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C language theory--a solid foundation for the written test and interview
2022-08-01 17:50:00 【little engineer】
volatile关键字告诉编译器,In addition to the variable can be changed by long whiskers,can also be changed by other agents.Used for hardware addresses and data shared by other programs running in parallel.
- For example, an address holds the current system time,No matter what program do,The value of this address will change over time.
- 还可以是:An address is used to receive information from other computers
- volatileCan facilitate compiler optimization.
int val1 = x;
int val2 = x;
The compiler notices that it is used twicex,without changing the value,他将xin a register,当val2需要x时,The value can be read from a register instead of the initial memory location to save time,This process is called caching(caching),.如果没有volatile关键字,The compiler may not be able to know whether such a change has occurred,因此,使用关键字volatileYou can make the compiler read the value from the initial memory location each time.
- A value can beconst和volatile.
- 如:The hardware clock is generally set so that it cannot be changed by the program,可以成为const.but it can be changed by an agent outside the program,因此可以成为volatile.The order in which the two qualifiers are added in the declaration does not matter.
- volatile const int loc;
- const volatile int * loc;
- only available for pointers,表明指针是访问一个数据对象的唯一且初始的方式.一般在使用malloc时使用.
- int * restrict restar = (int * )malloc(10 * sizeof(int));
- 指针restar是访问由mallocThe only and initial way to allocate memory.
- 应用场景:
- restartis the only initialized way to access the data block it points to,The compiler can then replace the include with a statement with the same effectrestar语句.(编译器优化)
- void * memcpy(void* restrict dest, const void * restrict src, size_t n); // #include<string.h>
- memcpy函数要求两个位置不重叠,把dest 和 src 声明为restrictmeans that each pointer is the only way to access the corresponding data,so they cannot access the same data block,This satisfies the requirement that there should be no overlap.
- strlen(name)获取的是字符串的长度(带‘\0’的长度,如"hello"的长度是6)
- 字符数组(element is a single character such as’A’… 没有’\0’结束符),字符串数组(如"AFB…",自带’\0’结束符)
- strcat() :代表string concatenation,Add a copy of the second string to the end of the first string,So the first string string as a new combination.
- strcmp():两者相同返回0,first string in alphabet(ASCII)order precedes the second string,则返回负数,Responsible for returning positive numbers,with the first string’\0’as a comparison end flag,if the first string is long,returns a positive number(The data of the first string and the data of the second string’\0’相比较的结果,‘\0’在ASCII中最小,any character must follow it,如strcmp(“hs”,“h”);此时’s’和’\0’Exit after comparison returns a positive number).如strcmp(“A”,“B”),返回的为-1;
Differences in string array initialization:
- char m3[] = “ADFG”; //When the program is loaded into memory,将"ADFG"from static storage(Data segment of executable file)拷贝到数组m3中.注意:is to copy the complete data into the array!
- char * m3 = “ADFG”; //程序开始执行时,Reserve a storage location,The address at which to store the string in this pointer traversal,pointer initialized to point to the first character of the string.注意:only assigns the address of the string.
- The difference is the pointer typem3You can use the auto-increment operator to traverse the data!
- If multiple programs 地方使用到了“ADFG”,那么通过指针m3Modifications affect all!,So pointer type initialization,If you don't need to modify the object later,最好采用const char * m3 = "ADFG"这种类型.
const char * mytal[3] = {“hello”,“ca”,“wunai”};const char mytal2[3][10] = {“hello”,“ca”,“wunai”};
- mytal是一个由3个指向chararray of pointers
- mytal是一个一维数组,Each element in the array ischar类型的地址
- mytal[0],points to the first character of the first string’h’对应的地址,即 * mytal[0] == ‘h’
- mytaldoes not store strings,just the address where the string is stored(Strings are stored in the part of memory that the program uses to store constants),可以把mytal[0]regarded as representing the first string,* mytal[0]表示第一个字符串的第一个字符,Due to the relationship between array conformance and pointers,也可以用 mytal[0][0]表示第一个字符串的第一个字符,Although not defined as a 2D array.
