A minimal open source mtg-like tcg game made in python that can be played on a terminal emulator using a keyboard.



Project state:

πŸ”§ 🚧 🚧 🚧 Incomplete, In development 🚧 🚧 🚧 πŸ‘·

(Keep in mind that at the moment, This project is currently undone, and will not work, if you try to lunch it.)

Latest prototype of this project are in the TEST directory which like the name imply is for testing and development purposes.

Once the TEST directory has a working prototype, i will start to refine it, by making more generalise function that have more flexibility, i will separate most of the code in their own function & modual.

So far the summoning with color cost and non color is a bigger challange then expected to get working, I am doing my best but so far their is still much to fix. for example being able to use any colors of lands to pay for colorless cost...

All of this could probably be acheaved with javascript on an html webpage, but i whanted to play on the terminal, so if you wish to adapt the code for a more web based experience feel free to contribute to this project.

I will probably Reuse some code and thechnics from this previus project of mine. It was a verry similar project, and i learn a lot from making it, even do I try to keep this project simple, i do not whish to rush it, and i do not have that much free time to work on it, so things can take some time to take shape.


What is tcg-term?

It started as a project to make an mtg alternative game on the linux terminal, but i now aim to include other style of tcg game play mode while avoiding to enfringe on the copy rightable content.

It is a minimalistic, open-source, tcg-like game, made in python, that can be played on most terminal emulator on linux. The first goal to be realistic in scope, is to have a playable single player game, with simple generated card, that have simple Keyword ability effect. Then once completed, add complexity progressivelly, and maybe in the far long distant future a form of multiplayer.

I aim to have multiple main gamemode "inspired" by:

  • M4g!c
  • P0k3m0n
  • Yu-g!-0h
  • F0rc3 0f w!ll
  • V4n9u4rd3

Imagine a single game in which you can play all of the above mention game mode and havem ultiple deck of each of those mode, having all these cards option in the game shop!

And maybe a gamemode called Battle-Cry ( Another one of my open source project Here on Github. ) Battle-cry should begine development after this project is functional, so it might take a while. I will use what i learn making this project to make it as best as i can.

mtg_wiki P0K3M0n

Concept art

I am still not sure what is the best way to display the mana cost. C: Creatures, P: Permanents, L: Lands. D: Deck, H: Hand, G: Graveyard.

Game View

Turn: [Player_name_one]
Phase: [Beginning/Untap Step] 

▢️ [Player_name_one]: Health[20]

D: ⬜[60]
G: πŸ’€[0]
H: πŸ”³πŸ”³πŸ”³πŸ”³πŸ”³πŸ”³πŸ”³[7] 

L: πŸŸͺ ⬛⬛
P: 🟧
C: 🟫 🟫[2] ⬛
C: 🟫🟫🟫
P: 🟧🟧
L: πŸŸͺπŸŸͺ ⬛

H: 🟧🟫πŸŸͺπŸŸ«πŸ”πŸŸ§[6]
G: πŸ’€[6]
D: ⬜[60]

[Player_name_two]: Health[20] 

Name: [Lorem Ipsum]
Cost: 🚫[2] πŸ”΅πŸ”΅πŸ”΅ 
Type: Creature
Rarity: Mythic rare 🌟
Effect: [ ... ]
Power: πŸ—‘οΈ[1]
Taughness: πŸ›‘οΈ[1]


Turn: [Player_name_one]
Phase: [Beginning/Untap Step] 

> [Player_name_one]: Health[20] Deck[60]

Hand:  #######[7] 
Graveyard: [0]

L: # %%
P: #
C: # #[2] %
C: ###
P: ##
L: ## %

Graveyard: [6]
Hand:  ####@#[6]

[Player_name_two]: Health[20] Deck[60]

Name: [Lorem Ipsum]
Cost: None[2] Blue[3] 
Type: Creature
Rarity: Mythic rare *
Effect: [ ... ]
Power: 1
Taughness: 1

Deck Edit View

Filter: Name[πŸ…°] Cost[πŸͺ™] Power[πŸ—‘οΈ] Taughness[πŸ›‘οΈ] Color[🚫]


Name: [Lorem Ipsum]
Cost: 🚫🚫[2] πŸ”΅πŸ”΅πŸ”΅[3]
Type: Creature
Rarity: Mythic rare 🌟
Effect: [ ... ]
Power: 1
taughness: 1
Copy: 3/4

❌[REMOVE] πŸ‘₯[Duplicate][Cost: 1000πŸͺ™]

Graveyard: 🟧🟫πŸŸͺπŸŸ«πŸ”πŸŸ§[6]
Field: βš”οΈ

Name: [Lorem Ipsum]
Cost: 🚫[2] πŸ”΅[3]
Type: [Creature]
Effect: [ ... ]
P/T: [1/1]

Card Shop View

Don't worry you buy the cards with in game point, which can be won by winning game. No ingame purchasses XD

[Cards: 15x]:
  πŸ“¦[🚫][Cost: 150πŸͺ™]
  πŸ“¦[βšͺ][Cost: 250πŸͺ™]
πŸ” πŸ“¦[πŸ”΅][Cost: 250πŸͺ™]
  πŸ“¦[⚫][Cost: 250πŸͺ™]
  πŸ“¦[πŸ”΄][Cost: 250πŸͺ™]
  πŸ“¦[🟒][Cost: 250πŸͺ™]

Settings View4

 πŸ” Text Only [Off]
 βš™οΈ Sound Effect [Off]
 βš™οΈ Text Color [On]

Symbols emoji and therm used

Tapped ⬛
Creature 🟫
Instant or Sorcery Or Artefact Or Enchantment 🟧
Cursor/Slection πŸ” (Alternative cursor idea πŸ‘‡πŸ‘†πŸ‘‰πŸ€šπŸ’  )
Colorless +
Attacking πŸ—‘οΈ
Blocking πŸ›‘οΈ
Colorless 🚫
Mana card πŸŸͺ
Back πŸ”³
Mytic Rare 🌟
Rare ⭐
Uncomun πŸ₯‡

I also found these character emoji: πŸ§™πŸ§™β€β™€οΈπŸ§™β€β™‚οΈπŸ§πŸ§β€β™€οΈπŸ§β€β™‚οΈπŸ§›πŸ§›β€β™€οΈπŸ§›β€β™‚οΈπŸ§ŸπŸ§Ÿβ€β™€οΈπŸ§Ÿβ€β™‚οΈ

Therm: P&T = Power and Taughness

Game default key bindings πŸ–±οΈ ⌨️

## An option to customise or swap these default key bindings should be profided in the form of a config file or settings page, eventually.

# Controlle options
w = want selection (select what is selected by the cursor)
a = action (attacking/blocking/activating a spell)
s = skip (will skip to the next phase)
d = end turn (will skip all remaining phases)

# Move cursor
h = left
j = down
k = up
l = right

Help Needed!

I really want to play an tcg-like alternative game on linux, so please do your best to contribute if you can!

Read the task-list to see the priority. This project only accept clear, organized and well commented code. You can also submit suggestion and idea, as long as they are unambiguous and well developed.


You feedback is welcome.

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