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51 MCU peripherals: DS18B20
2022-08-02 06:20:00 【The road not brook brook】
测温范围:-55°C 到 +125°C
单总线(1-Wire BUS)是由Dallas公司开发的一种通用数据总线:
- 内置集成ADC,外部数字接口
- 单总线数字接口,布线成本低
- 温度范围宽、精确率高(相对)
- Numeric value temperature resolution digits can be software Settings
- 温度阈值报警功能,且阈值可内置存储掉电不丢失
- Temperature acquisition speed(750ms)
- 内置唯一64位序列码,CPUCan be single series an unlimited number ofDS18B20
- 支持VDD供电,或通过数据总线及内部电容实现寄生电源供电
DS18B20The things I was many years ago
Now tend to temperature+The humidity of the integrated sensor
Real application general low-end thermistor、热电偶,High-end with precision sensor
Learning is important and difficult of single bus protocol sequence programming to realize注意18B20Direct reading absolute temperature don't need a reference point.
- First of all to clear up your system is a single point or multi-point
- DS18B20规定总线上的数据是LSB的(A byte started with lowest transmission)
- Single bus hardware connection request:漏极开路式+5K欧姆的上拉电阻(See the figure above)
- Bus low level more than480us,From the device will be reset
1-WireThe bus system is a main equipment control of one or more from the device.DS18B20Is always a from the device.当总线上只有一个从设备时,此系统被称为“单节点”系统;When the bus have more than one connection from the device,This system is called“多节点”系统.
1-WireOn the bus to send and receive all the commands or data are in compliance with the principles of low send first.
Single bus protocol standard step
The host must be set according to single bus agreement complete sequence andDS18B20通信,Each round consists of3个步骤:初始化+ROM操作指令+Function instructions.Order can't wrong can't omit any one.
DS18B20自己本身不会主动去进行温度测量,But need to masterCPU主动发起一个温度转换的过程,这么设计是因为温度转换本身是要耗电的,所以设计为平时待机等待温度转换命令后才去进行温度AD转换.
主控CPU和DS18B20之间的通信是分周期的,譬如我们要让DS18B20进行温度转换就是一个周期.This cycle includes an initialization+N个命令.(每个周期的开始都要有一个初始化,然后跟着N个命令)初始化过程主要是探测目标DS18B20是否存在,若存在将芯片初始化.
如果系统中只有一个18B20,那么就用一条skip rom命令(0xCC)就可以跳过这个阶段.功能指令
ROM操作指令目的是为了在单总线上多个18B20中挑选到那个当前我们要操作的18B20,Function and instructions are for and selected18B20通信从而获取温度.初始化:
初始化就是:The main equipment down data bus more than before480usTo send a reset pulse,Then from the deviceDS18B20After receiving the reset pulse internal hardware reset,Reset reply after the completion of the main equipment exist a pulse,Main equipment received after pulse is considered from the device is ready to,初始化完成.(Make sure the equipment exists)
When the bus master device detected exist after pulse,就可以执行ROM命令.These commands are unique for each equipment64位ROMCode to operate,When connected with multiple devices on the bus,Can through these commands to identify each equipment.These commands at the same time can also make the main equipment to determine how many what types of devices on the bus or have a temperature alarm device.总共包含有5种ROM命令,The length of each command is8 Bit.The main equipment in the executionDS18B20Function must perform an appropriate command beforeROM命令.(To find the specific equipment)
When the bus master device throughROMThe command to determine whichDS18B20Able to communicate,The main equipment to one of theDS18B20Send function command.These commands to get the winner equipment can beDS18B20Temporary register write or read data,Initialization temperature conversion and define the power supply mode.(具体的操作)
DS18B20Using the rigorous1-WireBus communication protocols to ensure the integrity of the data.This agreement to define multiple signal form:复位脉冲,存在脉冲,写0,写1,读0,读1.The main equipment to perform all other signal in addition to the existing pulse.
与DS18B20All communication is made by initialization sequence start,The sequence including reset pulse from the main equipment and fromDS18B20响应的存在脉冲组成.当DS18B20响应复位信号的存在脉冲后,则其向主设备表明其在该总线上,并且已经做好操作命令.
在初始化序列期间,总线上的主设备通过拉低1-WireThe bus than480us来发送(TX)复位脉冲.之后主设备释放总线而进入接收模式(RX).当总线释放后,5kΩ左右的上拉电阻将1-Wire总线拉至高电平.当DS18B20检测到该上升边沿信号后,其等待15us至60us后通过将1-Wire总线拉低60us至240us来实现发送一个存在脉冲.
The main equipment by writing time toDS18B20中写入数据,By reading session fromDS18B20中读取数据.1-WireBus read and write every time can only send a bit of data.
写时段有两种情况:“写1”时段和“写0”时段.主设备通过写1时段来向DS18B20中写入逻辑1以及通过写0时段来向DS18B20中写入逻辑0.Each write time minimum must have60usBetween duration and independent writing time at least1us的恢复时间.Write two times is the main equipment by1-WireInitialized bus down to.
