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ROS file system and related commands

2022-08-02 08:03:00 Abbaaccording

Level 1: catkin_workspace

Level 2: src build devel

The third level (under the src directory): package1 package2

Level 4: CmakeLists.txt package.xml scripts msg srv include src launch

build: Compilation space, used to store CMake and catkin cache information, configuration information and other intermediate files

devel: The development space is used to store the object files generated after compilation, including header files, dynamic and static link libraries, executable files, etc.

src:Source space

Execute command 1 2 3

1. roscore

roscore is a collection of ros system prerequisite nodes and programs, roscore must be running for ROS nodes to communicate

Starting roscore is equivalent to starting ros master ros parameter server rosout log node

2. rosrun

rosrun toolkit name executable

Example: rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node

3. roslaunch

Example: roslaunch toolkit name launch file name

4. Build

catkin_create_pkg custom package name dependency package -> create a new ROS function package

5, delete

sudo apt purge xxx -> delete a feature package

6, check

rospack list ->List all function packs

rospack find package name ->Query whether a function package exists, if so, return the installation path

roscd package name -> enter a package

rosls package name ->list files under a package

apt search xxx     ->Search for a feature package

7, change

rosed package name file name ->modify the function package file

need to install vim

Example: rosed turtlesim Color.msg

