当前位置:网站首页>wpf wrapPanel居中并从左到右排列
wpf wrapPanel居中并从左到右排列
2022-07-31 05:09:00 【JOJOL1N】
public class AlignableWrapPanel : Panel
/// <summary>
/// 注册新的属性 HorizontalContentAlignment
/// </summary>
public HorizontalAlignment HorizontalContentAlignment
get { return (HorizontalAlignment)GetValue(HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty); }
set { SetValue(HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(HorizontalAlignment.Left, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsArrange));
/// <summary>
/// panel尺寸的计算
/// </summary>
/// <param name="constraint"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
Size curLineSize = new Size();
Size panelSize = new Size();
UIElementCollection children = base.InternalChildren;
for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
UIElement child = children[i] as UIElement;
// 更新子元素在容器中的尺寸
Size sz = child.DesiredSize;
if (curLineSize.Width + sz.Width > constraint.Width)
panelSize.Width = Math.Max(curLineSize.Width, panelSize.Width);
panelSize.Height += curLineSize.Height;
curLineSize = sz;
if (sz.Width > constraint.Width)
panelSize.Width = Math.Max(sz.Width, panelSize.Width);
panelSize.Height += sz.Height;
curLineSize = new Size();
else //不需要换行时,也继续加一行
curLineSize.Width += sz.Width;
curLineSize.Height = Math.Max(sz.Height, curLineSize.Height);
// 最后一行的尺寸
panelSize.Width = Math.Max(curLineSize.Width, panelSize.Width);
panelSize.Height += curLineSize.Height;
return panelSize;
/// <summary>
/// 换行的方法
/// </summary>
/// <param name="arrangeBounds"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeBounds)
int firstInLine = 0;
Size curLineSize = new Size();
double accumulatedHeight = 0;
UIElementCollection children = this.InternalChildren;
for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
Size sz = children[i].DesiredSize;
if (curLineSize.Width + sz.Width > arrangeBounds.Width)
ArrangeLine(accumulatedHeight, curLineSize, arrangeBounds.Width, firstInLine, i);
accumulatedHeight += curLineSize.Height;
curLineSize = sz;
if (sz.Width > arrangeBounds.Width)
ArrangeLine(accumulatedHeight, sz, arrangeBounds.Width, i, ++i);
accumulatedHeight += sz.Height;
curLineSize = new Size();
firstInLine = i;
curLineSize.Width += sz.Width;
curLineSize.Height = Math.Max(sz.Height, curLineSize.Height);
if (firstInLine < children.Count)
ArrangeLine(accumulatedHeight, curLineSize, arrangeBounds.Width, firstInLine, children.Count);
return arrangeBounds;
/// <summary>
/// 行中item的排列方式
/// </summary>
/// <param name="y"></param>
/// <param name="lineSize"></param>
/// <param name="boundsWidth"></param>
/// <param name="start"></param>
/// <param name="end"></param>
private void ArrangeLine(double y, Size lineSize, double boundsWidth, int start, int end)
var children = InternalChildren;
var x = 0D;
if (HorizontalContentAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Center)
x = 0D;
for (var i = start; i < end; i++)
var child = children[i];
double itemWidth;
itemWidth = child.DesiredSize.Width;
child.Arrange(new Rect(x, y, itemWidth, lineSize.Height));
x += itemWidth;
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