Only during the reading timeDS18B20才能向主设备传送数据.因此,The main equipment in the execution完读暂存寄存器[BEh]Or read power supply mode[B4h]后,Must be generated in a timely manner to read time,这样DS18B20To provide the required data.此外,The main equipment to the execution of the transformation temperature[44h]或拷贝EEPROM[B8h]Command generated after reading time,以便获得DS18B20Function of the command operation information.
每个读时段最小必须有60usBetween duration and independent writing time at least1us的恢复时间.Reading session by main equipment will bus pulled low over1us再释放总线来实现初始化.当主设备初始化完读时段后,DS18B20将会向总线发送0或者1.DS18B20通过将总线拉至高来发送逻辑1,将总线拉至低来发送逻辑0.当发送完0后,DS18B20将会释放总线,则通过上拉电阻该总线将会恢复到高电平的闲置状态.从DS18B20The data output from the only after the initialization sequence read15us的有效时间.因此,主设备在开始改读时段后的15us之内必须释放总线,并且对总线进行采样.
#include "ds18b20.h" #include "uart.h" #include <intrins.h> /******* 延时函数 *******************/ void delay750us(void) //误差 -0.217013888889us { unsigned char a,b; for(b=198;b>0;b--) for(a=2;a>0;a--); } void delay15us(void) //误差 -0.894097222222us { unsigned char a; for(a=4;a>0;a--); } void delay70us(void) //误差 -0.555555555556us { unsigned char a,b; for(b=1;b>0;b--) for(a=28;a>0;a--); } void delay45us(void) //误差 -0.512152777778us { unsigned char a; for(a=18;a>0;a--); } void delay1ms(void) //误差 -0.651041666667us { unsigned char a,b; for(b=4;b>0;b--) for(a=113;a>0;a--); } void delay750ms(void) //误差 -0.000000000183us { unsigned char a,b,c; for(c=147;c>0;c--) for(b=127;b>0;b--) for(a=17;a>0;a--); _nop_(); //if Keil,require use intrins.h } /****** 低层时序 *********************************************/ // 返回0则表示初始化成功,返回1则表示初始化失败 unsigned char Ds18b20Init(void) { unsigned char i = 0; DATA = 0; //将总线拉低480us~960us delay750us(); // 实际延时750us,符合480-960之间的条件 DATA = 1; //然后拉高总线,如果DS18B20做出反应会将在15us~60us后总线拉低 i = 0; while (DATA) //等待DS18B20拉低总线 { i++; if(i>5)//等待>5MS { return 1;//初始化失败 } delay15us(); } return 0;//初始化成功 } void Ds18b20WriteByte(unsigned char dat) { unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; for (j=0; j<8; j++) { DATA = 0; //每写入一位数据之前先把总线拉低1us i++; DATA = dat & 0x01; //然后写入一个数据,从最低位开始 delay70us(); // Timing requirements at least60us DATA = 1; //然后释放总线,至少1us给总线恢复时间才能接着写入第二个数值 dat >>= 1; } } unsigned char Ds18b20ReadByte() { unsigned char byte = 0, bi = 0; unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; for (j=8; j>0; j--) { DATA = 0; //先将总线拉低1us i++; DATA = 1; //然后释放总线 i++; i++; //延时6us等待数据稳定 bi = DATA; //读取数据,从最低位开始读取 /*将byte左移一位,然后与上右移7位后的bi,注意移动之后移掉那位补0.*/ byte = (byte >> 1) | (bi << 7); //byte |= (bi << (8-j)); delay45us(); } return byte; } /*************** 高层时序 *************************************/ void Ds18b20ChangTemp(void) { Ds18b20Init(); delay1ms(); Ds18b20WriteByte(0xcc); //跳过ROM操作命令 Ds18b20WriteByte(0x44); //温度转换命令 delay750ms(); //等待转换成功,而如果你是一直刷着的话,就不用这个延时了 } void Ds18b20ReadTempCom(void) { Ds18b20Init(); delay1ms(); Ds18b20WriteByte(0xcc); //跳过ROM操作命令 Ds18b20WriteByte(0xbe); //发送读取温度命令 } void Ds18b20ReadTemp2(void) { unsigned int temp = 0; unsigned char tmh, tml; double t = 0; Ds18b20ChangTemp(); //先写入转换命令 Ds18b20ReadTempCom(); //然后等待转换完后发送读取温度命令 tml = Ds18b20ReadByte(); //读取温度值共16位,先读低字节 tmh = Ds18b20ReadByte(); //再读高字节 // temp = tmh; // temp <<= 8; // temp |= tml; temp = tml | (tmh << 8); t = temp * 0.0625; uart_send_byte(0); uart_send_byte((unsigned char)t); return; } void Ds18b20ReadTemp(void) { unsigned int temp = 0; unsigned char tmh, tml; Ds18b20ChangTemp(); //先写入转换命令 Ds18b20ReadTempCom(); //然后等待转换完后发送读取温度命令 tml = Ds18b20ReadByte(); //读取温度值共16位,先读低字节 tmh = Ds18b20ReadByte(); //再读高字节 uart_send_byte(0); uart_send_byte(tml); uart_send_byte(tmh); return; }
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