- mytal是存放3个地址,mytal2是存放3full character array.
递归优点:Provides the easiest solution to some programming problems
递归缺点:Recursive algorithms can quickly exhaust your computer's memory resources,Also recursive programs are hard to read and maintain
- 斐波那契数列
- 定义:The first and second numbers in the sequence are1,Each subsequent number is the sum of its previous two numbers(The first few numbers in the sequence are: 1、1、2、3、5、8…).
LinuxUse more inter-process communication methods:
- 管道(Pipe)及有名管道(named pipe)
- 信号(signal),在软件层次上对中断机制的一种模拟,是一种异步通信方式.
- 消息队列(message queue)
- 共享内存(shared memory),Multiple processes accessing the same memory space,Rely on synchronization mechanism:如互斥锁/信号量等
- 信号量(semaphore)
- 套接字(socket)
进程是一个抽象实体,when it performs a task,To allocate and release various resources
进程是资源分配的最小单元.The essential difference between it and the program is:
- 程序是静态的,It is an ordered set of instructions stored in the disk,没有任何执行的概念
- 进程是动态的,它是程序执行的过程,包括了动态创建、调度和消亡的整个过程
- is the smallest unit of program execution and resource management
- When the system is activated to execute an instruction,它将启动一个进程
线程:Were independent of process a running route,处理器调度的最小单元.线程可以对进程的内存空间和资源进行访问,并与同一进程中的其他线程共享.So the thread context switch overhead than creating process.
- 互斥锁,Suitable for use when resources that are available at the same time are unique
- 信号量.Suitable for multiple resources available at the same time
union型数据所占的空间等于其最大的成员所占的空间,对unionType members are accessed from an offset relative to the union base address of0开始,That is to say, access to the union,Whichever variable is fromunionstarts with the first address of,So size side of machineuniontype data impact.
大端(Big_endian)字数据的高字节存储在低地址中,The low byte of word data is stored in the high address.
Use union to detect big endian or little endian:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
union MyUnion
char a;
int b;
int main()
union MyUnion stu;
stu.b = 0; //First clear the union data0
stu.a = 1; // Then for small length bytes(低地址) 赋值, 判断b是否等于1,;assign backb,It is also possible to determine the value of the small byte(Whether the assignment is in the low byte).
cout << "stu: " << sizeof(stu) << "\t Addr stu: " << &stu << endl;
cout << "Num stu.a: " << (void *)stu.a << "\t Size stu.a: " << sizeof(stu.a) << "\t Addr stu.a: " << (void*)&stu.a << endl;
cout << "Num stu.b: " << (void *)stu.b << "\t Size stu.b: " << sizeof(stu.b) << "\t Addr stu.b: " << &stu.b << endl;
while (true)
return 0;
void* 指针
在函数的返回值中, void 是没有任何返回值, 而 void * 是返回任意类型的值的指针
- 1、void的作用
c语言中,void为“不确定类型”,不可以用void来声明变量.如:void a = 10;If such a statement occurs, the compiler will report an error:variable or field ‘a’ declared void.
在C语言中void 常常用于:Restrictions on Function Return Types and Restrictions on Function Parameters
(1)对函数返回类型的限定:When the function is don't need to return type must be usedvoid to qualify the return type,Restricts the return type of the function tovoidThe post function cannot have a return value;如:void fun(int a);
(2)对函数参数类型的限定:Must be used when the function is not allowed to accept parametersvoid to limit function parameters,Qualifies the parameter type of the function tovoidPost function cannot have parameters;如:int fun(void); - 2、在C语言中void *it's an interesting thing.
