Paddle-Adversarial-Toolbox (PAT) is a Python library for Deep Learning Security based on PaddlePaddle.
POTHER: Patch-Voted Deep Learning-based Chest X-ray Bias Analysis for COVID-19 Detection Source code related to the article submitted to the Internati
This repository has gone stale as I unfortunately do not have the time to maintain it anymore. If you would like to continue the development of it as
CoReD: Generalizing Fake Media Detection with Continual Representation using Distillation (ACMMM'21 Oral Paper) (Accepted for oral presentation at ACM
PyTea: PyTorch Tensor Shape Error Analyzer paper project page Requirements node.js = 12.x python = 3.8 z3-solver = 4.8 How to install and use # ins
Evolve plastic networks to be able to automatically acquire novel cognitive (meta-learning) tasks
Deep-Burst-SR Official implementation of Deep Burst Super-Resolution Publication: Deep Burst Super-Resolution. Goutam Bhat, Martin Danelljan, Luc Van
A Survey on Deep Learning Technique for Video Segmentation A Survey on Deep Learning Technique for Video Segmentation Wenguan Wang, Tianfei Zhou, Fati
Pre-training CharacterBERT (and BERT) This is a repository for pre-training BERT and CharacterBERT. DISCLAIMER: The code was largely adapted from an o
Voronoi Multi_Robot Collaborate Exploration Introduction In the unknown environment, the cooperative exploration of multiple robots is completed by Vo
Distributed PyTorch Lightning Training on Ray This library adds new PyTorch Lightning plugins for distributed training using the Ray distributed compu
Citylearn Challenge This is the PyTorch implementation for PikaPika team, CityLearn Challenge Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Energ
Audio Classification, Tagging & Sound Event Detection in PyTorch Progress: Fine-tune on audio classification Fine-tune on audio tagging Fine-tune on s
Inverse Optimal Control Adapted to the Noise Characteristics of the Human Sensorimotor System This repository contains code for the paper Schultheis,
HDBSCAN HDBSCAN - Hierarchical Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise. Performs DBSCAN over varying epsilon values and integrates
CFMM Optimal Routing This repository contains the code needed to generate the figures used in the paper Optimal Routing for Constant Function Market M
Deep Value Network (DVN) This code is a python reference implementation of DVNs introduced in Deep Value Networks Learn to Evaluate and Iteratively Re
Anime-Face-GAN-Keras A DCGAN to generate anime faces using custom dataset in Keras. Dataset The dataset is created by crawling anime database websites
Human Learn Machine Learning models should play by the rules, literally. Project Goal Back in the old days, it was common to write rule-based systems.
Multi-Task Meta-Learning Modification with Stochastic Approximation This repository contains the code for the paper "Multi-Task Meta-Learning Modifica
JFB: Jacobian-Free Backpropagation for Implicit Models