this is django project through this project you can easily sends message to any email

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this is django project through this project you can easily sends message to any email


when you run the server then you will see this type of interface sendmail

when you click on the send button then you will see that one message is printed on screen that message send succefully. done after that see the terminal the message you sent which will be showing in terminal.. terminal

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Great script for sending and spaming emails! gmail, yahoo, outlook, hotmail.

• License • Issues • Project • Wikipedia • Я не несу ответственности за ваши действия. Скачивая программное обеспечение из этого репозитория, вы согла

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alifc_email 主要特性 利用阿里的云函数发送电子邮件 使用场景 hw中的钓鱼邮件发送,一些邮服会解析出邮件的来源ip(此来源ip并不是邮服的ip,而是从客户端发送邮件时,邮服自动带上的客户端ip),对于这些来源ip可能会做一些风控。 本项目利用云函数出口ip较多来绕过这些风控 使用方法 首

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A script based on an article I wrote on decluttering emails.

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