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STM32 Personal Notes - Watchdog
2022-08-01 09:48:00 【Couvrir wild beast】
Part of the notes are from the public account of "STM32 Embedded Development".
Early MCUs did not have a watchdog, which could easily cause some products to crash and fail to restart.To avoid this problem, later MCUs inherit the function of watchdog internally.
There are two kinds of watchdogs, which are used in different fields.Two watchdogs: independent watchdog and window watchdog.
Independent Watchdog
It is known from the RCC clock tree that the LSI drives the independent watchdog.Remains active even in the event of a master clock transmission failure.
IWDG is most suitable for those occasions where the watchdog needs to be used as an outside of the main program, can work completely independently, and requires less time precision.
Free running down counter.
Clocked by independent RC oscillator (can operate in standby and stop modes).
A reset occurs when the down counter value reaches 0x000 (if the watchdog is activated).
Window watchdog
The reason why it is called a window is because the dog feeding time is within a range with upper and lower limits. You can set the upper limit time and lower limit time by setting the time register: the dog feeding time cannot be too early or too late..
A programmable down counter.
Conditions to trigger chip reset:
The down counter has not been updated for a certain period of time -- commonly known as feeding the dog.
Not updated within the specified time frame---------------It's too early to feed the dog, the dog is not hungry yet.
Watchdog Reset Early Warning Interrupt -- Gives the application a chance to update the down counter (feed the dog) before the chip resets.
The upper limit window of the window watchdog is the configuration register WWDG_CFG: W[6:0], and the lower limit window is fixed 0x40.
A reset occurs when the window watchdog counter is outside the upper limit window or outside the lower limit window.
The upper limit window is set by WWDG_CFG:W[6:0], the maximum is 0x7F, which is 127.The minimum is 0x40, which is 64.So the value range is 0x40~0x7F, that is, 64~127.
Configuration register WWDG_CFG: WDGTB[1:0] sets the clock frequency division factor for the counter, determines the time range that the counter can time, and thus determines the time range of the window.
The clock of the window watchdog comes from PCLK1, and its frequency is 36M in the clock configuration.Then, the WWDG timeout period can be calculated by the above timeout formula.
Condition comparison:
Characteristic comparison:
Similar points
Different points
The difference between the two:
The independent watchdog has no interrupts, and the windowed watchdog has interrupts.
The independent watchdog is divided into hardware and software, and the window watchdog can only be controlled by software.
Independent watchdog has only lower limit, window watchdog has lower limit and upper limit.
The independent watchdog is 12-bit decremented, and the windowed watchdog is 7-bit decremented.
The independent watchdog uses the internal RC oscillator of about 40kHz, and the window watchdog uses the system clock APB1.
The independent watchdog has no interrupt function. As long as the value of the counter is reloaded before the counter decreases to 0 (lower limit), no reset will be generated.
Be careful when the watchdog and an external reset IC exist at the same time, the external circuit may prevent the watchdog from being reset.
The window watchdog has an interrupt. The function of this interrupt is to generate an interrupt when the counter reaches the lower limit of 0x40, allowing you to feed the dog.If the dog is not fed, the system reset will be generated when the value of the counter becomes 0x3f.Even if you feed the dog, you should feed the dog quickly in the interrupt, or the counter will decrease by 1 after a long time and it will become 0x3f to reset.
The window watchdog also has an upper limit value, the counter can only be loaded if the counter value is between the upper limit value and the lower limit value, otherwise a system reset will be generated.When the upper limit value is smaller than the lower limit value, it is meaningless.
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