Just a small test with lists in cython


Test for lists in cython


  1. create a list of 10^4 lists each with 10^4 floats values (namely: 0.1) - 2 nested for
  2. iterate each list and compute the cumulative product - 2 netsted for


  • Julia using Julia objects
  • Rust using Rust objects
  • Pure-python
  • Cython pure-python mode with no annotations
  • Cython pure-python mode with Python annotations
  • Cython pure-python mode with Cython annotations
  • Standard Cython


  • poetry install --no-root
  • poetry run python setup.py build_ext --inplace
  • poetry run python -c "import julia; julia.install()"


  • poetry run python main.py

Tested on:

  • Intel Core i5-8250U - 64 bits - Quad Core L2 cache: 6 MiB
  • Linux 5.4.105-1-MANJARO x86_64
  • GCC 10.2.0
  • Python 3.9.2
  • Cython 0.29.17
  • Julia 1.6
  • Cargo 1.51
  No annotations Annotations from typing Annotations from cython
Pure Python 11.08
C++ Cython (pure-python mode) 02.25 02.81 02.96
C Cython (pure-python mode) 02.23 02.97 02.91
C Cython (.pyx)
Julia (pyjulia) 03.50
Julia (pyjulia) parallel 02.11
Rust (Pyo3) parallel before 08.72
Rust (Pyo3) parallel after 29.17

Cython is fast, but none of these methods are able to release the GIL. Moreover, in pure-python mode, Cython effectiveness decreases while using typing annotations. Last but not least, it's hard to understand which solution is better with Cython. The average time is 2.7

Rust is not that fast beacuse it needs to copy data; using Pyo3 objects would probably lead to similar results as cython, but with an added library. Moreover, it's tricky because after having run some code its perfomance decreases.

Numba is still tricky with lists. I tried to use them, but it fails. In my experience, numba lists in nopython mode slows down the code.

Julia is fast (only 30% slower than the average Cython). With multithreading it's even faster than Cython.

Considering echosystem, multithreading and ease of use, Julia is a clear winner here.

Federico Simonetta
Musician and computer engineer.
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