Graphical impimetaion of Conway's Game of Life in Python using pyglet


Conway's Game of Life in Python

Konstantin Opora

Conway's Game of Life: graphical implementation in python using pyglet.

developed in Python 3.10.0


Black command

> black . -t py310 -l 100


  • create a selection tool for cells
    • create group selections for cells
    • deletion of selected cells
    • copy / paste selections
  • make simulation values (cellcount, cellsize, etc.) modifiable

How to use

To play the game with:

> python3 src/

While runnig

  • You can place cells by pressing/dragging the right mousebutton
  • You can remove cells by pressing/dragging the left mousebutton
  • You can remove all cells by pressing the Backspace
  • You can start the simulation by pressing ENTER
  • You can stop the simulation by pressing ESC

You can only modify cell while the simulation is not running

Konstantin Opora
Computer Science student
Konstantin Opora
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