2022-08-01 15:59:00 【fpcc】
本篇主要分析取簇索引,一般来说,索引的深度不会超过4层,为什么说不会超过4层呢,这和B+数的数据结构有关,InnoDB 页的大小默认是 16kb,可以假设树的叶子节点可以存放100条数据,每条数据大小为160个字节,那么通过简单计算可以知道一页可以存放1000条目录项(毕竟目录页数据要比叶子节点少)。则可以推出如果B+树有一层,那么可以存储100条记录;有两层,可以存储1000100;三层,可以存储10001000100;四层,则可以有1000^3100条记录。一般来说,数据库很难存储到如此大,即使真这么大,也会做一些技术上的处理,保证数据存储的速度和响应时间。比如分库分表之类的或者干脆分布式处理。
回表:这个在面试中经常问到,在数据库查询过程中,如果使用普通索引,查询B+树时,其叶子节点存储的不是整行的值而只是主键的值,在查到主键的值后,再去另外一棵聚集索引B+树上查询,就可以查到所有的数据了。这个过程就 叫做回表。也就是说,不同的索引可以建立不同的B+树,用来快速定位查找。有时候儿一个不行,就需要两个协同,协同的过程,其实就是回表。
索引下推:Index Condition Pushdown,简称ICP,类似于索引查询后的数据缓存,如果索引已经使用过后,再使用些索引查询则不需要服务端重复计算。它一般只适用于辅助索引。
class KEY {
/** Tot length of key */
uint key_length;
/** dupp key and pack flags */
ulong flags;
/** dupp key and pack flags for actual key parts */
ulong actual_flags;
/** How many key_parts */
uint user_defined_key_parts;
/** How many key_parts including hidden parts */
uint actual_key_parts;
/** Key parts allocated for primary key parts extension but not used due to some reasons(no primary key, duplicated key parts) */
uint unused_key_parts;
/** Should normally be = actual_key_parts */
uint usable_key_parts;
uint block_size;
enum ha_key_alg algorithm;
/** A flag which indicates that index algorithm for this key was explicitly specified by user. So, for example, it should be mentioned in SHOW CREATE TABLE output. */
bool is_algorithm_explicit;
/** Note that parser is used when the table is opened for use, and parser_name is used when the table is being created. */
/** Fulltext [pre]parser */
plugin_ref parser;
/** Fulltext [pre]parser name */
LEX_CSTRING parser_name;
KEY_PART_INFO *key_part;
/** Name of key */
const char *name;
/** Array of AVG(number of records with the same field value) for 1st ... Nth key part. 0 means 'not known'. For internally created temporary tables, this member can be nullptr. */
ulong *rec_per_key;
/** @retval true if this is a functional index (at least one of the key parts is a functional key part). @retval false if this isn't a functional index. */
bool is_functional_index() const;
// Can't use in-class initialization as long as we memset-initialize
// the struct
LEX_CSTRING engine_attribute;
LEX_CSTRING secondary_engine_attribute;
/** Estimate for how much of the index data that is currently available in a memory buffer. Valid range is [0..1]. This will be initialized to a IN_MEMORY_ESTIMATE_UNKNOWN. If it still has this value when used, it means that the storage engine has not supplied a value. */
double m_in_memory_estimate;
/** Array of AVG(number of records with the same field value) for 1st ... Nth key part. For internally created temporary tables, this member can be nullptr. This is the same information as stored in the above rec_per_key array but using float values instead of integer values. If the storage engine has supplied values in this array, these will be used. Otherwise the value in rec_per_key will be used. @todo In the next release the rec_per_key array above should be removed and only this should be used. */
rec_per_key_t *rec_per_key_float;
/** True if this index is visible to the query optimizer. The optimizer may only use visible indexes. */
bool is_visible;
TABLE *table;
LEX_CSTRING comment;
/** Check if records per key estimate is available for given key part. @param key_part_no key part number, must be in [0, KEY::actual_key_parts) @return true if records per key estimate is available, false otherwise */
bool has_records_per_key(uint key_part_no) const {
assert(key_part_no < actual_key_parts);
return ((rec_per_key_float &&
rec_per_key_float[key_part_no] != REC_PER_KEY_UNKNOWN) ||
(rec_per_key && rec_per_key[key_part_no] != 0));
/** Retrieve an estimate for the average number of records per distinct value, when looking only at the first key_part_no+1 columns. If no record per key estimate is available for this key part, REC_PER_KEY_UNKNOWN is returned. @param key_part_no key part number, must be in [0, KEY::actual_key_parts) @return Number of records having the same key value @retval REC_PER_KEY_UNKNOWN no records per key estimate available @retval != REC_PER_KEY_UNKNOWN record per key estimate */
