如今,使用markdownBlogging has become mainstream,而Typora作为markdownmainstream tools,广受大众好评,This article tells fromTyporaThe installation to Express will beTyporaWrite the blog post and upload it to the blog garden
Typora以前都是免费的,It has been charged since last year(不过也能理解,Really useful after all),Here is the free version for you(免安装,下载即可使用),大家可以自行下载,点击下载
TyporaThe default themes are as follows:
If you want to add more themes, you can go thereTypora主题官网Choose your favorite theme to download
- 点击下载:
- 打开偏好设置:
- 打开主题文件夹:
- Unzip the downloaded theme file,并将其中的cssThe file is copied to th3步的主题文件夹中
- 点击Typora主页的主题You can see that the introduction has been successful
- 如果你觉得Typora默认字体太小,Or want to change the font color,Follow the third step above to enter主题文件夹
Because the system default theme isgithub,So open isgithub.css文件,If you have changed the theme,Open the corresponding themecss文件即可,Here is an example of the style of the code block,找到code样式位置,Modify the relevant content according to personal needs
加粗 | Ctrl + B |
撤销 | Ctrl + Z |
字体倾斜 | Ctrl+I |
下划线 | Ctrl+U |
Switch to source code | Ctrl+/ |
多级标题 | Ctrl + 1~6 |
有序列表 | Ctrl + Shift + [ |
无序列表 | Ctrl + Shift + ] |
降级快捷键 | Tab |
升级快捷键 | Shift + Tab |
插入链接 | Ctrl + K |
插入公式 | Ctrl + Shift + M |
行内代码 | Ctrl + Shift + K |
插入图片 | Ctrl + Shift + I |
返回Typora顶部 | Ctrl+Home |
返回Typora底部 | Ctrl+End |
创建表格 | Ctrl+T |
选中某句话 | Ctrl+L |
选中某个单词 | Ctrl+D |
选中相同格式的文字 | Ctrl+E |
搜索 | Ctrl+F |
搜索并替换 | Ctrl+H |
删除线 | Alt+Shift+5 |
引用 | Ctrl+Shift+Q |
Here for everyoneMarkDownTemplate for basic syntax,帮助大家快速上手Typora:点击下载
- 以上就是关于TyporaAn introduction to some basic usage,在使用TyporaThere will be a problem in the process of grasping,If you need to insert pictures in the blog,默认Typorais to store pictures in a local folder,So when blogging in Blog Garden,The image in the blog post cannot be displayed because the real address cannot be read,So we need to link the image somewhere,从而解决该问题.
- 方法一:使用Typora+PicGo+第三方图床,There are paid and free map beds,Summarize a few commonly used ones:
专业,快速,There is free storage space.But free domain names have expiration dates,After the expiration, you need to register the domain name yourself...
专业,快速,Storage space is cheap,一年9块钱40G.But downlink traffic requires additional charges...
免费.But not a professional picture bed,国内访问速度太慢...
免费,快速.But not a professional picture bed,There is a risk of anti-leech,For example, the WeChat browser cannot be openedgitee的图,giteeOfficially, it is forbidden to use it as a picture bed...
- 方法二:使用EasyBlogImageForTypora,图片即时同步到博客网站,无需第三方图床,写完可直接粘贴.支持网络图片上传.
本程序基于.net core 3.1开发,支持在win-x64,mac osx-x64系统运行,免安装.linux暂时不考虑,如果有需要再说.程序的上传服务是使用MetaWebBlog API,MetaWebBlog API(MWA)是一个Blog程序的接口标准,理论上支持MetaWebBlog API标准的博客网站,都可以使用本程序来上传图片,你只需要在程序中配置一下你的博客基本信息即可.目前我自己测试通过的有博客园、开源中国(oschina);CSDN的接口貌似不能用了.
- 下载:https://www.jianguoyun.com/p/DWhqIY4Q5sDoChi1hNAEIAA
- 参数配置:
注意:“Your blog password”填写为MetaWeblog访问令牌而不是博客园登录密码,因为博客园6.21更新,MetaWeblogPassword login is not currently supported,An access token is required(access token)登录,Set the page in the backend of the blog,允许MetaWeblog博客客户端访问,下方有MetaWeblog访问令牌 ,点击查看,创建访问令牌.
After filling in the above information, the parameter configuration is completed,If you need to modify the parameters later,重新双击运行exe即可
- Typora进入偏好设置-图像,选择插入图片时上传图片.上传服务选择Custom command,自定义命令填写EasyBlogImageForTypora所在路径,我这里是D:\EasyBlogImageForTypora\EasyBlogImageForTypora.exe
- 配置完成后点击验证图片上传选项:
- If the above result is displayed, the configuration is successful,External links will be automatically generated when inserting pictures in the future,Just write the gripmdAll files are copied and pasted into the new essay,Then click upload
使用Typora+EasyBlogImageForTypora写博客,More articles about uploading pictures quickly without a picture bed
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