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Expert Insights | 3 ways to seize innovation opportunities in a downturn
2022-08-02 07:19:00 【Runwise Innovation Consulting】
The recession is often as创新者Significant innovation provides the chance.May be introduced game-changing products or simple、Affordable solution or a good time to take bold strategy.The recession usually associated with资源稀缺Forcing innovators do what they should do:谨慎优化、Redesigned in order to reduce the cost、Master the wise experiment,And with the other party to create to manage创新风险.
Feel as a cycle recession continue strengthening outbreak.如果是这样,Slowed innovation will?并非如此.历史表明,Every recession for innovators created three specific innovation opportunities.
1. 改变游戏规则的产品
拥有Radical product或服务的初创公司Can from boosting the major events in the recession“回响”起来.例如,Airbnb 是一个提供“The home stay facility and amusement”的在线市场,它成立于 2008 In the worst of the recession.Its service attracted seeking cheap way to travel and thrifty millennials,Uber sharing a car model is so.
2008年全球金融危机后,Mistrust of the traditional financial services continued,This stimulated the new payment provider.例如Jack Dorsey于2009年创立了Square(后来名为Block),The financial services start-up company is famous for its square white credit card reader.DorseyAlso help to create a twitter,他反驳道:“There is no better time than a depression or recession to start a new company or new idea.”“There are a lot of people need to really creative to create something new.” When he reviews the experience stress.
沃尔特·迪斯尼 (Walt Disney) 于 1923 His eponymous company was founded in,When the world urgently need hope.
There are reasons to expect need alternative sources of energy to deal with climate change and reduce dependence on geopolitical、Improve food safety and more reliable supply chain to attract today创业活力.
2. It's simpler and cheaper解决方案
The economic downturn is likely to be a good time to launch products,These products and the cash-strapped consumers or due to the uncertainty of continuous natural thrifty consumers to connect.
After the second world war 1948 年至 1949 年间,In the post-war boom before the recession.1948 年,The McDonald brothers fired all their yard,Shut down their flagship store,Install the new equipment,And after three months in a novel method of preparing food to reopen.McDonald's does not make a skilled chef to custom order,But simplified the menu,So that people with lower skills can again and again for the same things.When consumer is driving,McDonald's all menu items can be single hand to eat.
This is Henry Ford's assembly line method used in food service.The two brothers will be referred to as the model“Speedee 服务系统”.It makes the hiring and firing cook easier,And make McDonald's can lower the price and prepare food faster.新的商业模式开始起飞.1953 年,The company began its store franchise to other entrepreneurs.1954 年,Franchise owners ray·克罗克(Ray Kroc)Bought the brothers,And expanded it to today's global giants to McDonald's.
3. Bold strategic move
For established companies,The downturn is likely to be a good time to make huge changes.Shantanu Narayan 于 2007 As the end of the year Adobe 的首席执行官.这家拥有 25 Years history of the company seems to be in trouble,Photoshop 和 PageMaker 等The stagnation of the product不前.Agile software as a service (SaaS) 竞争对手不断涌现.2008The impact of the global financial crisis and even the most powerful challenge existing company.
面对这些挑战,Narayen And his team took a bold转型策略.为了生存,AdobeThe risk decision,From the transition to the cloud based company based on license.自AdobeFaith of cloud services leap since,The company has gradually turned away from licensing software model based on cloud subscription service.Today the company through three subscription-based model completely in digital media operations——Creative Cloud、Document Cloud和Marketing Cloud.
AdobeFive years after the digital transition,The company's share price rose by more than twice as likely to,Overall revenue growth from single digits to double-digit.同样,根据麦肯锡的数据,主营业务收入从2011年的19%攀升至2015年占总收入的70%.In the last fiscal year(2020年),Adobe实现了128.7亿美元的开创性年收入,同比增长15%.Become the most successful in the past ten years数字化转型One of the benchmark.
这三种创新增长Way to experts from innovation Scott D. Anthony在 2009 年出版的《一线希望》一书中的研究.The title of the book not only mentioned the chance.It mentions the fact that,That is usually accompanied by economic recession and to资源稀缺Forced innovators to do what they should do:
Portfolio optimization innovation
Take a closer look at your创新组合中有什么.减少至少 50%.Your resources need to be focused on the biggest impact on can place.You cut down many of the project is likely to be“僵尸”,They will drag their feet,Absorb from the organization innovation life.Kill zombies.This is a not regret——You should have done,You need to do now.
Design with again降低成本
Take the customer as the center should be cut costs to the core part of.毕竟,Before you can define more what it means,You can't get twice the result with half the effort.This means that understand the customer(员工、利益相关者、渠道合作伙伴)要完成的工作.
Embrace the experiment drive方法
The experiment has never been so simple,This makes become more important in an appropriate discipline experiment.As an outstanding scientist,从一个假设开始.Designing a goal-oriented experiment.Predict what do you think will happen.You can measure and assess your prediction method for testing.You can never be sure,So please remember acronyms HOPE(假设、目标、预测、执行计划).
Share share innovation
People think that success创业创新Is to seek the risk.那是不对的.Successful entrepreneurs through as widely as possible to share the risk to skillfully manage risk.现在,Companies should embrace more than ever开放式创新And find a clever way of cooperation.
In the never-ending changes impact,Leader is easy to freeze and focus on survival.不要冻结.Grab a glimmer of hope,Find a unique opportunity,The uncertainty of today become tomorrow's chance.
原文链接:专家见解|The downturn to grasp the innovation opportunity 3 大方法
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