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[performance test] jmeter+grafana+influxdb deployment practice
2022-07-05 19:02:00 【bulabula2022】
Jmeter Configure the test results to be automatically sent to influxdb
There's a lot of information online ,jmeter Configuration is not described in detail here
If you want to Grafana More flexible display of data , Need to be right jmeter Plug in secondary development , Automatically store the test data into influxdb Time series database , stay grafana Panel customization sql Inquire about , Automatically display the desired data ,grafana The panel also needs secondary development according to the display needs
influxDB Deploy
1.linux Specify the directory to download InfluxDB
Download address :wget https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb-1.8.4.x86_64.rpm
2. install InfluxDB:
yum localinstall influxdb-1.8.4.x86_64.rpm, Two main file locations
3. Change the service startup configuration :vim influxdb.service
1) take User and Group Value changed to root
2)influxdb.service file Restart the effective service command :systemctl daemon-reload
4. modify influxDB The configuration file
Carry out orders :vi /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf, The final modified configuration is as follows :
# Determines whether the graphite endpoint is enabled.
enabled = true
database = "jmeter" # Database name
retention-policy = ""
bind-address = ":2003" # port
protocol = "tcp"
consistency-level = "one"
# Determines whether HTTP endpoint is enabled.
enabled = true
# The bind address used by the HTTP service.
bind-address = ":8086"
Execute after modification :wq Save and exit
5. start-up Influxdb service
1) Temporary start up :systemctl start influxdb
2) Boot up :systemctl enable influxdb
3) View running status :ps -ef | grep -i "influx" perhaps service influxdb status
4) restart :service influxdb restart
influxDB Of tcp The default listening port is 8088, perform :netstat -antp|grep 8088, The following display indicates that the port is restarted successfully
attach influxdb Some port descriptions
start-up influxdb database :
service influxdb start
stop it influxdb database :
service influxdb stop
Port specification
8083: visit web Address of the page ,8083 Is the default port ;1.4 Version this feature is deprecated , Change it to Chronograf
8086: Data writing influxdb The address of ,8086 Is the default port ;
8088: Data backup and recovery address ,8088 Is the default port ;
If linux Turn on the firewall , Need to open 8086 port , The order is as follows :
firewall-cmd --add-port=8086/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --add-port=8086/udp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload
6. Create databases and users
1) Get into influx command :influx
2) Display database , and mysql similar :show databases
3) Create database : CREATE DATABASE jmeter( Library name )
> use jmeter
> create user "admin" with password ' admin ' with all privileges
The user name and password set here need to be recorded , Later configuration JMeter and Grafana When it comes to
notes : Pay attention here ,CREATE DATABASE You have to use uppercase
Port specification :
2003 port :Jmeter The port to send data to the database , The server side also receives data through this port , Therefore, the server needs to open this 2003 port
8086 port ,Grafana or Chronograf from influxdb The port on which the database fetches data
4) Switch database :use jmeter( Library name ); Show me the table :show measurements
Grafana Deploy
Grafana It's one for Go Language development of open source data visualization tools , Can do data monitoring and data statistics , With alarm function
windows Version installation
1、 Official website download address :Download Grafana | Grafana Labs
2、 Unzip it to the installation folder
3、 start-up , Switch to Grafana In the installation directory bin Under the table of contents , double-click grafana-server.exe Start the program
4、 visit http://localhost:3000, Use admin/admin Sign in Grafana that will do , Here's the picture
Linux Version installation
1. Switch to the specified directory to download :wget https://dl.grafana.com/oss/release/grafana-7.4.3-1.x86_64.rpm
2. install :sudo yum install grafana-7.4.3-1.x86_64.rpm The configuration file grafana.ini Location
3. start-up grafana
1) Boot up
Start the service :systemctl start grafana-server
Boot up :systemctl enable grafana-server
Restart :systemctl restart grafana-server
View startup status :service grafana-server status
grafana Integrate influxdb
visit http://localhost:3000, Use admin/admin Sign in
1. Add data sources :Configration –>Data Sources –> Add data source à choice InfluxDB
2. To configure influxdb database
3. preservation , Show Data source is working It means that the addition is successful
More items may need to be completed
1.InfluxDB+Grafana Monitor panel configuration
Monitor panel configuration And more monitoring template optimization , In the follow-up implementation process, a kind of supplement
2.Jmeter+InfluxDB+Grafana Integration of the three , Need secondary development optimization
3.jenkins+jmeter+influxdb Continuous integrated monitoring
4.Prometheus+Grafana Integrated monitoring server (linux,wondows)
5.Prometheus+Grafana Integrated monitoring database (mysql,PostgreSQL,oracle)
6.nmon2influxdb+grafana Visual deployment of service monitoring
Secondary optimization or development , Problems to be solved
Q1:Jmeter Load Test panel -Active Users Show the number of virtual users 1 individual ( The implemented ) |
Q2:Jmeter Load Test panel -request Add fuzzy search function ( Accumulate more and more requests , Easy to search for )( The implemented ) |
Q3:Jmeter Load Test panel - Increase throughput real-time display panel ( Convenient for gradient pressure measurement TPS Model trend view )( The implemented ) |
Q4:Jmeter Load Test panel -metrics overview The display under the panel shows the real-time average throughput ( Currently, the running time is selected manually to participate in the calculation )( The implemented ) |
Q5:Jmeter Load Test panel - Add monitoring panel for server resource consumption ( The implemented ) |
Q6:Jmeter Load Test panel - Add to mysql/oracle/pg Wait for database performance monitoring data collection ( The implemented ) |
Q7:Jmeter Load Test panel - Some overview data can be drilled , View specific data details |
Q8:Jmeter Load Test panel - Add the display of pressure measurement data according to transactions ( Be right jmeter Secondary development of plug-in tools ) |
Q9:Jmeter Load Test panel - Drop down filtering function is added ( It mainly adds variables for multi-dimensional query ) |
Q9:Jmeter Load Test panel -grafana Plot configuration query variables + Multi level variable linkage + Query results are configured in combination with application scenarios ( By project , Function details have not been realized yet ) Reference resources :https://clevercode.blog.csdn.net/article/details/104324039?utm_medium=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-2%7Edefault%7EBlogCommendFromMachineLearnPai2%7Edefault-4.base&depth_1- utm_source=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-2%7Edefault%7EBlogCommendFromMachineLearnPai2%7Edefault-4.base |
grafana Historical data query optimization () |
Grafana error Log information can be viewed in real time () |
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