C语言中void * 为 “不确定类型指针”,void *can be used to declare pointers.如:void * a;
(1)void * 可以接受任何类型的赋值:
void * a = NULL;
int * b = NULL;
a = b;// a是void * 型指针,任何类型的指针都可以直接赋值给它,无需进行强制类型转换,我们可以认为void就是一张白纸,Can write on any type of value.
(2)void * 可以赋值给任何类型的变量 但是需要进行强制转换:
int * a = NULL ;
void * b ;
a = (int * )b;
但是有意思的是:void * 在转换为其他数据类型时,赋值给void * 的类型 和目标类型必须保持一致.简单点来说:void * 类型接受了int * 的赋值后 这个void * 不能转化为其他类型,必须转换为int * 类型;
void * memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t len);
void * memset ( void * buffer, int c, size_t num );
ostream为const signed char *、const unsigned char *、const char *、void *重载了<<操作符,因此,可以使用cout<<输出显示字符串;这个方法使用\0to determine whether to stop displaying characters.
If you want to display the address of the string,Since passing a pointer outputs the entire string,So cast it tovoid *Type can display the address of a string.
cout << "output and pointer*********************************************************************" << endl;
int eggs = 12;
const char* amount = "dozen";
cout << &eggs; // prints address of eggs variable
cout << amount; // prints the string "dozen"
cout << (void*)amount<<endl; // prints the address of the "dozen" string
- 对齐原则:
- 单字节(char)变量无需对齐,可放在任何位置
- 双字节(short)The starting address of the variable is2的倍数
- 4字节(int)The first address of the variable is4的倍数
- 8字节(double)The first address of the variable is8的倍数
- 检查计算出的存储单元是否为所有元素中最宽的元素的长度的整数倍,是,则结束;不是,则补齐为它的整数倍.
一个结构体变量定义完之后,Its storage in memory is not equal to the sum of the widths of its containing elements.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct MyStruct
char a;
int b;
double c;
int main()
struct MyStruct stu;
stu.a = 1;
stu.b = 2;
stu.c = 3;
cout << "stu: " << sizeof(stu) << "\t Addr stu: " << &stu << endl;
cout << "stu.a: " << sizeof(stu.a) << "\t Addr stu.a: " << &stu.a << endl;
cout << "stu.b: " << sizeof(stu.b) << "\t Addr stu.b: " << &stu.b << endl;
cout << "stu.c: " << sizeof(stu.c) << "\t Addr stu.c: " << &stu.c << endl; // 未知原因,发现此时c地址乱码(in the structure becomesc是char型时,coutconsidered as character,So the output is a string,但是没有\0The end character causes the output to be garbled)(解决方案:cout重载了很多类型,对于char *,it will be treated as’\0’end of the string to handle for conveniencecout输出.char a = 'c'Type and address are modified to:cout << (void *)&a << endl;)void指针可以指向任意类型的数据,就是说可以用任意类型的指针对void指针对void指针赋值..
printf("Addr stu.c: %0X\n",&stu.c); //In this way, you can seec地址.
while (true)
return 0;
经测试,会发现sizeof(S1)= 16,其值不等于sizeof(S1.a) = 1、sizeof(S1.b) = 4和 sizeof(S1.c) = 8三者之和,There is a storage alignment problem.
原则一:结构体中元素是按照定义顺序一个一个放到内存中去的,但并不是紧密排列的.从结构体存储starts with the first address of,每一个元素放置到内存中时,它都会think that memory is它自己的大小来划分的,因此元素放置的位置一定会在自己宽度的整数倍上开始(以结构体The first address of the variable is0计算).如图1所示,b(int)存储时,think that memory isint大小划分,then the address starts from0以4byte step size to calculate,获得此时bThe address is offset4字节的位置.
对CUnderstanding and Precautions for Memory Allocation and Use in Language
The stack area of the program is limited,Declaring local variables sometimes does not meet the required memory size,At this time, users need to allocate their own in the heap area.
