An Simple Advance Auto Filter Bot Complete Rewritten Version Of Adv-Filter-Bot


Adv Auto Filter Bot V2

This Is Just An Simple Advance Auto Filter Bot Complete Rewritten Version Of Adv-Filter-Bot..

Just Sent Any Text As Query It Will Search For All Connected Chat's Files In Its MongoDB And Reply You With The Message Link As A Button


How To Use Me!?

  • -> Add me to any group and make me admin
  • -> Add me to your channel as admin with full previlages

Bot Commands (Works Only In Groups) :

  • -> /add chat_id
                   OR               - To establish a connection of group with a channel (Bot should be admin with full previlages in both group and channel)
         /add @Username

  • -> /del chat_id
                   OR               - To delete a group's coneection with a channel (Use disable option from settigns pannel for disconnecting temporarily instead of deleteing)
         /del @Username

  • -> /delall                - To delete all connections of a group and deletes all its file from DB

  • -> /settings            - To disaply a Settings Pannel Instance which can be used to tweek bot's settings accordingly

    • -> Channel - Button will show you all the connected chats with the group along with there index buttons correspnding to there order for furthur controls...

    • -> Filter Types - Button will show you the 3 filter types available in bot... Pressing each buttons will either enable or disable them and this will take into action as soon as you use them...without the need of a restart....

    • -> Configure - Button will help you to change no. of pages/ buttons per page/ total result without acutally editing the repo... Also it provide option to Enable/Disable showing Invite Link in each results

    • -> Status - Button will show the stats of your current group

Pre Requisites

PR's Are Very Welcome


You can deploy this bot anywhere.

Watch Deploying Tutorial...

Deploy To Heroku


Deploy To VPS

git clone
cd Adv-Auto-Filter-Bot-V2
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Change The Vars Of bot/ File Accordingly
python3 -m bot


Join Our Telegram Group For Support/Assistance And Our Channel For Updates.

Report Bugs, Give Feature Requests There..
Do Fork And Star The Repository If You Liked It.


GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Licensed under GNU AGPL v3.0. Selling The Codes To Other People For Money Is Strictly Prohibited.


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