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DNS domain name resolution
2022-07-02 02:05:00 【Hadron's blog】
One , Domain name service
1, What is the DNS
DNS DNS is a core service of the Internet , It is used to IP A distributed database with address mapping , Make it easier for people to access the Internet , Instead of remembering what can be read directly by the machine IP Number string . The global 13 platform DNS Root server distribution : The United States VeriSign company 2 platform Network management organization IANA(Internet Assigned Number Authority) 1 platform European network management organization RIPE-NCC(Resource IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre) 1 platform The United States PSINet company 1 platform The United States ISI(Information Sciences Institute) 1 platform The United States ISC(Internet Software Consortium) 1 platform University of Maryland (University of Maryland) 1 platform NASA (NASA) 1 platform Us department of defense 1 platform U.S. Army Research Institute 1 platform The Norwegian NORDUnet 1 platform Japan WIDE(Widely Integrated Distributed Environments) Research plan 1 platform “ All over the world 13 platform ( this 13 The name of the root DNS server is “A” to “M”),1 Primary root servers in the United States . rest 12 Secondary root servers , among 9 One in America , The European 2 individual , Located in the UK and Sweden , Asia 1 In Japan
2,DNS The role of
Forward analysis : Search for the corresponding IP Address Reverse DNS : according to IP Address to find the corresponding domain name ( Anti spam verification )
3,DNS Protocol and port number used
DNS The default port of is 53, Ports are divided into TCP and UDPTCP For area transfer , Mostly used for master-slave synchronization
In a district DNS The server reads the data file of this area DNS Data and information , And auxiliary DNS The server is from the master of the zone DNS The server reads the DNS Data and information .
UDP Used to do DNS analysis
domain name : Usually a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) identification .FQDN Full name Fully Qualified Domain Name , It can accurately express its relative to DNS The location of the root of the domain tree , That is to say, node to DNS The complete expression of tree roots , Reverse writing from node to root , And use “.” Separate , about DNS Domain google Come on , Its fully official domain name (FQDN) by google.com. for example ,google by com A subdomain of a domain , Its expression is google.com, and www by google A subdomain in a domain , have access to www.google.com. Express .
4, Domain name composition
1 http://www.sina.com.cn./
2 http:// host . Subdomain . The secondary domain . Top-level domain Root region /
- 1.
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5,DNS Domain name resolution process
Forward analysis :FQDN--------IP( One to many )------ Forward parsing is generally used Reverse DNS :IP------------FQDN FQDN:(Fully Qualified Domain Name) Fully qualified domain name : Name with both host name and domain name . From the information contained in the fully qualified domain name, we can see the location of the host in the domain name tree .
1. Forward parsing process :
1) First query the local cache records ; 2) Inquire about hosts file ; 3) Inquire about dns Domain name server , hand dns Domain name server processing 4) This dns The server may be a local domain name server , There is also a cache , If there is a direct return result , If there is no , Go to the next step 【 client --- Local dns The server : It belongs to recursive query 】
5) Help the root domain server , The root domain server returns the top-level domain server that may know the result , Let him find the top-level domain server 6) Help the top-level domain server , The top-level domain server returns the secondary domain server that may know the result , Let him find the secondary domain server 7) Turn to the secondary domain server , The secondary domain server found that it is my host , Find out IP The address is returned to the local domain name server 8) The local domain name server logs the results to the cache , Then put the domain name and IP The corresponding relationship is returned to the client 【 Local dns The server ---- Extranet : It belongs to iterative query 】
2. Two ways to query
1) recursive query
DNS The server received a client request , You must reply to the client with an accurate query result ; if DNS The server does not store queries locally DNS Information , The server will ask other servers , And return the query results to the client 【 After the client sends the request , Just wait for the result , The specific process in the middle is left to the server 】
2) Iterative query ( Heavy guidance )
When the client sends a query request ,DNS The server does not reply directly to the query results , Instead, tell the client another DNS Server address ; The client is here DNS The server submits the request , Loop back and forth until the result of the query is returned 【 The client's request needs to be queried one by one to get the result , When the server has no results, it will only give you the address of other servers , Instead of asking for your inquiry 】
Sum up :
Recursive query , There are only two results returned : Iterative query is also called re guidance , The best query point or host address is returned .