注意事项:内存分配完后,Be sure to release it when you finish using it,避免内存泄漏;If there is a pointer to the allocated memory,内存释放后,also need to free the pointer,避免出现野指针.
- 进程和线程都是一个时间段的描述,是cpu工作时间段的描述.
- 线程在进程下进行(线程:车厢,进程:车头)
- 一个进程可以包含多个线程
- 不同进程间数据很难共享,进程间不会相互影响.但一个线程挂掉将导致整个进程挂掉
- 进程使用的内存地址可以上锁,即一个线程使用某些共享内存时,其他线程必须等它结束,才能使用这一块内存(toilet on the train)—“互斥锁”
- 进程使用的内存地址可以限定使用量(For example, a restaurant on a train allows a maximum of several people to eat at the same time)-- “信号量”
- 修饰函数的局部变量,特点:有默认值0,只执行一次,The memory is allocated at the beginning of the operation,memory is global
- Decorate global functions and variables,特点:Can only be used in this source file
- Modifying member variables in a class,特点:do not enter the class size calculation,exists independently of the existence of the class object
const :The program treats the data as constants,在声明constAmount of fit must be initialized,声明之后,can no longer assign to it.
- Use as much as possible in function parameter declarationsconst数组,constdoes not require the original array to be immutable,Just to show that when the function is dealing with an array,Arrays should be treated as immutable.告知编译器,The parameter should be treated as an array containing constants.
- If the function does not need to modify the array,那么在声明数组形参时最好使用const
- A pointer to a constant cannot be used to modify a value:const double * pd = rates;无法使用pdto modify the value of the data pointed to,But you can make the pointer point to another address(Addresses of constant or non-constant data can be assigned to pointers to constants!But only non-const addresses can be assigned to ordinary pointers!).
- Often pointers to constants are used as function parameters,The surface will not modify the data with this pointer:void test(const double * p,int n);
- 使用constto declare and initialize pointers,to ensure that the pointer does not point anywhere else:double * const pc = rates;pcSuch pointers can be modifiedrates数据,but only toratesthe address originally assigned to it.
- 使用两个const创建指针,then the pointer cannot change the address it points to,It is also not possible to modify the data pointed to:const double * const pc = tates;
- 与#define不同不同,typedef给出的符号名称仅限于对类型,而不是对值.
- typedef的解释由编译器,而不是预处理器执行
- typedef与define的区别:
- typedef char * STRING
- STRING name,sign;
- 将被翻译为:char * name , * sign;
- 如果没有关键字typedef,该例将STRING识别为一个char 指针.有了这个关键字,使STRING成为一个charpointer type identifier.
- #define STRING char *
- STRING name,sign;
- 将被翻译为:char * name,sign;在这种情况下,只有name是一个指针.
- 使用结构体时:
typedef struct com{
int a;
double b;
这样就可以使用COM来代替struct com来表示了.
使用typedefOne of the reasons is to create a convenient、recognizable name.
使用typedefto name a struct type,struct tags can be omitted.
typedef struct{
int a;
double b;
COM c1(3,6.1); //The sentence is translated as:struct{int a;double b;} r1 = {3,6.1};
- 预编译又称预处理,is to do the replacement work of the code text,处理#开头的指令.如拷贝#include头文件代码,#define宏定义的替换,条件编译等,Before the program starts to compile.
- ##运算符可以用于类函数宏的替换部分,把两个语言符号组合成单个语言符号
- #define XNAME(n) (x ## n)
- 自旋锁比较适用于锁使用者保持锁时间比较短的情况.Due to the short lock time,So it is very necessary to choose spin over sleep,效率远高于互斥锁.
- Spinlocks are preemptive during hold,The semaphore and read and write semaphore can be preempted during the hold period.
- 在单cpu且不可抢占的内核下,自旋锁的所有操作都是空操作,Therefore, the spin lock can only be preempted by the kernel andSMP(多处理器)的情况下才有效.
- If the array is not initialized when it is defined,then it stores a useless random value.
