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Apache Doris just "graduated": why should we pay attention to this kind of SQL data warehouse?

2022-07-07 15:57:00 Ink Sky Wheel

translator : Bugatti

Doris It's based on SQL Large scale parallel processing (MPP) Open source analysis data warehouse , is Apache Incubator(Apache The incubator ) Development . Now? ,Doris Among the top projects , According to the Apache Software foundation (ASF) claim , It means “ It has proved that proper autonomy can be achieved ”.

The data warehouse recently ushered in a version 1.0, This is its eighth version developed in the incubator ( Six more Connector edition ). It is designed to support online analytical processing (OLAP) The workload , Usually used in data science scenarios .

Doris Original name Palo, Born in Baidu, a Chinese Internet search giant , It is the data warehouse system of its advertising business ,2017 In open source ,2018 in Apache The incubator .

Doris Rooted in Apache Impala and Google Mesa

According to the Apache The software foundation claims ,Doris be based on Google Mesa and Apache Impala Integrate ,Apache Impala yes 2012 Open source developed in MPP SQL Query engine , be based on Google F1 The basis of .

Mesa stay 2014 It was designed as a highly scalable analytical data warehouse system around , It is used to store key measurement data related to Google's Internet advertising business .

According to Baidu and Apache The developers of the incubator claim ,Doris Provides a simple design architecture , At the same time, it provides high availability 、 reliability 、 Fault tolerance and scalability .

“ Easy to ( Development 、 Deploy and use ), And a single system to meet the needs of many data services , This is a Doris Two characteristics of ”,Apache The software foundation said in a statement , He added that the data warehouse supports multidimensional reports 、 User portrait 、 Ad hoc queries and real-time dashboards .

Doris Other features of include column storage 、 Parallel execution 、 Vectorization Technology 、 Query optimization 、ANSI SQL, And by facing Apache Flink、Apache Hive、Apache Hudi、Apache Iceberg、Apache Spark、 Elasticsearch And the connectors of other systems are integrated with the big data ecosystem .

Usage of open source databases is expected to grow

The usage of enterprise level open source databases is expected to grow . Consultancy, Gartner stay 《2019 In open source DBMS Market conditions 》 The report predicts , To 2022 end of the year , exceed 70% The new internal application will be in the open source database management system (OSDBMS) Or based on OSDBMS Database platform as a service (dbPaaS) On the development .

Besides , As data surges and enterprises increasingly need real-time analysis , A simple large-scale parallel processing open source database has become the current need .

Ventana Research Director of research David Menninger say :“ As the volume of data continues to grow ,MPP Database has become the only practical way to process data fast enough or low enough to meet the needs of the organization .”

Cloud Architecture has inspired organizations to MPP Database interest

Menninger Express , Push MPP Other trends in database development are the relatively inexpensive cloud based server instances , These examples can be used as MPP Part of the configuration , Therefore, the organization does not need to purchase and install the physical hardware used by these systems .

Menninger Think Doris There is great hope , Although there are many MPP The database is optional , Some of them are open source , But in fact, there is no open source MPP MySQL Alternatives .

“MySQL Itself and the MariaDB Has been extended , It can support a larger analysis workload , But they were originally designed for transaction processing ”,Menninger say , He added that open source can be used PostreSQL database Greenplum as well as Google BigQuery、Amazon RedShift and Microsoft Synapse And other super large-scale services are regarded as Doris competitors .

Besides ,Gartner Vice president of big data and pre analysis research Sanjeev Mohan Express , Can also be ClickHouse、Apache Druid and Apache Pinot As a competitor .

According to the Apache The foundation claims , Use Doris There may be many advantages , For example, simple architecture and faster query time .

Doris One of the simple reasons is , It does not rely on multiple components to complete class management 、 Tasks such as synchronization and communication . Fast query time can be attributed to vectorization , This method allows programs or algorithms to operate on multiple values at once rather than a single value .

According to the Apache The developers of the foundation claim , Another benefit of this data warehouse is Doris Ultra high concurrency support , This means that it can simultaneously process processing data proposed by thousands of users 、 Request for insight from the database .

Because most organizations allow their employees to access data , So that they can use data to gain insight , Not only executives can enjoy analytical tools , Nowadays, the demand for high concurrency has increased .

Source of the article :https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1737572791176015816&wfr=spider&for=pc


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