对于 CDN 这个东西,相信大家都有耳闻,Feel both strange and familiar with.Recent understanding about CDN,这才发现原来 CDN 如此重要!Today with everyone science once CDN 是什么,And why CDN,最后再讲一下 CDN 的工作过程!
要理解 CDN 这件事情,We have to first understand the browser sends a request what is the process of,其整体过程如下图所示.
- User input in a browser to access the website domain name.
- 浏览器向本地 DNS Server requests on the interpretation of domain name.
- 如果本地 DNS Server has a domain name analytical results,The direct response to a user request,返回该域名对应的 IP 地址.
- 如果本地 DNS Server is not domain name analytic results,So will recursively to DNS 系统请求解析,Then the results back to the user.
- The browser after get DNS results,In fact is the domain name corresponding IP 地址.
- Then the browser to the server request content.
- The server will user request content returned to the browser.
Through such complicated steps,The user can see the page content.但实际上,在第 6、7 These two steps,Which is passed between a very complicated process.In order to more clearly describe,We can this process can be divided into 3 个主要节点,如下图所示.
The web server through the public network export,Again through long-distance backbone,At last, by the user's wide broadband cats to the user's LAN,Finally reach the user's computer browser.A long-distance backbone transmission is the most time consuming,It takes the web server's room、骨干网、Users are man、Where the user access, etc,The physical transmission distance is very far away. 在这种情况下,If the transmission of data is very much,Access to user particularly big,Then there will be a very long delay,影响用户体验.同时,Every request data needs to be after a long data transfer,For long-distance backbone,Are a burden.
Just say this scene,Very image of a example is rob tickets during the Spring Festival scene.When we Spring Festival rob tickets,We will be landing 12306 网站,Website must have a lot of image resources.At this time could have at the same time 1 Billions of people,At the same time to request the same photo.If we are in accordance with the above process to request a image data,那么将会产生 1 One hundred million times of network data transmission,This is a disaster for our entire country's Internet infrastructure!
但事实情况是:12306 Seemingly did not hang up!
So they are how to solve the problem?答案就是:CDN!
什么是 CDN ?
其实 CDN Is the meaning of the content delivery network,其英文全称为 Content Delivery Network.简单地说,CDN The user can get data exist in advance the nearest data node,To avoid long trek through long-distance backbone,Backbone network burden reduced finally、The purpose of improve the access speed. According to our above scenario,如果没有 CDN 的话,Every request need to be exported from the web server through public、Long-distance backbone、Users access to LAN,最终到达浏览器.但是当有了 CDN 之后,May become like this:
When the browser requests the image data,会先去 CDN Caching server to obtain.如果获取到数据,那么就直接返回.Otherwise will only after a long backbone,To the web server to obtain image data.So as long as we advance in CDN The cache server to upload pictures,Then we can greatly reduce network traffic,At the same time reduce the network delay.
From above, we may feel:It is in the middle of the long-distance backbone network and the user LAN,Add a server.But in fact is not true,CDN In fact also shorten the distance of the requested data.We know that the user's position is likely to be all over the country,In order to reduce network transmission delay as much as possible,Generally in closer from the user place Settings CDN 缓存服务器,例如:在华南、华北、华东、Southwest set a master CDN 服务器,So that each region of the user can directly request the corresponding CDN 服务器,Without the need to run back and forth more than half a Chinese,极大地提高了效率!因此,When we say the content delivery network,Mind should have a picture like the following:遍布全国各地的 CDN 缓存服务器,Formed our content delivery network.Every user request to the nearest CDN 服务器请求数据,Thus greatly improve the access speed.
CDN 工作原理
到了这里,相信大家都知道 CDN 是什么了.但实际上 CDN 是如何与 DNS 结合起来的,There are still a little complicated.加入了 CDN 之后,The browser web request becomes as shown in the figure below case.
- Browser launch pictures URL 请求,经过本地 DNS 解析,To the right of domain name resolution to the domain name CNAME 指向的 CDN 专用 DNS 服务器.
- CDN 的 DNS 服务器将 CDN 的全局负载均衡设备 IP 地址返回给浏览器.
- 浏览器向 CDN Global load balancing devices URL 请求.
- CDN 全局负载均衡设备根据用户 IP 地址,As well as the user requests URL,选择一台用户所属区域的区域负载均衡设备,向其发起请求.
- Regional load balancing device for the user to choose the most appropriate CDN 缓存服务器(The basis of considering include:服务器负载情况,From the user's distance, etc),And return to the global load balancing device.
- Global load balance equipment will be selected CDN 缓存服务器 IP 地址返回给用户.
- 用户向 CDN 缓存服务器发起请求,缓存服务器响应用户请求,Will eventually what users need I returned to the browser.
使用 CDN 服务的网站,Only need the right of domain name resolution to the CDN 服务商,Then upload the contents of the need to distribute to CDN,就可以实现内容加速了!
这么看下来,其实 CDN 内容分发网络,Is essentially a bunch of all over in every corner of the globe cache server.通过与 DNS 的配合,Find the closest to the user a CDN 缓存服务器,Then the data distributed to users quickly.通过 CDN 技术,We not only to reduce the overall backbone traffic burden,还提高了用户的体验,真是一举两得啊!
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