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Unity mobile game performance optimization series: performance tuning for the CPU side
2022-07-31 05:04:00 【Clank's Game Stack】
When working on mobile game development,Frequent performance issues with mobile games,Performance issues in mobile games can have many facets,今天我们从CPUFrom the perspective of tuning, we will introduce the commonly usedCPUSome experience and means of tuning.These experiences and means are likely to change over time and with changes in the environment,specific or to the actual,Identify performance issues first,more specific means.接下来我们从CPUFrom the perspective of performance tuning, we can summarizeUnityMobile game development requires attention and optimizationCPU的一些点.we put mobile gamesCPUTuning is divided into several modules,List some experiences of each module,供大家参考.模块如下:
(1) 渲染模块;
(2) 物理模块;
(3) Animation Modules and Particle Systems;
(4) 逻辑代码优化;
Rendering module tuning
Rendering modules are performance giants in game development,First, it is recommended to enable multi-threaded rendering mode,在Unity项目中Project Setting里面默认开启了Multithreaded Rendering的,It is recommended that you do not change.In a single-threaded rendering process,every frame of the game,call the component firstUpdate, Do a lot of logical operations, etc.,Finally, make a rendering-related instruction call.如果是单线程,it needs to be on the main threadmain threadInside to submit the operation graphics card,In the process, it is easy to generate the main thread waiting for the state of the external device to be ready, etc.,Frame rate drops due to stuttering.while there may be otherCPU核心处于空闲状态,So in order to take advantage of multi-core on mobile phones,We can do this part with multithreading,that is usstats里面的render thread, 让其它的CPUcore to handle this,Rather than the main thread, etc. In the above.For games with multithreaded rendering enabled,还会有Gfx.WaitForPresent,等待渲染完成,If this function is very time consuming,说明了,目前GPUwork pressure,At this time, it is necessary to consider optimizingGPU相关的内容.
影响渲染CPUThe essence of execution efficiency is two things,One is the number of rendered faces(Triangle), One is the number of render commits(Drawcall).In this part, many developers will fall into a so-called standard”How many faces are suitable for a model on a mobile phone??”This question doesn't really make any sense,Need to combine your own game to test.different space-time backgrounds,The game play is not the same as the results are different.Half of our practice is to test on the models of our target customers.在我们的ShaderAfter confirming the effect,How many surfaces can our target customer's model run on?.Then we combine the gameplay,where are these noodles.For example, our faces are allocated more at close distances.,Distribute less at long distances.More important protagonists are allocated,No less important object surface distribution.也可以通过LODTool to reduce model face count on low-end phones.Drawcall大家比较熟悉了,There is a dynamic batch,静态合批,SRP Batcher合批,GPU Instancing合批,For details, please refer to the tutorial《Unity 如何优化Drawcall》.Another thing that is overlooked by many is thatSet Pass Call开销,在这个过程中,第一次加载ShaderIt is easy to cause instant lag.Shader.CreateGPUProgram, Solution is running wellShader缓存,避免瞬间CPU卡顿.
Another problem that is easily overlooked in rendering is thatculling, When there are more cameras in a game scenecullingThe proportion may be higher.In addition, if there are many small objects in the scene,也可能会导致cullingtime-consuming,Consider dynamically loading block display,考虑使用Culling Group、Culling Distance来进行优化.Also note that occlusion culling is turned onOcclusion Culling带来的开销.We turn on occlusion cullingOcclusion Culling,Really reduces the stress of rendering,but also increasedCPU的计算,如果发现Occlusion Culling,when performance bottlenecks,Finally, it needs to be turned on and off to weigh the pros and cons.同时Culling中有FinalizeUpdateRendererBoundingVolumesfunction is too high,Description Now the bounding box of the object is constantly updated during the game running,这个时候,可能需要检查一下,哪些Skinned MeshOr particles cause constant updating of bounding boxes,看能否避免.
在UGUI的优化中,主要是检查UIWhether the logical response function of the occupancy is too high,At the same time, the non-event responseUIElement removal option”Raycast Target”, This way you don't have to use eachUIelement to detect if the user hasUI操作,减少EventSystem.Update()耗时开销.每个Canvas会调用BuildBatch为UI元素合并的Mesh.一旦UIElement initiates movement,This will causeBuildBatch, Merging process are processed in other threads,If the consumption of the merge is too large,will cause the main thread to initiate a wait.This is where we can divide static objects into oneCanvas,Dynamic objects are assigned to oneCanvas,这样,It can reduce the difficulty of merging and the cost of merging.UGUIPay attention to a few points during the use of:
(1)同一Canvas下的UI元素才能合批.不同Canvas即使Order in Layer相同也不合批;
(2)Use atlases as much as possible,让UI DrawcallMerger is possible;
(3)在同一Canvas下、且材质和图集一致的前提下,Try to render the nodes of the same atlas together,avoid disruptiondrawcall合批;
(4)将相关UI的Pos Z尽量统一设置为0,Z值不为0的UI元素只能与Hierarchy中相邻元素尝试合批,所以容易打断合批.