【windows System query dns Cache command :ipconfig /displaydnswindows System cleanup dns Cache command :ipconfig /flushdnslinux clear dns Cache needs to be installed nscd Software , start-up 、 perform nscd -i hosts】
6, Domain name Architecture
1)DNS Distributed Internet parsing library
root . Root domain name DNS The server :
Located at the top of the domain name space , Usually use one “.” Express ; Responsible for root domain name
Class A DNS The server ( Top-level domain ):
Responsible for first level domain name resolution ( A type of organization or country )
.com( Business circles Enterprises ) .net( Network providers ) .edu( educational services ) .cn( Chinese national domain name ) .org( Group organizations ) .gov ( Government sector )
- 1.
second level DNS The server :
Specify a specific organization within the top-level domain , The secondary domain names under the national top-level domain are managed by the national network department ; Responsible for secondary domain name resolution
The secondary domain name set under the top-level domain name : .com.cn .net.cn .edu.cn
- 1.
subdomain DNS The server : Also known as tertiary domain name Organizations or users are free to apply for their own domain names
2) Domain name Architecture
All domain names must end with a dot :www.qq.com. www.baidu.com
Root domain name (.)
First level domain name :.cn( China ) .kr( South Korea ) .jp( Japan ) .hk( Hong Kong ).uk( The British )
Two level domain name :.com.cn( Chinese business organizations ) edu.cn( educational services ) .org.cn( uncommercially ) .net.cn( Chinese operators )
Three level domain name :sina.com.cn nb.com.cn haixi.com.cn .........
Organizational domain :.com .org .net .CC
National domain :.cn .tw( Taiwan ) .hk( Hong Kong ) .iq .ir .jp( Japan )
Reverse domain
The copyright belongs to the author : come from 51CTO The original work of the blogger's angry code , Please contact the author for permission to reprint , Otherwise, the legal liability will be investigated
DNS Domain name resolution
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common : It's domestic mobile 、 Common to China Telecom and China Unicom DNS yes GOOGLE Provided by the company DNS, The address is universal and Alibaba cloud DNS Nanjing, jiangsu province ( China Telecom ) The preferred DNS by : spare DNS by :
Two ,DNS Server type
1) Primary domain server :
Responsible for maintaining all domain name information of a region , It's the authoritative source of all the information in a given place , Data can be modified . When building the primary domain name server , It is necessary to establish the address data file of the responsible area .
2) From the domain name server :
When the primary DNS server fails 、 When closed or overloaded , Provide domain name resolution services from the domain name server as a backup service . The resolution results provided from the domain name server are not determined by yourself , But from the main domain name server . When building a slave domain name server , You need to specify the location of the primary domain name server , So that the server can automatically synchronize the address database of the region .
3) Cache domain name server :
Only provide the caching function of domain name resolution results , The purpose is to improve the query speed and efficiency , But there is no domain name database . It obtains the results of each domain name server query from a remote server , And put it in the cache , Use it to respond to future queries for the same information . The cache domain name server is not an authoritative server , Because all the information provided is indirect . When building a cached domain name server , You must set the root domain or specify another DNS Server as the source of resolution .
4) Forward DNS :
Responsible for local query of all non local domain names . After receiving the query request, the forwarding domain name server , Find... In its cache , If it cannot be found, forward the request to the specified domain name server in turn , Until you find the result , Otherwise, the result that cannot be mapped is returned .
Improve cluster speed :host Configure the hostname in the file +IP Address
BIND The software package is as follows
bind-9.9.4-37.el7.x86_64.rpm // Provides the main procedures and related documents of domain name service .
bind-utils-9.9.4-37.el7.x86_64.rpm // Provide for the right to DNS Server test tool program , Such as nslookup etc.
bind-libs-9.9.4-37.el7.x86_64.rpm // Provides bind、bind-utils Library functions to be used .
bind-chroot-9.9.4-37.el7.x86_64.rpm // by BIND The service provides a disguised root directory ( take /var/named/chroot/ Folder As BIND Root directory of the service ), To improve security .
