This repository will contain python scripts for hackers and pentesters


Python Scripts For Hackers & Pentesters

This repository will contain python scripts for hackers and pentesters. stop being limited with availble tools. Build your own.

Don't be a script kiddie

Don't be script kiddie, try to write your own applications and get your hacking tools to do what you want them to do and if there isn't a hacking tool that does what you want to do create your own.

Day 01: Creating A Wi-Fi Password Stealer

In this tutorial I'm going to show you how you can create a simple python script that can steal passwords for all the wi-fi networks on a computer. But before we jump into into scripting. This can save you a lot of time and effort unlike using brute forcing method. **Complete Guide: **

Day 02: Creating An FTP Brute-Forcer(ftpbust3r)

In this tutorial you will learn how to crack ftp servers using dictionary attack(brute force with a word-list) with the help of a ftplib module in python. A brute-force attack is an attack that submits many passwords to a password protected file or service with the hope of guessing correctly.

We will be using the ftplib module which comes built-in with python and colorama (third-part) module to print colors in python. Complete Guide:

Day 03: Creating Your Own Keylogger (keybust3r)

In this guide, we are going to learn how to code a very effective, yet precise keylogger using a third-part python module called pynput. In case if you don't know, a keylogger is program that monitors keystrokes. A keylogger's basic functionality is to monitor keystrokes continuously and sent those keystrokes to a specific location, that can be either your email, server, or stored locally in your system. Complete guide:

Day 04: A Brief Introduction to Scapy

Scapy is a python interactive packet manipulation program/library for computer networks. It runs natively on Linux, Mac OS X and the latest version of scapy also supports windows out-out-the-box. So, you can use nearly all scapy's features on a windows machine without any problems. Complete guide:

Hi.., I'm TRÄW🤟(Pythonist). I'm that hacker your friends told you about. I'm a content creator, I create educational cybersec videos. I love fuzzing things!
zip-brute Zip File Password Cracking with Using Password List

Zip brute is a python script that cracks zip that are password protected using a wordlist dictionary.

AnonyminHack5 13 Nov 03, 2022

介绍 工具介绍 这是一款致力于将各类优秀脚本集合在一起调用、联动,最终可形成超级渗透脚本的工具。目的是扫描到更全的资产信息,发现更多的漏洞利用。但是这是通过牺牲扫描速度来提升扫描广度的。所以不太适合要进行紧急信息收集和漏洞利用的情况。

Thinking rookie 23 Jul 05, 2022
This tool ability to analyze software packages of different programming languages that are being or will be used in their codes, providing information that allows them to know in advance if this library complies with processes.

This tool gives developers, researchers and companies the ability to analyze software packages of different programming languages that are being or will be used in their codes, providing information

Telefónica 66 Nov 08, 2022
This repo created for bypassing Widevine L3 DRM and obtaining keys.

First run: Copy headers (with cookies) of POST license request from browser to like dictionary. pip install -r requirements.txt # if doesn'

Mikhail 263 Jan 07, 2023
POC using subprocess lib in Python 🐍

POC subprocess ☞ POC using the subprocess library with Python. References:

Guillaume Falourd 2 Nov 28, 2022
Uma ferramenta de segurança da informação escrita em python3,capaz de dar acesso total ao computador de alguém!

shell-reverse Uma ferramenta de segurança da informação escrita em python3, capaz de dar acesso total ao computador de alguém! A cybersecurity tool wr

Marcus Vinícius Ribeiro Andrade 1 Nov 03, 2021
Used to build an XSS platform on the command line.

pyXSSPlatform Used to build an XSS platform on the command line. Usage: 1.generate the cert file You can use openssl like this: openssl req -new -x509

70 Jun 21, 2022
Convert a collection of features to a fixed-dimensional matrix using the hashing trick.

FeatureHasher Convert a collection of features to a fixed-dimensional matrix using the hashing trick. Note, this requires Jina=2.2.4. Example Here I

Jina AI 5 Mar 15, 2022
A Python application to predict what is cooking

ez-cuisine-classifier A Python application to predict what is cooking Environment Python 3.9 Windows 10 Install python -m venv venv .\venv\Scripts\act

Zeheng Li 1 Jun 21, 2022
Official implementation of the paper "Backdoor Attacks on Self-Supervised Learning".

SSL-Backdoor Abstract Large-scale unlabeled data has allowed recent progress in self-supervised learning methods that learn rich visual representation

UMBC Vision 44 Nov 21, 2022
Tinyman exploit finder - Tinyman exploit finder for python

tinyman_exploit_finder There was a big tinyman exploit. You can read about it he

fish.exe 9 Dec 27, 2022 - Versionsverwaltung & Open Source Hausaufgabe

Let's Git - Versionsverwaltung & Open Source Hausaufgabe Herzlich Willkommen zu

1 Jan 24, 2022
CVE-2022-23046 - SQL Injection Vulnerability on PhpIPAM v1.4.4

CVE-2022-23046 PhpIPAM v1.4.4 allows an authenticated admin user to inject SQL s

2 Feb 15, 2022
This program will brute force any Instagram account you send it its way given a list of proxies.

Instagram Bruter This program will brute force any Instagram account you send it its way given a list of proxies. NOTICE I'm no longer maintaining thi

1 Nov 15, 2021
Shell hunter for AF

AF-ShellHunter AF-ShellHunter: Auto shell lookup AF-ShellHunter its a script designed to automate the search of WebShell's in AF Team How to pip3 ins

Eduardo 34 May 13, 2022
Log4jake works by spidering a web application for GET/POST requests

Log4jake Log4jake works by spidering a web application for GET/POST requests. It will then automatically execute the GET/POST requests, filling any di

16 May 09, 2022
Format SSSD Raw Kerberos Payloads into CCACHE files for use on Windows systems

KCMTicketFormatter This tools takes the output from and turns it into properly formatted CCACHE files for

Black Lantern Security 35 Oct 25, 2022
ORector - A Fast Python tool designed to detect open redirects vulnerabilities on websites

ORector is a Fast Python tool designed to detect open redirects vulnerabilities

11 Apr 02, 2022
A black hole for Internet advertisements

Network-wide ad blocking via your own Linux hardware The Pi-hole® is a DNS sinkhole that protects your devices from unwanted content, without installi

Pi-hole 40.3k Jan 09, 2023
Generates password lists/dictionaries based on keywords written in python3.

dicbyru Introduction Generates password lists/dictionaries based on keywords. It uses the keywords and adds capital letters, numbers and special chara

ru55o 2 Oct 31, 2022