- If some elements are initialized,then the uninitialized element is set to0,
还可以int arr[6] = {[5]=211};This way to initialize the value of a specific element,This is initializationarr数组内第5The value of the corresponding element of the address is211.
其 * p++ , 其中* 和++have equal priority,But the order of binding is from right to left,也就是++applied to pointer,instead of the element data pointed to by the pointer.The suffix form isp++,而不是++p,That is, the element data pointed to by the pointer is first extracted and used.,incrementing the pointer1.如果是*++pIf it is, the pointer is incremented first1,Then take the element data pointed to by the pointer.
(* p)++:使用p指向的数据,Then make the data auto-increment1
对指针加一,Equivalent to the value of the pointer plus the size in bytes of the object it points to,如int * p ; p++; 则是p的地址移动4个字节.指针加n的话就是4乘以n个字节.Subtract pointers to different locations in the same array:The unit of the difference is the size of the response type,如int数组,差值为2Represents the distance between the objects pointed to by the two pointers2个int类型的大小,不是2个字节!!!
see here:程序中*p++is to extract firstppoints to the element data such asM,Then a pointer1,此时取p的地址则是0073F961,而不是0073F960;(print address can be used%p(C99Standard print address method,默认16进制) ,或者使用 %u , %lu甚至%d,%x都是可以的).
int * p[5]与 int (* p)[5]的区别
C语言中,[]和()的优先级比 * 的优先级高,and they are combined from left to right,故 int (* p)[5]是先将 * 和pcombined into a pointer,The pointer points to a5个int值的对象.
int * p[5]定义一个指针数组p,数组内的元素是5个指针,而数组内的每一个指针指向一个int型的变量,Each array pointer variable is no different from a normal variable.
int (* p)[5]定义了一个指针p,pThe pointed-to object makes the containing5个int型元素的一维数组.下图可看出,p就是一个指针,points to a two-dimensional arraynum[1]这个对象的地址,This object contains5个int型元素的.即p是一个二维指针,指向二维数组,A one-dimensional pointer can point to a one-dimensional array.
同理:函数指针与指针函数:int * p()函数和int(* p)()有什么区别int * fun(int a,int b)是一个函数,It's just that the return value is a pointer type(加 * 的fun函数为指针函数,Its returns pointer to an integer variable)
int main()
int a = 4, b = 5;
int *pluse; //指针PluseUsed to receive the value returned by the pointer function
int* sun(int* p, int* q); //声明一个指针函数
pluse = sun(&a, &b);
printf("%d\n", *pluse);
int* sun(int* p, int* q)
int s;
s = *p + *q;
return &s; //返回s的地址
- Each function occupies a contiguous storage space,The function name is the first address of this memory area.,If this first address is assigned to a pointer variable,Then you can call the pointer to achieve the function of the function.And such a function is called函数指针(Think of a function as a pointer),其形式就是int(* p)().
- int (* p)(int, int); //定义一个函数指针
- 函数调用时“(* 指针变量名)”The parentheses on both sides must not be less,其中的“ * ”Do not understand as pointer arithmetic,At this point, it is only a symbol.
int max(int a, int b) //取a,b的最大值
if (a > b) return a;
else return b;
int main()
int a = 1, b = 2;
int z;
int (*p)(int, int); //定义一个函数指针
p = max; //This function pointer points to the defined function
z = (*p)(a, b); // *不能少
printf("%d\n", z);
return 0;
由于数组名就是数组首元素的地址,So if the actual parameter is an array name,then the formal parameter is the pointer to match,clear here,int ar[]和int * ar make the same explanation,ar是指向int的指针.
声明函数时,名称可以省略,但是定义函数时,name cannot be omitted.
The following prototypes are equivalent:
- int sum(int* ar, int n);
- int sum(int*, int);
- int sum(int ar[], int n);
- int sum(int [], int);
Pointers are easy to get wrong:
指针数组:subject is an array,Each element in the array is a pointer.
