A fast sub domain brute tool for pentesters


subDomainsBrute 1.4

A fast sub domain brute tool for pentesters.

It works with Python3.8



Python3.5+ users:

  • pip install aiodns

Python2 users

  • pip install dnspython gevent





Usage: subDomainsBrute.py [options] target.com
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE               File contains new line delimited subs, default is
  --full                Full scan, NAMES FILE subnames_full.txt will be used
                        to brute
  -i, --ignore-intranet
                        Ignore domains pointed to private IPs
  -w, --wildcard        Force scan after wildcard test fail
  -t THREADS, --threads=THREADS
                        Num of scan threads, 256 by default
  -p PROCESS, --process=PROCESS
                        Num of scan Process, 6 by default
  -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
                        Output file name. default is {target}.txt

Change Log

  • [2021-12-27]
    • 增加脚本,ip地址筛选并去重
  • [2020-10-29]
    • 增加支持强制扫描泛解析的域名,需要加 -w 参数
  • [2020-10-26]
    • 修复Windows下出现 too many file descriptors
  • [2020-05-05]
    • 增加了Python3.5+支持。Python3执行效率更高
  • [2019-05-19]
    • Add wildcard test
    • Scan faster and more reliable, now can brute up to 3000 domains per second
  • [2018-02-06]
    • 添加多进程支持。 多进程 + 协程,提升扫描效率。
    • 预处理了原字典中的占位符,提升扫描效率
  • [2017-06-03]
    • Bug fix: normal_lines remove deep copy issues, thanks @BlueIce
  • [2017-05-04]
    • 使用协程替代多线程; 使用优化级队列减小队列长度; 优化占位符支持
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