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Actual battle of financial risk control - under Feature Engineering
2022-07-02 02:33:00 【Grateful_ Dead424】
feature selection
- Remove low variance features (Removing features with low variance)
- Univariate feature selection (Univariate feature selection)
- Recursive feature elimination (Recursive Feature Elimination)
- Use SelectFromModel Select features (Feature selection using SelectFromModel)
- Integrate the feature selection process into pipeline (Feature selection as part of a pipeline)
After data preprocessing , We need to select meaningful feature input machine learning algorithm and model for training .
Be careful : Generally, feature screening is not done before feature derivation , In addition to the variables with too many missing values, which are useless .
Generally speaking , Feature selection from two aspects :
Is the feature divergent
If a feature does not diverge , For example, variance is close to 0, That is to say, there is no difference between the samples in this feature , This feature is not useful for distinguishing samples .( Note that after the normalization process )
Correlation between features and objectives
This is obvious , Features highly relevant to the target , It should be preferred that . In addition to removing the low variance method , According to the form of feature selection, feature selection methods can be divided into 3 Kind of :
- Filter: Filtration method , Rate each feature by divergence or correlation , Set the threshold or the number of thresholds to be selected , Select features .
- Wrapper: Packaging method , According to the objective function ( It's usually a prediction score ), Select several features at a time , Or exclude some features , See whether the effect of the model is improved .
- Embedded: Embedding method , First use some machine learning algorithms and models for training , Get the weight coefficient of each feature , Select features from large to small coefficients . Be similar to Filter Method , But it's training that determines the quality of a feature .(= The importance of judging characteristics of digital analog random forest )
Feature selection has two main purposes :
- Reduce the number of features 、 Dimension reduction , Make model generalization more powerful , Reduce overfitting ( The main way : Rough box 、 Screening variables );
- Enhance understanding between features and eigenvalues .
Get the data set , A feature selection method , It is often difficult to achieve both ends at the same time . Usually , Choose one of the most familiar or convenient feature selection methods ( Often the purpose is to reduce dimension , While ignoring the purpose of understanding features and data ). Next we'll combine Scikit-learn The examples provided introduce several common feature selection methods , Their respective advantages, disadvantages and problems .
(1) Remove low variance features (Removing features with low variance)
Suppose that the eigenvalue of a feature is only 0 and 1, And in all the input samples ,95% The characteristic values of the instances of are 1, Then it can be considered that this feature has little effect . If 100% All are 1, Then this feature doesn't make sense . This method can only be used when the eigenvalues are discrete variables , If it's a continuous variable , You need to discretize continuous variables before you can use . And actually , It's not very likely to have 95% All of the above characteristics exist with a certain value , So this method is simple, but not easy to use . It can be used as a preprocessing for feature selection , First, remove the features with small value change , And then select the appropriate feature selection method from the next mentioned feature selection method for further feature selection .
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold
X = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1]])
sel = VarianceThreshold(threshold=(.8 * (1 - .8)))
#array([[0, 1],
# [1, 0],
# [0, 0],
# [1, 1],
# [1, 0],
# [1, 1]])
Sure enough , VarianceThreshold Removed the first column of features , The eigenvalue in the first column is 0 The probability of reaching 5/6.
(2) Univariate feature selection (Univariate feature selection)
The principle of univariate feature selection is to calculate a statistical index of each variable separately , Judge which variables are important according to the index , Eliminate those unimportant variables .
For the classification problem (y discrete ), May adopt :
- Chi square test
- f_classif
- mutual_info_classif
- Mutual information
For the return question (y continuity ), May adopt :
- Pearson correlation coefficient
- f_regression,
- mutual_info_regression
- Maximum information coefficient
This method is relatively simple , Easy to run , Easy to understand , It's usually good for understanding data ( But for feature optimization 、 It's not necessarily effective to improve generalization ability ).
- SelectKBest Remove the score before k All features except the first name ( take top k)
- SelectPercentile Remove features that score after the user specified percentage ( take top k%)
- Use a general univariate statistical test for each feature : False positive rate (false positive rate) SelectFpr, False discovery rate (false discovery rate) SelectFdr, Or family error rate SelectFwe.
- GenericUnivariateSelect Different strategies can be set for single variable feature selection . At the same time, different selection strategies can also use super parameter optimization , So that we can find the best single variable feature selection strategy .
