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Object detection utils

유틸모음 설명 링크
convert convert 관련코드 https://github.com/AI-infinyx/ob_utils/tree/main/convert
crawl 구글, 네이버, 빙 등 크롤링 관련 https://github.com/AI-infinyx/ob_utils/tree/main/crawl
plate plate 관련코드 https://github.com/AI-infinyx/ob_utils/tree/main/plate
test 테스트 코드 https://github.com/AI-infinyx/ob_utils/tree/main/test
tools tools 관련코드 https://github.com/AI-infinyx/ob_utils/tree/main/tools
xml xml 파싱 관련 https://github.com/AI-infinyx/ob_utils/tree/main/xml
utils Utils 코드 관련 https://github.com/AI-infinyx/ob_utils/tree/main/utils
open_data_convert open_data_convert 관련 https://github.com/AI-infinyx/ob_utils/tree/main/open_data_convert
  • from INFINYX
Repo to demo translating colab/jupyter notebook to streamlit webapp

Repo to demo translating colab/jupyter notebook to streamlit webapp

Marisa Smith 2 Feb 02, 2022
Backend Interview Challenge

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PyDateWaiter helps waiting special day & calculating remain days till that day with Python code.

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Aerial Ace is a helper bot for poketwo which provide various functionalities on top of being a pokedex.

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Radiosonde Telemetry Decoders

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Controller state monitor plugin for EVA ICS

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An application to see if your Ethereum staking validator(s) are members of the current or next post-Altair sync committees.

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ioztat is a storage load analysis tool for OpenZFS

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A simple desktop application to scan and export Genshin Impact Artifacts.

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Turn a raspberry pi into a Bluetooth Midi device

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Load dependent libraries dynamically.

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Python with the scientific stack, compiled to WebAssembly.

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