rec_per_key_t records_per_key(uint key_part_no) const {
assert(key_part_no < actual_key_parts);
/* If the storage engine has provided rec per key estimates as float then use this. If not, use the integer version. */
if (rec_per_key_float[key_part_no] != REC_PER_KEY_UNKNOWN)
return rec_per_key_float[key_part_no];
return (rec_per_key[key_part_no] != 0)
? static_cast<rec_per_key_t>(rec_per_key[key_part_no])
/** Set the records per key estimate for a key part. The records per key estimate must be in [1.0,..> or take the value REC_PER_KEY_UNKNOWN. @param key_part_no the number of key parts that the estimate includes, must be in [0, KEY::actual_key_parts) @param rec_per_key_est new records per key estimate */
void set_records_per_key(uint key_part_no, rec_per_key_t rec_per_key_est) {
assert(key_part_no < actual_key_parts);
assert(rec_per_key_est == REC_PER_KEY_UNKNOWN || rec_per_key_est >= 1.0);
assert(rec_per_key_float != nullptr);
rec_per_key_float[key_part_no] = rec_per_key_est;
/** Check if this key supports storing records per key information. @return true if it has support for storing records per key information, false otherwise. */
bool supports_records_per_key() const {
if (rec_per_key_float != nullptr && rec_per_key != nullptr) return true;
return false;
/** Assign storage for the rec per key arrays to the KEY object. This is used when allocating memory and creating KEY objects. The caller is responsible for allocating the correct size for the two arrays. If needed, the caller is also responsible for de-allocating the memory when the KEY object is no longer used. @param rec_per_key_arg pointer to allocated array for storing records per key using ulong @param rec_per_key_float_arg pointer to allocated array for storing records per key using float */
void set_rec_per_key_array(ulong *rec_per_key_arg,
rec_per_key_t *rec_per_key_float_arg) {
rec_per_key = rec_per_key_arg;
rec_per_key_float = rec_per_key_float_arg;
/** Retrieve the estimate for how much of the index data that is available in a memory buffer. The returned estimate will be in the interval [0..1]. @return Estimate for how much of index data is available in memory buffer @retval IN_MEMORY_ESTIMATE_UNKNOWN no estimate available @retval != IN_MEMORY_ESTIMATE_UNKNOWN estimate */
double in_memory_estimate() const {
assert(m_in_memory_estimate == IN_MEMORY_ESTIMATE_UNKNOWN ||
(m_in_memory_estimate >= 0.0 && m_in_memory_estimate <= 1.0));
return m_in_memory_estimate;
/** Set the estimate for how much of this index that is currently in a memory buffer. The estimate must be in the interval [0..1] or take the value IN_MEMORY_ESTIMATE_UNKNOWN. * / void set_in_memory_estimate(double in_memory_estimate) { assert(in_memory_estimate == IN_MEMORY_ESTIMATE_UNKNOWN || (in_memory_estimate >= 0.0 && in_memory_estimate <= 1.0)); m_in_memory_estimate = in_memory_estimate; } }; class FOREIGN_KEY { public: const char *name; const char *unique_index_name; uint key_parts; LEX_CSTRING *key_part; LEX_CSTRING *fk_key_part; LEX_CSTRING ref_db; LEX_CSTRING ref_table; fk_option delete_opt; fk_option update_opt; fk_match_opt match_opt; }; class KEY_PART_INFO { /* Info about a key part */
Field *field;
uint offset; /* offset in record (from 0) */
uint null_offset; /* Offset to null_bit in record */
/* Length of key part in bytes, excluding NULL flag and length bytes */
uint16 length;
/* Number of bytes required to store the keypart value. This may be different from the "length" field as it also counts - possible NULL-flag byte (see HA_KEY_NULL_LENGTH) - possible HA_KEY_BLOB_LENGTH bytes needed to store actual value length. */
uint16 store_length;
uint16 fieldnr; /* Fieldnum in UNIREG */
uint16 key_part_flag{
0}; /* 0 or HA_REVERSE_SORT */
uint8 type;
uint8 null_bit{
0}; /* Position to null_bit */
/** True - if key part allows trivial binary comparison, False - if charset collation function needs to be involved. @note Not set for KEY_PART_INFO which are used for creating tables, only set when table is opened or for internal temporary tables. This value is set a bit too optimistically and disregards the way in which value is stored in record (e.g. it is true for BLOB types). So in practice key_cmp_if_same() also has to check key_part_flag for presence of HA_BLOB_PART, HA_VAR_LENGTH_PART and HA_BIT_PART flags. */