The methods based on F-test estimate the degree of linear dependency between two random variables. (F The test is used to evaluate the linear correlation between two random variables ) On the other hand, mutual information methods can capture any kind of statistical dependency, but being nonparametric, they require more samples for accurate estimation. ( On the other hand , The mutual information approach can capture any type of statistical dependency , But as a nonparametric method , More samples are needed to estimate accurately )
chi-square (Chi2) test ( and IV The value is almost )
The classical chi square test is to test the correlation between qualitative independent variable and qualitative dependent variable ( The correlation between discrete and discrete variables ). such as , We can test the sample once chi2 Test to select the best two features :
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest
from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2
iris = load_iris()
X, y = iris.data, iris.target
X_new = SelectKBest(chi2, k=2).fit_transform(X, y)
#(150, 4)
#(150, 2)
Pearson The correlation coefficient (Pearson Correlation)
Pearson correlation coefficient is one of the simplest , Methods to help understand the relationship between features and response variables , This method measures the linear correlation between variables , The value range of the result is [-1,1],-1 It means a complete negative correlation ,+1 It means complete positive correlation ,0 No linear correlation
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
size = 300
x = np.random.normal(0, 1, size)
""" pearsonr(x, y) The input of is the characteristic matrix and the target vector , Be able to calculate the correlation coefficient and p-value. """
print("Lower noise", pearsonr(x, x + np.random.normal(0, 1, size)))
print("Higher noise", pearsonr(x, x + np.random.normal(0, 10, size)))
""" The differences of variables before and after adding noise are compared . When the noise is low , There's a strong correlation ,p-value Very low """
""" Use Pearson The correlation coefficient is mainly to see the correlation between features , Not between and the dependent variable . """
#Lower noise (0.7182483686213834, 7.324017313000586e-49)
#Higher noise (0.05796429207933808, 0.3170099388532581)
Recursive feature elimination (Recursive Feature Elimination)
The recursive elimination feature method uses a base model for multiple rounds of training , After each round of training , Remove some features of weight coefficients , Next training based on the new feature set .
A prediction model with weights for features ( for example , The linear model corresponds to parameters coefficients),RFE Feature selection by reducing the size of the feature set investigated recursively . First , The prediction model is trained on the original features , Each feature is assigned a weight . after , Those features with the least absolute weight are kicked out of the feature set ( Did woe You can't judge like that , Did woe Weight does not indicate importance ). So back and forth , Until the number of remaining features reaches the required number of features .
RFECV By means of cross validation RFE, To choose the best number of features : For a quantity of d Of feature Set , The number of all his subsets is 2 Of d The power minus 1( Contains empty sets ). Specify an external learning algorithm , such as SVM And so on. . The algorithm is used to calculate the sum of all subsets validation error. choice error The smallest subset as the selected feature .
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
rf = RandomForestClassifier()
rfe = RFE(estimator=rf, n_features_to_select=3)
X_rfe = rfe.fit_transform(X,y)
#(150, 3)
Use SelectFromModel Select features (Feature selection using SelectFromModel)
be based on L1 Feature selection of (L1-based feature selection)
Use L1 Linear model with norm as penalty term (Linear models) Will get sparse relief : The coefficients corresponding to most features are 0. When you want to reduce the dimension of features for other classifiers , Can pass feature_selection.SelectFromModel To choose not to 0 The coefficient of .
Sparse prediction models commonly used for this purpose are linear_model.Lasso( Return to ),linear_model.Logistic Regression and svm.LinearSVC( classification )
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFromModel
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
lsvc = LinearSVC(C=0.01, penalty="l1", dual=False).fit(X,y) #dual: Boolean value . The default is False. If it is equal to True, Then solve its dual form .
model = SelectFromModel(lsvc, prefit=True) #prefit : Boolean , The default is False, Is it a trained model , If it is False If so, first fit, Again transform.
X_embed = model.transform(X)
#(150, 3)
The actual business
First, let's review what problems we will encounter in our business model .