- int* a[10]; //指针数组,数组内每个元素都是指针!
数组指针:主语是指针,是一个指针,数组指针指向的是数组中的一个具体元素,它其实还是一个指针,只不过是指向数组而已;As long as it is a pointer to an array,we call it an array pointer,常用于遍历数组.
- int arr[5];
- int * p = arr; //p就是一个数组指针,Currently points to the first address element of the array
char* ptr; // ptr是指针变量,是一个int值. ptr指向char型变量.
void main()
//a是一个包含3个元素的数组,每个元素的类型是int[4].故a[0]represents the inclusion of4个int数值,The first numerical index isa[0][0].
int a[3][4] = {
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 }; //Array subscript numbers are also called indices,从0开始计数.
int* ptr = a[0]; //指向a[0][0]的地址. 等同于:int* ptr = &a[0][0]; --- a[0][0]is to take the value of the corresponding address,a[0]是一个元素,是一个地址,This element is an array,a[0]is the element name.
// 定义一个p指针,指向具有4个元素的一维数组
int(*p)[4] = (a + 1); //分别指向a[1][0] a[1][1] a[1][2] a[1][3]
printf("%d\n", p); //pointer occupies ainttype byte size to store the address pointed to. 对指针加1,Equivalent to the value of the pointer plus the size in bytes of the object it points to.
printf("%d\n", *p); //*(p+n):Indicates to find in memoryp指向的地址,移动n个单位(According to the bytes pointing to the object),Then the numerical. 等价于 p[n]
// *p+2 Due to indirection operator*的优先级高于+,因此等价于(*p)+2 ;
//谨记, 2维数组, 需要**just get the value, 或者[][] , 或者*p[]
printf("%d\n", *(ptr + 10)); // a[0][0] 偏移10个地址, a[2][2]=11
printf("%d\n", (*p + 1)[2]); // p存储的是a[1]的地址,*p指向a[1]address pointed to,即a[1][0] , [2]On behalf of take offset2地址的数据,即 a[1][1+2] = 8
printf("%d\n", *(*(a + 2) + 1)); // a[2][1] = 10
深、Shallow copy problem
浅复制:Different objects point to the same memory address;will have mutual influence.
深复制:The system opens up new content space,to store the same content as the target object.
class A
int i;
class B
A *p;
p=new A;}
delete p;}
void sayHello(B b)
int main()
B b;
sayHello(b); // 执行sayHello(b);该函数接收参数b,函数中this->b= b;属于浅复制,they point to the same memory area.当sayHello(b);函数运行结束时,系统删除this->b指向的内存区域,而后回到main,类b的析构函数删除b指向的内存区域,But this area issayHello(b);运行结束时,就已经被删除了,所以程序报错.
// Add a copy constructor,实现深复制.
class B
A *p;
p=new A;}
B(const B &v){
p=new A;} // 复制一个B类对象
delete p;}
- 传引用 和 传地址
- 相同点:In principle, the address of the parameter variable is passed to the called function,所以在函数内部修改参数的值时,均可返回修改之后的结果给调用者.
- 不同点:
- 引用必须初始化,指针不用(可能是NULL)
- A reference cannot be modified after it is initialized,Pointers can change the object they refer to
- 引用本身就是目标变量的别名,The operation on the reference height is the operation on the target variable
- 传引用时,函数参数需要写作T & a,调用函数时直接传递对象本身,在函数内赋值的时候,直接对a进行赋值即可,The system will not have any additional overhead for the passed parameters,Directly use the memory space of the original variable;传地址时,函数参数需要写作T * p,调用函数时需要传入对象地址,赋值时需要对* p赋值.
void func(int *p)
static int num = 4;
p = # //address changed
int main()
int i = 5;
int *p = &i;
printf("%d", *p); //输出: 5 ,not changing the datap指向的这个地址
return 0;
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