bool bin_cmp;
void init_from_field(Field *fld); /** Fill data from given field */
void init_flags(); /** Set key_part_flag from field * / };
其实FOREIGN_KEY在这里有些不必要,不过很顺路,而且其中也包含索引的一些相关信息,就一路复制过来了。一般来说,MySql中的Table是用来描述表的对象信息,那么Key就是用来描述表的索引的,索引存储在key_info中,它是一个基于KEY*类型的数组。“STRUCT TABLE {…KEY * key_info{nullptr};…};”, 数组的每一项都代表了一个索引的相关信息。这个相关信息由KEY_PART_INFO数组来描述,每一项代表着一个Column,而其数据结构filed指向了具体的part_of_key,也即指向了具体的索引字段。看一下列中的定义:
class Field {
/* Field(const Item &) = delete; The original intention was seemingly for Field to be non-copyable, but due to a typo, this was never enforced, and now there's lots of code that copies Field objects around. Thus, the default copy constructor needs to stay (assignment is blocked off), but it's probably better not to write code that depends on it. */
Field(const Field &) = default;
void operator=(Field &) = delete;
/** Checks if the field is marked as having a general expression to generate default values. @retval true The field has general expression as default @retval false The field doesn't have any general expression as default */
bool has_insert_default_general_value_expression() const {
return auto_flags & GENERATED_FROM_EXPRESSION;
/** Checks if the field is marked as having a datetime value expression to generate default values on inserts. @retval true The field has datetime expression as default @retval false The field doesn't have a datime value expression as default */
bool has_insert_default_datetime_value_expression() const {
return auto_flags & DEFAULT_NOW;
/** Checks if the field is marked as having a datetime value expression to generate default values on updates. @retval true The field has datetime expression as default for on update @retval false The field doesn't have a datime value expression as default for on update */
bool has_update_default_datetime_value_expression() const {
return auto_flags & ON_UPDATE_NOW;
/** Checks if the field is marked as having a constant expression to generate default values. Relevant when re-creating a Create_field from a Field during ALTER. @retval true The field has a constant expression as default @retval false The field doesn't have a constant expression as default */
bool has_insert_default_constant_expression() const {
// For now this is true whenever neither GENERATED_FROM_EXPRESSION nor
// DEFAULT_NOW is set. If this changes in the future, we can add a separate
// flag for this.
return (auto_flags & (GENERATED_FROM_EXPRESSION | DEFAULT_NOW)) == 0;
/// Holds the position to the field in record
uchar *ptr;
dd::Column::enum_hidden_type m_hidden;
/** Byte where the @c NULL bit is stored inside a record. If this Field is a @c NOT @c NULL field, this member is @c NULL. */
uchar *m_null_ptr;
/** Flag: if the NOT-NULL field can be temporary NULL. */
bool m_is_tmp_nullable;
/** This is a flag with the following semantics: - it can be changed only when m_is_tmp_nullable is true; - it specifies if this field in the first current record (TABLE::record[0]) was set to NULL (temporary NULL). This flag is used for trigger handling. */
bool m_is_tmp_null;
/** The value of THD::check_for_truncated_fields at the moment of setting m_is_tmp_null attribute. */
enum_check_fields m_check_for_truncated_fields_saved;
/* null_ptr buffer to be used for Fields that are nullable but cannot store null. Typically used from create_tmp_field(). */
static uchar dummy_null_buffer;
uchar *get_null_ptr() {
return m_null_ptr; }
/// Pointer to TABLE object that owns this field
TABLE *table;
/// Pointer to original database name, only non-NULL for a temporary table
const char *orig_db_name{
/// Pointer to original table name, only non-NULL for a temporary table
const char *orig_table_name{
const char **table_name, *field_name;
LEX_CSTRING comment;
/* Field is part of the following keys */
Key_map key_start; /* Keys that starts with this field */
Key_map part_of_key; ///< Keys that includes this field
///< except of prefix keys.