- The effect of the model is not good : There is a problem with the probability data
- The training set works well , Cross time testing ( Generally, the test sample is the of training data 1/10) The result is bad : The distribution of test data is different from that of training data , It indicates that there is a problem with the selected characteristic variable and the fluctuation is relatively large , View, analyze and compare the characteristic variables of fluctuations
The effect of cross time test is also good , After going online, the effect is not good : There is something wrong with the logic of offline and online variables , Offline feature information may contain future variables - After going online, the effect is good , After a few weeks, the score distribution began to decline : It shows that the effect of the model is not good , It shows that one or two variables have poor effect across time
- It's stable for a month or two , Suddenly the score distribution plummeted : It may be external factors , For example, some operations of the operation department or national policies lead to
- No obvious problem , But the model gradually fails every month
Then let's consider what variables the business needs .
- Variables must contribute to the model , In other words, it must be able to distinguish the customer group
- Logistic regression requires linear independence between variables
- The logistic regression Scorecard also expects the variables to show a monotonic trend ( Partly for business reasons , But from a model point of view , Monotonic variables are not necessarily better than variables with turning points )
- The distribution of the customer group on each variable is stable , Distribution migration is inevitable , But it can't fluctuate too much
Therefore, we find several methods that best fit the current use scenario from the above methods .
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df_train = pd.read_csv('/Users/zhucan/Desktop/ Financial risk control practice / Lesson 3 materials /train.csv')
1) The importance of variables
- IV value
- Chi square test
- Model filtering
Here we use IV Value or model filtering a little more
IV In fact, in the WOE Add an item before .
- p y i = y i y T p_{y_i}=\frac{y_i}{y_T} pyi=yTyi
- p n i = n i n T p_{n_i}=\frac{n_i}{n_T} pni=nTni
- w o e i = l n ( p y i p n i ) woe_i = ln(\frac{p_{y_i}}{p_{n_i}}) woei=ln(pnipyi)
- i v i = ( p y i − p n i ) × w o e i iv_i = (p_{y_i} - p_{n_i}) \times woe_i ivi=(pyi−pni)×woei
Finally, we just need to put the iv Add up and you get the total iv value :
I V = ∑ i v i IV = \sum iv_i IV=∑ivi
a = 0.4
b = 0.6
iv = (a - b) * math.log(a / b)
Separate boxes 、WOE、IV
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
def mono_bin(Y,X,n=20):
good = Y.sum()
bad = Y.count()-good
while np.abs(r)< 1:
d3['iv']=(d3['rate']/(1-d3['rate']) - (good/bad)) * np.log((d3['rate']/(1-d3['rate']))/(good/bad))
return d4
mono_bin(df_train["label"],df_train["Age"],n = 20)
Or the importance of the output characteristics of the integrated model :
#lightGBM The importance of features in
feature = pd.DataFrame(
'name' : model.booster_.feature_name(),
'importance' : model.feature_importances_
}).sort_values(by = ['importance'],ascending = False)
2) Collinearity
- The correlation coefficient COR
- Coefficient of variance expansion VIF
When making many models based on the idea of spatial division , We must pay attention to the correlation between variables . When we look at the two variables alone, we will use the Pearson correlation coefficient .
import seaborn as sns
np.random.seed(sum(map(ord, "distributions")))
# Draw pairs of relationships in the dataset
sns.pairplot(df_train) # On the diagonal is a one-dimensional distribution
In multiple regression , We can calculate the variance expansion coefficient VIF To test whether there is a serious multicollinearity problem in the regression model . Definition :
V I F = 1 1 − R i 2 VIF = \frac{1}{1-R_{i}^2} VIF=1−Ri21
among , R i R_i Ri Independent variable The negative correlation coefficient of regression analysis for other independent variables . The coefficient of variance expansion is the tolerance 1 − R 2 1-R^2 1−R2 Reciprocal .
Coefficient of variance expansion VIF The bigger it is , It shows that the greater the possibility of collinearity between independent variables . In general , If the variance expansion factor exceeds 10, Then the regression model has serious multicollinearity . According to Hair(1995) Collinearity diagnostic criteria , When the tolerance of the independent variable is greater than 0.1, The coefficient of variance expansion is less than 10 The range of is acceptable , It shows that there is no collinearity problem between independent variables .
