Official PyTorch implementation of PICCOLO: Point-Cloud Centric Omnidirectional Localization (ICCV 2021)

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PICCOLO: Point-Cloud Centric Omnidirectional Localization

Official PyTorch implementation of PICCOLO: Point-Cloud Centric Omnidirectional Localization (ICCV 2021) [Paper] [Video].

PICCOLO is a simple, efficient algorithm for omnidirectional localization that estimates camera pose given a set of input query omnidirectional image and point cloud: no additional preprocessing/learning is required!

In this repository, we provide the implementation and instructions for running PICCOLO, along with the accompanying OmniScenes dataset. If you have any questions regarding the dataset or the baseline implementations, please leave an issue or contact [email protected].


Dataset Preparation

First, download the Stanford2D-3D-S Dataset, and place the data in the directory structure below.

└── stanford (Stanford2D-3D-S Dataset)
    ├── pano (panorama images)
    │   ├── area_1
    │   │  └── *.png
    │   ⋮
    │   │
    │   └── area_6
    │       └── *.png
    ├── pcd_not_aligned (point cloud data)
    │   ├── area_1
    │   │   └── *.txt
    │   ⋮
    │   │
    │   └── area_6
    │       └── *.txt
    └── pose (json files containing ground truth camera pose)
        ├── area_1
        │   └── *.json
        └── area_6
            └── *.json


To run the codebase, you need Anaconda. Once you have Anaconda installed, run the following command to create a conda environment.

conda create --name omniloc python=3.7
conda activate omniloc
pip install -r requirements.txt -f 
conda install cudatoolkit=10.1

In addition, you must install pytorch_scatter. Follow the instructions provided in the pytorch_scatter github repo. You need to install the version for torch 1.7.0 and CUDA 10.1.


To obtain results for the Stanford-2D-3D-S dataset, run the following command from the terminal:

python --config configs/stanford.ini --log logs/NAME_OF_LOG_DIRECTORY

The config above performs gradient descent sequentially for each candidate starting point. We also provide a parallel implementation of PICCOLO, which performs gradient descent in parallel. While this version faster, it shows slightly inferior performance compared to the sequential optimization version. To run the parallel implementation, run the following command:

python --config configs/stanford_parallel.ini --log logs/NAME_OF_LOG_DIRECTORY


After running, four files will be in the log directory.

  • Config file used for PICCOLO
  • Images, made by projecting point cloud using the result obtained from PICCOLO, in NAME_OF_LOG_DIRECTORY/results
  • Csv file which contains the information
    • Panorama image name
    • Ground truth translation
    • Ground truth rotation
    • Whether the image was skipped (skipped when the ground truth translation is out of point cloud bound)
    • Translation obtained by running PICCOLO
    • Rotation obtained by running PICCOLO
    • Translation error
    • Rotation error
    • Time
  • Tensorboard file containing the accuracy

Downloading OmniScenes

OmniScenes is our newly collected dataset for evaluating omnidirectional localization in diverse scenearios such as robot-mounted/handheld cameras and scenes with changes.

The dataset is comprised of images and point clouds captured from 7 scenes ranging from wedding halls to hotel rooms. We are currently in the process of removing regions in the dataset that contains private information difficult to be released in public. We will notify further updates through this GitHub repository.

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