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MySQL 8.0.29 set and modify the default password
2022-07-30 21:36:00 【front end cry】
MySQL 8.0.29 set and modify default password
*Change password:
When logging in, an error was reported because you did not set the initial password of root.
The password is stored in encrypted form in the authentication_string field in the user table in the mysql database.
Reference link:
Do not change the password by
sudo mysql -u root -p
to log in directly.
Modification steps:
Modify mysqld.cnf
sudo vim /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
*You can use code without vim.
Add to this fileThe command "skip -grant-tables"
allows you to log in without entering a password.
Restart mysql
service mysql restart// Similarly, there are alsoservice mysql startservice mysql stop
Login to mysql
mysql -u root -p
You will be prompted for a password, but you won't need to enter it to log in.
Modify user table
use mysql ;update user set authentication_string='' where user='root';//Modify the password property to empty.
The plugin field of root is
Remember flush privileges;
update user set plugin='mysql_native_password' where user='root';
Change it to
ALTER user 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'whq2242';
- The password can now be changed.
Comment out the one added in mysqld.cnf and restart mysql
You can log in normally.
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