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BPR (Bayesian personalized sorting)
2022-07-02 00:25:00 【qq_ fifty-three million four hundred and thirty thousand three 】
1. What is? BPR And the background of his birth
BPR Full name Bayesian Personalized Ranking, It is a sort algorithm , And use implicit feedback ( If you click , Collection, etc. ), Through the maximum a posteriori probability obtained by Bayesian analysis of the problem item Sort , Then generate recommendations .
Traditional matrix decomposition uses display feedback to users - The scoring matrix of the items is decomposed to predict the user's score for the non rated items , Recommend according to this score .
In practice, it shows that the feedback has a high accuracy , But it is often difficult to collect , Sometimes we can only use implicit feedback , It can be easily obtained through log files . The characteristics of explicit feedback and implicit feedback are as follows :
Because sometimes we can only use implicit feedback, the traditional matrix decomposition is difficult to work here , It's time to BPR Debut .
2.BPR Principle of algorithm
2.1 The idea and parameters of the algorithm
BPR The training set used in is a triple <u,i,j>, What he means is that for users u Say something i Than j Lean forward , It can also be used. i >u j To express .
BPR Based on Bayes, he has two assumptions :
1. First, the preference behavior of each user is independent , The user u In commodities i and j Preferences between users have nothing to do with other users .
2. Second, the partial order of different items by the same user is independent of each other , That is, users u In commodities i and j The preferences between are not related to other goods .
stay BPR Sort relation symbol in >u Satisfy completeness , Antisymmetry and transitivity , That is, for user sets U And the collection I:
integrity : For two different items, there must be a sorting relationship ..
Antisymmetry : If the position of the sorting relationship between two items can be exchanged , So they are the same thing .
Transitivity : If the user u like i Greater than j And like j Greater than k So users u like i Greater than k.
BPR As a sort algorithm, it can be applied to many models , for instance KNN And matrix decomposition , Here we take matrix decomposition as an example .
In the matrix decomposition, we decompose the user's scoring matrix for items , So here we want to decompose the matrix of users' ranking of items .
BPR User set in U And the collection I Corresponding U×I Prediction ranking matrix , We decompose this matrix into two matrices , User matrix W(|U|×k), Items matrix H(|I|×k), And satisfy :
So for every user :
Our goal is to find the best through some optimization method W and H matrix , Matrix decomposition uses the square loss of all users , and BPR Then the optimization method is given from the perspective of probability .
2.2BPR Optimization ideas
BPR Based on the maximum a posteriori probability estimation To solve the model parameters W,H , We use it θ To represent parameters W,H,>u On behalf of the user u The total order relation of all commodities , The optimization goal is
, That is, we should maximize this probability , According to Bayesian formula, we can get :
Because we assume that the sorting of users is irrelevant to other users , So for any user u Come on P(>u) It's a constant , therefore P(θ|>u) Proportional to P(>u|θ)P(θ).
At this point, we will divide the formula of the required solution into two parts , The first part and the sample data set D of , The second part is independent of the sample data set . For the first part , Because we assume that the preference behavior of each user is independent of each other , The partial order of different items for the same user is independent of each other , So there is :
if b is true
According to antisymmetry and integrity :
We can make the following replacement :
use sigmoid Function to replace this probability , It's not just satisfying BPR And easy to calculate .
about When satisfied i>uj Its value is greater than 0, On the contrary, its value is less than 0 So we can use the following formula to express :
Of course, it does not have to be expressed in the form of subtraction , As long as meet i>uj when The value is greater than 0, And the opposite condition .
Finally, our first part is transformed into :
about P(θ), In the original paper, the author used Bayesian hypothesis , That is, this probability conforms to the normal distribution and the corresponding mean is 0, The covariance matrix is namely :
The original author assumes this because we will calculate later lnP(θ) and lnP(θ) and ||θ||^2 In direct proportion to , namely :
So finally we can get :
We can use the gradient descent method to update the parameters , We have three parameters in total , After derivation, we get :
because :
So when θ Respectively The tense is right θ The derivative results of are :
, In this way, we can update the parameters .
3. Individual to BPR The understanding of the ( For reference only )
1.BPR The novelty of the algorithm is that it puts forward an optimization idea from different angles , It no longer uses user ratings to show feedback , Instead, use the implicit feedback of whether the user has acted on the item .
2. Based on matrix decomposition BPR The initialized matrix is the prediction matrix , The final updated result is also a prediction matrix , Select a line when recommending , That is, the prediction score of a user's corresponding item , Recommend according to this score .
