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Three. JS series (3): porting shaders in shadertoy

2022-07-07 16:29:00 Touch

0、 explain

Please read carefully the following posted shadertoy And threejs The difference between shader codes , One method is applicable to all methods .

1、shadertoy Medium shader code

// Found this on GLSL sandbox. I really liked it, changed a few things and made it tileable.
// :)
// by David Hoskins.
// Original water turbulence effect by joltz0r
// Redefine below to see the tiling...
//#define SHOW_TILING

#define TAU 6.28318530718
#define MAX_ITER 5

void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) 
	float time = iTime * .5+23.0;
    // uv should be the 0-1 uv of texture...
	vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
	vec2 p = mod(uv*TAU*2.0, TAU)-250.0;
    vec2 p = mod(uv*TAU, TAU)-250.0;
	vec2 i = vec2(p);
	float c = 1.0;
	float inten = .005;

	for (int n = 0; n < MAX_ITER; n++) 
		float t = time * (1.0 - (3.5 / float(n+1)));
		i = p + vec2(cos(t - i.x) + sin(t + i.y), sin(t - i.y) + cos(t + i.x));
		c += 1.0/length(vec2(p.x / (sin(i.x+t)/inten),p.y / (cos(i.y+t)/inten)));
	c /= float(MAX_ITER);
	c = 1.17-pow(c, 1.4);
	vec3 colour = vec3(pow(abs(c), 8.0));
    colour = clamp(colour + vec3(0.0, 0.35, 0.5), 0.0, 1.0);

	// Flash tile borders...
	vec2 pixel = 2.0 / iResolution.xy;
	uv *= 2.0;
	float f = floor(mod(iTime*.5, 2.0)); 	// Flash value.
	vec2 first = step(pixel, uv) * f;		   	// Rule out first screen pixels and flash.
	uv  = step(fract(uv), pixel);				// Add one line of pixels per tile.
	colour = mix(colour, vec3(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), (uv.x + uv.y) * first.x * first.y); // Yellow line
	fragColor = vec4(colour, 1.0);

2、threejs Shader code modified in

import * as THREE from "three/build/three.module.js";

const WaterShader = {

    uniforms: {
        iTime: {
            value: 0
        iResolution: {
            value: new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1)

    vertexShader: `
    varying vec2 vUv;
    void main() {
      vUv = uv;
      gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );

    fragmentShader: `
    #include <common>

    uniform vec3 iResolution;
    uniform float iTime;
    // by David Hoskins.
    // Original water turbulence effect by joltz0r
    // Redefine below to see the tiling...
    //#define SHOW_TILING

    #define TAU 6.28318530718
    #define MAX_ITER 5

    void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord) 
        float time = iTime * .5+23.0;
        // uv should be the 0-1 uv of texture...
        vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
    #ifdef SHOW_TILING
        vec2 p = mod(uv*TAU*2.0, TAU)-250.0;
        vec2 p = mod(uv*TAU, TAU)-250.0;
        vec2 i = vec2(p);
        float c = 1.0;
        float inten = .005;

        for (int n = 0; n < MAX_ITER; n++) 
            float t = time * (1.0 - (3.5 / float(n+1)));
            i = p + vec2(cos(t - i.x) + sin(t + i.y), sin(t - i.y) + cos(t + i.x));
            c += 1.0/length(vec2(p.x / (sin(i.x+t)/inten),p.y / (cos(i.y+t)/inten)));
        c /= float(MAX_ITER);
        c = 1.17-pow(c, 1.4);
        vec3 colour = vec3(pow(abs(c), 8.0));
        colour = clamp(colour + vec3(0.0, 0.35, 0.5), 0.0, 1.0);

        #ifdef SHOW_TILING
        // Flash tile borders...
        vec2 pixel = 2.0 / iResolution.xy;
        uv *= 2.0;
        float f = floor(mod(iTime*.5, 2.0)); 	// Flash value.
        vec2 first = step(pixel, uv) * f;		   	// Rule out first screen pixels and flash.
        uv  = step(fract(uv), pixel);				// Add one line of pixels per tile.
        colour = mix(colour, vec3(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), (uv.x + uv.y) * first.x * first.y); // Yellow line
        fragColor = vec4(colour, 1.0);

    varying vec2 vUv;

    void main() {
        mainImage(gl_FragColor, vUv * iResolution.xy);

export {

3、 Effect comparison