Key_map part_of_prefixkey; ///< Prefix keys
Key_map part_of_sortkey; /* ^ but only keys usable for sorting */
/** All keys that include this field, but not extended by the storage engine to include primary key columns. * / Key_map part_of_key_not_extended; ...... }
/* Search after a key that starts with 'field' SYNOPSIS find_ref_key() key First key to check key_count How many keys to check record Start of record field Field to search after key_length On partial match, contains length of fields before field keypart key part # of a field NOTES Used when calculating key for NEXT_NUMBER IMPLEMENTATION If no key starts with field test if field is part of some key. If we find one, then return first key and set key_length to the number of bytes preceding 'field'. RETURN -1 field is not part of the key # Key part for key matching key. key_length is set to length of key before (not including) field */
int find_ref_key(KEY *key, uint key_count, uchar *record, Field *field,
uint *key_length, uint *keypart) {
int i;
KEY *key_info;
uint fieldpos;
fieldpos = field->offset(record);
/* Test if some key starts as fieldpos */
for (i = 0, key_info = key; i < (int)key_count; i++, key_info++) {
if (key_info->key_part[0].offset ==
fieldpos) {
/* Found key. Calc keylength */
*key_length = *keypart = 0;
return i; /* Use this key */
/* Test if some key contains fieldpos */
for (i = 0, key_info = key; i < (int)key_count; i++, key_info++) {
uint j;
KEY_PART_INFO *key_part;
*key_length = 0;
for (j = 0, key_part = key_info->key_part;
j < key_info->user_defined_key_parts; j++, key_part++) {
if (key_part->offset == fieldpos) {
*keypart = j;
return i; /* Use this key */
*key_length += key_part->store_length;
return (-1); /* No key is ok * / }
/** Compare key in record buffer to a given key. @param key_part Key part handler @param key Key to compare to value in table->record[0] @param key_length length of 'key' @details The function compares given key and key in record buffer, part by part, using info from key_part arg. Since callers expect before/after rather than lesser/greater, result depends on the HA_REVERSE_SORT flag of the key part. E.g. For ASC key part and two keys, 'A' and 'Z', -1 will be returned. For same keys, but DESC key part, 1 will be returned. @return The return value is SIGN(key_in_row - range_key): - 0 Key is equal to record's key - -1 Key is before record's key - 1 Key is after record's key @note: keep this function and key_cmp2() in sync */
int key_cmp(KEY_PART_INFO *key_part, const uchar *key, uint key_length) {
uint store_length;
for (const uchar *end = key + key_length; key < end;
key += store_length, key_part++) {
int cmp;
int res = (key_part->key_part_flag & HA_REVERSE_SORT) ? -1 : 1;
store_length = key_part->store_length;
if (key_part->null_bit) {
/* This key part allows null values; NULL is lower than everything */
bool field_is_null = key_part->field->is_null();
if (*key) // If range key is null
/* the range is expecting a null value */
if (!field_is_null) return res; // Found key is > range
/* null -- exact match, go to next key part */
} else if (field_is_null)
return -res; // NULL is less than any value
key++; // Skip null byte
if ((cmp = key_part->field->key_cmp(key, key_part->length)) < 0)
return -res;
if (cmp > 0) return res;
return 0; // Keys are equal
/** Compare two given keys @param key_part Key part handler @param key1 Key to be compared with key2 @param key1_length length of 'key1' @param key2 Key to be compared with key1 @param key2_length length of 'key2' @return The return value is an integral value that takes into account ASC/DESC order of keyparts and indicates the relationship between the two keys: - 0 key1 equal to key2 - -1 Key1 before Key2 - 1 Key1 after Key2 @note: keep this function and key_cmp() in sync Below comparison code is under the assumption that key1_length and key2_length are same and key1_length, key2_length are non zero value. @see key_cmp() */
int key_cmp2(KEY_PART_INFO *key_part, const uchar *key1, uint key1_length,
const uchar *key2, uint key2_length MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))) {
assert(key_part && key1 && key2);
assert((key1_length == key2_length) && key1_length != 0);
uint store_length;
/* Compare all the subkeys (if it is a composite key) */
for (const uchar *end = key1 + key1_length; key1 < end;
key1 += store_length, key2 += store_length, key_part++) {
int res = (key_part->key_part_flag & HA_REVERSE_SORT) ? -1 : 1;
store_length = key_part->store_length;
/* This key part allows null values; NULL is lower than everything */
if (key_part->null_bit) {
if (*key1 != *key2) {
/* Key Format= "1 byte (NULL Indicator flag) + Key value" If NULL Indicator flag is '1' that means the key is NULL value and If the flag is '0' that means the key is Non-NULL value. If null indicating flag in key1 and key2 are not same, then > if key1's null flag is '1' (i.e., key1 is NULL), return -1 > if key1's null flag is '0' (i.e., key1 is NOT NULL), then key2's null flag is '1' (since *key1 != *key2) then return 1; */
return (*key1) ? -res : res;
} else {
/* If null indicating flag in key1 and key2 are same and > if it is '1' , both are NULLs and both are same, continue with next key in key_part. > if it is '0', then go ahead and compare the content using field->key_cmp. */
if (*key1) continue;
/* Increment the key1 and key2 pointers to point them to the actual key values */
/* Compare two keys using field->key_cmp * / int cmp; if ((cmp = key_part->field->key_cmp(key1, key2)) < 0) return -res; if (cmp > 0) return res; } return 0; /* Keys are equal * / }
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