BPR The code can be found in the reference article , And many function authors have given comments , Here is only a general explanation , So only the main function is given :
# !/usr/bin/env python
# @Time:2021/4/6 19:21
# @Author: Huayang
# @File:Basical BPR.py
# @Software:PyCharm
import random
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
import scores
Function description :BPR class ( Include the required parameters )
class BPR:
# The number of users
user_count = 943
# Number of projects
item_count = 1682
#k A theme ,k Count
latent_factors = 20
# step α
lr = 0.01
# Parameters λ
reg = 0.01
# Training times
train_count = 1
# Training set
train_data_path = 'train.txt'
# Test set
test_data_path = 'test.txt'
#U-I Size
size_u_i = user_count * item_count
# Randomly set U,V matrix ( In the formula Wuk and Hik) matrix
U = np.random.rand(user_count, latent_factors) * 0.01 # Size doesn't matter The type is numpy.ndarray
V = np.random.rand(item_count, latent_factors) * 0.01
biasV = np.random.rand(item_count) * 0.01 # The size is 1 That's ok item_count Column
# Generate a number of users * The total number and size of items 0 matrix
test_data = np.zeros((user_count, item_count))
# Generate a one-dimensional full 0 matrix
test = np.zeros(size_u_i)
# Regenerate into a one-dimensional all 0 matrix
predict_ = np.zeros(size_u_i)
# obtain U-I Data corresponds to
Function description : Through file path , obtain U-I data
Enter the path of the file to be read path
Output a dictionary user_ratings, Include users - Key value pairs of items
def load_data(self, path):
user_ratings = defaultdict(set)
with open(path, 'r') as f: #with as Execute first open class , Will be inside _enter_ The return value of the function is assigned to f Then execute the statements in the structure Regardless of success or failure, it will execute open Class _exit_ function
for line in f.readlines():
u, i = line.split(" ")
u = int(u)
i = int(i)
return user_ratings
Function description : Through file path , Get test set data
Test set file path path
Output one numpy.ndarray file (n Dimension group )test_data, The data containing feedback information is set as 1
# Get the scoring matrix of the test set
def load_test_data(self, path):
file = open(path, 'r')
for line in file:
line = line.split(' ')
user = int(line[0])
item = int(line[1])
self.test_data[user - 1][item - 1] = 1 #test_data The size is user_count*item_count, Among them, the project value of user interaction is 1, The rest of the values are 0
Function description : Data dictionary processing of training set , By random selection ,( user , Interaction , For interaction ) A triple , Update the decomposed two matrices
Enter the training set user item dictionary to process
Update the decomposed two matrices and the offset matrix respectively
def train(self, user_ratings_train): #user_ratings_train For a dictionary
for user in range(self.user_count):
# Get a user randomly
u = random.randint(1, self.user_count) # Find one user return 1 To user_count Any number between , Closed interval
# The use of training set and test set are not all the same , such as train Yes 948, and test The maximum is 943
if u not in user_ratings_train.keys():
# From user U-I Randomly choose 1 individual Item
i = random.sample(user_ratings_train[u], 1)[0] # Find one item, Rated
# Select a user randomly u Items without score
j = random.randint(1, self.item_count)
while j in user_ratings_train[u]: # When j In which, it means that the score is , Look again
j = random.randint(1, self.item_count) # Find one item, Not rated
# Form a triple (uesr,item_have_score,item_no_score)
# python The value in is from 0 Start
u = u - 1
i = i - 1
j = j - 1
r_ui = np.dot(self.U[u], self.V[i].T) + self.biasV[i]
r_uj = np.dot(self.U[u], self.V[j].T) + self.biasV[j]
r_uij = r_ui - r_uj
loss_func = -1.0 / (1 + np.exp(r_uij))
# to update 2 Matrix
self.U[u] += -self.lr * (loss_func * (self.V[i] - self.V[j]) + self.reg * self.U[u])
self.V[i] += -self.lr * (loss_func * self.U[u] + self.reg * self.V[i])
self.V[j] += -self.lr * (loss_func * (-self.U[u]) + self.reg * self.V[j])
# Update offset
self.biasV[i] += -self.lr * (loss_func + self.reg * self.biasV[i])
self.biasV[j] += -self.lr * (-loss_func + self.reg * self.biasV[j])
Function description : The prediction matrix is obtained by inputting the decomposed user item matrix predict
Enter the respective user item matrix
Output the prediction matrix after multiplication , That is, the scoring matrix we want
def predict(self, user, item):
predict = np.mat(user) * np.mat(item.T)
return predict
# The main function
def main(self):
# obtain U-I Of {1:{2,5,1,2}....} data
user_ratings_train = self.load_data(self.train_data_path)
# Get the scoring matrix of the test set
# take test_data The matrix is flattened
for u in range(self.user_count):
for item in range(self.item_count):
if int(self.test_data[u][item]) == 1:
self.test[u * self.item_count + item] = 1
self.test[u * self.item_count + item] = 0
# Training
for i in range(self.train_count):
self.train(user_ratings_train) # Training 10000 Times completed
predict_matrix = self.predict(self.U, self.V) # The matrix inner product of the completed training
# forecast
self.predict_ = predict_matrix.getA().reshape(-1) #.getA() Transform its matrix variables into ndarray Variable of type reshape(-1) Means to transform him into 1 Rows don't know how many columns of the matrix
self.predict_ = pre_handel(user_ratings_train, self.predict_, self.item_count)
auc_score = roc_auc_score(self.test, self.predict_)
print('AUC:', auc_score)
# Top-K evaluation
scores.topK_scores(self.test, self.predict_, 5, self.user_count, self.item_count)
Function description : Revise the results , That is, the user has generated interactive user items for elimination , Only retain data that does not generate interactions with user items
Enter the user project dictionary set , And one-dimensional prediction matrix , Number of projects
Output the one-dimensional prediction matrix of the modified prediction score
def pre_handel(set, predict, item_count):
# Ensure the recommendation cannot be positive items in the training set.
for u in set.keys():
for j in set[u]:
predict[(u - 1) * item_count + j - 1] = 0
return predict
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Call the main function of the class
bpr = BPR()
Let's talk about data sets first , There are two parts , Training set and test set , There are two columns , The first column represents the user's code , The second example is the item code .
First, introduce various libraries and initialization parameters , Among them, the initial U and V The two matrices are sorted and divided, that is, the matrix in this paper W and H,biasV Is the matrix of the offset term .
train The parameter update method in the function is consistent with that in the theory , In each cycle, only one user and its interactive item and one non interactive item are selected for parameter update , This is to choose one of thousands of items to see who can get users' favorite compared with the current items .
4. Reference article
Bayesian personalized ordering (BPR) Algorithm summary - sd Pinard - Blog Garden
This article is just the content of the above two articles summarized by myself in the process of learning , And some of my own views , For reference only .
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