(5)对于Alpha为0的Image,需要勾选其CanvasRender组件上的Cull Transparent Mesh选项,否则依然会产生DrawCall且容易打断合批.
Finally, selecting the appropriate rendering pipeline and strategy is also the key to rendering performance and effects.,比如使用URPDo real-time lighting, etc..
Physical Module Tuning
Projects that do not use a physics engine,We can turn off the physics engineAuto Simulation, If you do not use radiographic testing, etc.,Physical ray detection can also be turned off(Auto Sync Transform).Physics engine iteration,主要是在FixedUpdateto iterate the physical worldUpdate,如果FixedUpdateThe higher the frequency of calls,then the higher the number of physical iterations,更新越频繁.Iterative parameter settings for the physics engine,如图 1.1-1:
Fixed Timestep: 独立于帧率,Carried out in accordance with the fixed time interval iteration,The physics engine is based on it,迭代;
Maximum Allowed Timestep: maximum time step allowed, The time cost of physical calculation,Exceeding this value is not allowed,Limits the maximum time for physics calculations in a single frame, 所以这个值越小,The number of iterations may be less.
The number of iterations and overhead of the physics engine can be adjusted by adjusting these two values.由于FixedUpdateIterations are framerate independent,所以不要在FixedUpdateToo much complicated logic is written in it.Finally controls the number of rigid bodies in the physics engine,This is combined with your own project to make settings,Replace performance check colliders with better performance colliders.
Animation Modules and Particle Systems
使用新版的Mechanic动画系统AnimatorControl animations instead of traditionalLegacy的Animation控制动画.Functional benefits such as humanoid animation will not be mentioned.,Animation with skeletal animation and more curves in performance,使用Animator的性能是要比Animation要好,因为Animator是支持多线程计算的, Animator还可以通过开启Optimized GameObjects进行优化.So animation controlAnimator比Animation要高效一些.Another is that the animation is executed at every vertex at every frame.Bake出来,Use the method of space for time to do a good job,适合MOBA、SLGThe small soldiers in the specific can refer to《Thousands of battle scene optimization》教程.
控制Active Animator的一个方法是针对每个动画组件调整合理的Animator.CullingMode设置.This setting has three options:
AlwaysAnimate:Whether the current object is inside the viewport or not,或者在视域体被LOD Culling掉了,Animator的所有东西都仍然更新;其中,UI动画一定要选AlwaysAnimate,不然会出现异常表现.
CullUpdateTransforms: 当物体不在视域体内,或者被LOD Culling掉后,逻辑继续更新,就表示状态机是更新的,动画资源中连线的条件等等也都是会更新和判断的;但是Transform这些显示层的更新就不做了.Under the premise of not affecting the effect, try to set some animation components toCullUpdateTransforms可以节省物体不可见时动画模块的显示层耗时.
AnimatorAnother important sign is thatApply Root Motion,If the animation does not shift,do not enable this option,Turning on may cause animationsAnimator.ApplyBuiltinRootMotion开销过高.
当我们Active/Deactive一个AnimatorWhen component objects,会导致Animator.Initialize函数的调用,When it is detected that this overhead is relatively large,Can move it off screen,比如关闭Animator组件,scale = 0,而代替activie/deactive.
Meshskinning.Update和Animators.WriteJob网格资源对于动画模块耗时的影响是十分显著的.一方面,Meshskinning.Update耗时较高时.主要因素为蒙皮网格的骨骼数和面片数偏高,所以可以针对网格资源进行减面和LOD分级.另一方面,默认设置下,我们经常发现很多项目中角色的骨骼节点的Transform一直都是在场景中存在的,这样在Native层计算完它们的Transform后,会回传给C#层,从而产生一定的耗时.在场景中角色数量较多,骨骼节点的回传会产生一定的开销,体现在动画模块的主函数之一PreLateUpdate.DirectorUpdateAnimationEnd的Animators.WriteJob子函数上.Can consider to check theFBX资源中Rig页签下的Optimize Game Objects设置项,将骨骼节点“隐藏”,从而减少这部分的耗时.
Particle system overhead is related to the number of particle systems andPlayingThe number of states of the particle system is related to.前者是指内存中所有的ParticleSystem的总数量(包含正在播放的和处于缓存池中的);后者指的是正在播放的ParticleSystem组件的数量(Both on-screen and off-screen),针对这两个数值,我们一方面关注粒子系统数量峰值是否偏高,可选中某一峰值帧查看到底是哪些粒子系统缓存着、是否都合理、是否有过度缓存的现象;另一方面关注Playing数量峰值是否偏高,可选中某一峰值帧查看到底是哪些粒子系统在播放、是否都合理、是否能做些制作上的优化.You can consider controlling the number of these particles on the bottom machine,Or simply turn off particle effects to make the game smoother,Specifically, it can be operated and thought from this perspective.
Logic code tuning
There is nothing to say about the logic code writing,Usually pay attention to some habits of developing code,avoidednew 对象导致的GC等,Improve the time and space complexity of the algorithm,用空间换时间,用时间换空间,Multi-threading to take advantage of multi-core, 做好代码review.Be specific with your own project to do the corresponding processing.
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