To configure :
install bind software package
yum install bind -y ( Network source or CD must be mounted ) or rpm -ivh The premise is to mount the CD ( System disk ISO Mirror image )
Modify the main configuration file
vim /etc/named.conf
options {
listen-on port 53 {; }; ● monitor 53 port ,ip Address uses the local where the service is provided IP, Also available any Express all
#listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; }; #ipv6 Lines can be commented out or deleted if they are not used
directory undefined/var/namedundefined; # The default storage location of area data file
dump- file undefined/var/named/data/cache_dump.dbundefined; # Location of domain name cache database file
statistics-file undefined/var/named/data/named stats.txtundefined; # The location of the status statistics file
memstatistics-file undefined/var/named/data/named mem stats.txtundefined; # Location of memory statistics file
allow-query {;; };● Allow to use this DNS The network segment of the resolution service , Also available any On behalf of all
zone undefined.undefined IN {# Forward analysis “.undefined Root area
type hint;# The type is the root region
file undefinednamed.caundefined;# The area data file is named.ca,# Recorded 13 The domain name of the root domain server and IP Address and other information
include undefined/etc/named. rfc1912. zonesundefined; # Contains all the configurations in the zone configuration file
Configure forward zone data file
cd /var/ named/
cp -p named.localhost ceshi.com.zone # Keep the permissions of the source file and the properties of the owner
vim /var/named/ceshi.com.zone
$TTL 1D # The lifetime of valid resolution records
@ in SOA ceshi.com. admin.ceshi.com. ( #“@undefined The symbol represents the current DNS Area name
0 ; serial # Update serial number , It can be 10 Integers within bits
1D ; refresh # Refresh time , The interval between re downloading address data
1H ; retry # Retry delay , Retry interval after download failure
1W ; expire # Failure time , If you still can't download after this time, give up #
3H) ; minimum # Invalid lifetime records for resolution ,
NS ceshi.com. # Record the current area of DNS Name of the server
A # Recording host IP Address
IN MX 10 mail.ceshi.com. #MX Record for mail exchange , The higher the number, the lower the priority
www IN A # Record forward resolution www.ceshi.com Corresponding IP
mail IN A #MX Record for mail exchange , The higher the number, the lower the priority
ftp IN CNAME www #CNAME Use the alias ,ftp yes www Another name for
* IN A # Pan domain name resolution ,“*undefined Represents any host name
Start the service , Turn off firewall
systemctl start named
systemctl stop firewalld
setenforce 0
# If the service fails to start , You can view the log file to troubleshoot errors
tail -f /var/log/messages
Add... In the domain name resolution configuration file of the client DNS Server address
vi /etc/resolv .conf
# The modification will take effect immediately
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33
# After modification, you need to restart the network card
test DNS analysis
host www.ceshi.com
nslookup www.ceshi.com
Reverse DNS
vim /etc/named.rfc1912.zones
// The reverse is 10.168.192
zone undefined10.168.192.in-addr.arpaundefined IN {
type master;
file undefinedceshi.com.zone.localundefined; // Specify the data file for reverse parsing , It can also be the same as the forward parsing data file
allow-update { none; };
cd /var/named/
cp -p ceshi.com.zone ceshi.com.zone.local
$TTL 1D # The lifetime of valid resolution records , The default unit is seconds
@ IN SOA ceshi.com. admin.ceshi.com. ( #SOA Mark 、 Domain name and administrator email ,@ The variable represents the domain name
0 ; serial # Update serial number ,10 Numbers within digits , For master-slave synchronization , The value of the master server should be greater than that of the slave server, otherwise it cannot be synchronized
1D ; refresh # Refresh time
1H ; retry # Retry refresh interval
1W ; expire # Failure time , After that time, give up
3H ) ; minimum # Invalid lifetime records for resolution
NS ceshi.com.
100 IN PTR www.ceshi.com.
200 IN PTR mail.ceshi.com.
# 20 yes It means
# PTR Reverse pointer function : Reverse DNS
systemctl restart named //rndc reload You can also reload the configuration file
// The domain name will be resolved in reverse www.ceshi.com
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