3) monotonicity
- bivar chart
# Equal frequency segmentation
df_train.loc[:,'fare_qcut'] = pd.qcut(df_train['Fare'], 10)
df_train = df_train.sort_values('Fare')
alist = list(set(df_train['fare_qcut']))
badrate = {
for x in alist:
a = df_train[df_train.fare_qcut == x]
bad = a[a.label == 1]['label'].count()
good = a[a.label == 0]['label'].count()
badrate[x] = bad/(bad+good)
f = zip(badrate.keys(),badrate.values())
f = sorted(f,key = lambda x : x[1],reverse = True )
badrate = pd.DataFrame(f)
badrate.columns = pd.Series(['cut','badrate'])
badrate = badrate.sort_values('cut')
# cut badrate
#9 (-0.001, 7.55] 0.141304
#6 (7.55, 7.854] 0.298851
#8 (7.854, 8.05] 0.179245
#7 (8.05, 10.5] 0.230769
#3 (10.5, 14.454] 0.428571
#4 (14.454, 21.679] 0.420455
#2 (21.679, 27.0] 0.516854
#5 (27.0, 39.688] 0.373626
#1 (39.688, 77.958] 0.528090
#0 (77.958, 512.329] 0.758621
def binn(x):
if x <10.5:
return 0
elif x <39.688:
return 1
return 2
df_train["fare_cut_new"] = df_train.Fare.map(lambda x:binn(x))
df_train = df_train.sort_values('Fare')
alist = list(set(df_train['fare_cut_new']))
badrate = {
for x in alist:
a = df_train[df_train.fare_cut_new == x]
bad = a[a.label == 1]['label'].count()
good = a[a.label == 0]['label'].count()
badrate[x] = bad/(bad+good)
f = zip(badrate.keys(),badrate.values())
f = sorted(f,key = lambda x : x[1],reverse = True )
badrate = pd.DataFrame(f)
badrate.columns = pd.Series(['cut','badrate'])
badrate = badrate.sort_values('cut')
4) stability
- Cross test across time
Cross test across time
Is to cut the sample according to the month , Train the model once as a training set and a test set , Take the intersection between the variables entering the model , But beware of collinear features !
(1) The first month as a test set , The next eleven months as a training set , Training models , Importance of output variables
(2) The second month as a test set , The remaining 11 months are used as a training set , Training models , Importance of output variables
(12) The last month as a test set , The remaining 11 months are used as a training set , Training models , Importance of output variables
(13) intersect
- You don't need to enter the model every time , Most of them are just
- First remove the collinearity ( That's why we also remove collinearity in the integration model )
Population stability index (population stability index)
The formula :
P S I = ∑ ( real Occasion Occupy Than − pre period Occupy Than ) ∗ ln ( real Occasion Occupy Than pre period Occupy Than ) PSI = \sum{( The actual proportion - Expected proportion )*{\ln(\frac{ The actual proportion }{ Expected proportion })}} PSI=∑( real Occasion Occupy Than − pre period Occupy Than )∗ln( pre period Occupy Than real Occasion Occupy Than )
Examples from Zhihu :
For example, train one logistic The regression model , There will be a probability output when predicting p.
The output on your test set is set to p1 Well , Sort it from small to large 10 Equal division , Such as 0-0.1,0.1-0.2,….
Now you use this model to predict new samples , The prediction result is called p2, Press p1 The interval of is also divided into 10 Equal division .
The actual percentage is p2 The proportion of users in each interval on , The expected percentage is p1 Proportion of users in each section of the .
The point is that if the model is stable , that p1 and p2 The users in each interval on the should be similar , The proportion will not change much , That is, the predicted probability will not vary greatly .
It is generally believed psi Less than 0.1 The stability of the model is very high ,0.1-0.25 commonly , Greater than 0.25 The stability of the model is poor , It is recommended to redo .
def var_PSI(dev_data, val_data):
dev_cnt, val_cnt = sum(dev_data), sum(val_data)
if dev_cnt * val_cnt == 0:
return None
PSI = 0
for i in range(len(dev_data)):
dev_ratio = dev_data[i] / dev_cnt
val_ratio = val_data[i] / val_cnt + 1e-10
psi = (dev_ratio - val_ratio) * math.log(dev_ratio/val_ratio)
PSI += psi
return PSI
Note that the number of bins will affect the of variables PSI value .
PSI It's not just about models , It's the same for variables . You only need to calculate the data across time boxes PSI that will do .
excel Calculation PSI
PSI Criteria
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