the class should be defined aspublic公共对象,In the other classes won't be able to visitBook实例的属性,Cannot use method.
(b) The interface must be defined aspublicType and inheritanceRemoteSuch as the remote object,Otherwise the client try to load the remote object implementing the remote interface make mistakes.
The remote object implementation class must inheritUnicastRemoteObject类,Must overwrite all the abstract methods of interface.When defined books list object must write allnew ArrayList(),若只定义ArrayList listAnd don't give it a value assignment,Represents only creates alist对象的引用,The object itself has not been initialized,Therefore would trigger a null pointer exception.此外,All functions in the implementation class should be a return value,So that the client according to the return value for subsequent processing.If these functions were used in theSystem.out.println(),Will be on the server side print information,Because the implementation classes of objects are in the service sideJVMRunning in the maintenance of,The default output of the environment is also on the server side.
(d) JavaShould use the string is equivalent instr1.equal(str2),而不能用==.
(e) C语言中的goto语句在Java中可以通过while(true)搭配continue和break实现.
源码:Distributed computing experiment3 基于PRCThe books information management system
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