Scan publicly accessible assets on your AWS cloud environment



Poro art


Scan for publicly accessible assets on your AWS environment Services covered by this tool:

  • API Gateway
  • S3 Buckets
  • RDS Databases
  • EC2 instances
  • Redshift Databases


  • AWS account with Read Only Access to services listed above.
  • Python 3.X
  • Boto3 > 1.2X
  • Botocore > 1.2X
  • Requests > 2.2X

How to use

  • Clone this repository
  • Configure your envionment with active credentials -> aws configure
  • Run python Poro will print all exception raised when querying AWS APIs, the scanning result will be printed at the end of the output. Example of Poro output:
o ||    o ||
  _||    __||     
 ||     \\       Let the hunt begin.
_||  _)  \\  _) 

°° Searching for public buckets °°
Unexpected error whith bucket XXX: NoSuchBucketPolicy

°° Searching for exposed APIs °°

°° Searching for internet facing EC2 °°
Unexpected error when scanning ec2 in the region af-south-1: AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials
Unexpected error when scanning ec2 in the region ap-east-1: AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials

°° Searching for exposed ELBs °°

°° Searching for public RDS DB °°
Unexpected error when scanning RDS in the region af-south-1: The security token included in the request is invalid.

°° Searching for exposed redshift clusters °°
Unexpected error when scanning Redshift in the region af-south-1: The security token included in the request is invalid.
Unexpected error when scanning Redshift in the region ap-east-1: The security token included in the request is invalid.

Hunting results:
================= Public Buckets =====================
1: Bucket name: XXX -> Public Policy

================== Exposed APIs ======================
No public APIs

================ Internet facing EC2 =================
No internet facing EC2s

==================== Exposed ELB =====================
1: ELB ARN: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:XXX:XXX/XXX/XXX/XXX -> DNS: -> attached security groups:
------------- sg-XXX

=================== Public RDS DB ====================
No public RDS DBs

============= Public Redshift clusters ===============
No public Redshift clusters
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