py2dis - A disassembly engine & library for Python

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py2dis - A disassembly engine & library for Python.

py2dis is a disassembly library for Python that does not use any modules/libraries other than colorama, comes with a miniature built-in disassembler engine, and features to assist in disassembling classes, functions, raw bytecode, source code strings, and more!



  • Opcode lookups
  • Dumping bytecode
  • Instruction lookups
  • Disassembling Classes
  • Disassembling Functions
  • Disassembling raw bytecode (passed to function)
  • Disassembling source code strings (passed to function)

Disassembling Classes

from lib.py2dis import *

# Date: 01/09/22
# Author: 0x80000000

class Target:
  def __init__(self: None, message: str) -> None:
    self.message = message

  def function(self: None) -> None:

class Example:
  def __init__(self: None, Class: None) -> None:
    self.Class = Class

  def execute(self: None) -> None:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Disassembling Functions

None: self.function = function def execute(self: None) -> None: py2dis.disassemble_function(self.function) if __name__ == "__main__": Example(LoginSystem).execute() ">
from lib.py2dis import *

# Date: 01/09/22
# Author: 0x80000000

def LoginSystem() -> bool:
  if input("Enter the secret code: ") == "1337":
    print("You have successfully authenticated!")
    return True
  return False

class Example:
  def __init__(self: None, function: None) -> None:
    self.function = function

  def execute(self: None) -> None:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Disassembling Raw Bytecode

from lib.py2dis import *

# Date: 01/09/22
# Author: 0x80000000

class Example:
  def __init__(self: None, bytecode: bytes) -> None:
    self.bytecode = bytecode

  def execute(self: None) -> None:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Disassembling Source Code Strings

from lib.py2dis import *

# Date: 01/09/22
# Author: 0x80000000

class Example:
  def __init__(self: None, code: str) -> None:
    self.code = code

  def execute(self: None) -> None:

if __name__ == "__main__":
  Example("print('Hello, World!')").execute()

Looking up Opcodes

from lib.py2dis import *

# Date: 01/09/22
# Author: 0x80000000

class Example:
  def __init__(self: None, opcode: int) -> None:
    self.opcode = opcode

  def execute(self: None) -> None:
    return py2dis.opcode_lookup(self.opcode)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Looking up Instructions

from lib.py2dis import *

# Date: 01/09/22
# Author: 0x80000000

class Example:
  def __init__(self: None, instruction: str) -> None:
    self.instruction = instruction

  def execute(self: None) -> None:
    return py2dis.instruction_lookup(self.instruction)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Exporting Bytecode from a Function

None: self.function = function def execute(self: None) -> None: return py2dis.export_raw_bytecode(self.function) if __name__ == "__main__": print(Example(LoginSystem).execute())">
from lib.py2dis import *

# Date: 01/09/22
# Author: 0x80000000

def LoginSystem() -> bool:
  if input("Enter the secret code: ") == "1337":
    print("You have successfully authenticated!")
    return True
  return False

class Example:
  def __init__(self: None, function: None) -> None:
    self.function = function

  def execute(self: None) -> None:
    return py2dis.export_raw_bytecode(self.function)

if __name__ == "__main__":


pip3 install colorama	


image image


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