Hacktoberfest2021 🥳- Contribute Any Pattern In Any Language😎 Every PR will be accepted Pls contribute


Hacktober Fest 2021

🙂 All Contributors are requested to star this repo and follow me for a successful merge of pull request. 🙂

👉 Add any pattern program in any programming language
- 🤖 C++
- 🤖 C
- 🤖 Python
- 🤖 Java
- 🤖 Javascript
In each respective folder on any topic, don't forget to read the rules below to get your pull request accepted.

👷‍♂️ Contribute any pattern to this repo and earn rewards!

⚙️ Visit The Hacktoberfest website for more information Hacktoberfest 2021

🛠 Welcome to Hacktobefest 2021 Event

How To Contribute

⌛️ In order to do successful contribution you must read the rules at the bottom; all pull requests will be accepted by those who correctly submitted their PR.

⌛️ Patience is key! If the pull request is not merged, tell me in the comment section!

🛡 Rules

  • ⚔️ Add the proper extension to your code file. Examples: .c, .js, .cpp , .py or .java.
  • ⚔️ Put your files in correct folder like .cpp file in c++ folder or .py file in python folder.
  • ⚔️ Please put your GitHub name in the file to get accepted.
  • ⚔️ Dont forget to star this repository and watch for more updates!
  • 🦸‍♂️ You Need to also follow me on Md. Almas Ali To get merge your pull request. Else your request will not be merge.

🛡 Notice

⚔️ All contributors who have followed above rules correctly will meet merge pull request successfully. Don't forget to follow me for more awesomeness!

⚔️ For any further issues, you can contact me in the comments or on my mail id.

Happy Hacking to Contibutors

Md. Almas Ali
Proper planning and perfect execution.
Md. Almas Ali
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