A tool to quickly create codeforces contest directories with templates.


Codeforces Template Tool

I created this tool to help me quickly set up codeforces contests/singular problems with templates.

Tested for windows, should work on linux or any other operating system.


Clone the repository with git.

git clone [email protected]:com/AnotherTwinkle/cftool.git

Now, navigate to the cftool directory with and install it with pip-

cd cftool
pip install .

Note that Python 3.8 was used to test this script. This should run on 3.4+.


After installation, the tool should be available anywhere on your CLI. The script has 4 commands you can use.

Creating Singular Files

To create a singular file, use this command-

cftool problem [filename] [?template]

where template is optional. Note that the file name must end with an appropriate language file extension.

For example-

cftool problem 843A.py fastio

The script infers the language from the filename and searches for the template file in the directory templates/{lang}/ directory. Then, it creates a file called [filename]in the current working directory and pastes the template code for you to use.

If the template language directory or the template file doesn't exist, [filename] will be empty on creation.

If you don't provide the template argument, the script will use the default template in the language directory.

Creating a directory for a singular problem

If you'd like to be organized and have invidiual directories for each solution you write, you can use the problemdir command.

cftool problemdir [name] [language] [?template] [?--notes]

Note how you need to explicitly state the language. More precisely, you are telling the script to look for the [language] directory in templates/.

cftool problemdir 433A cpp fastio --notes

This will create a directory called 433A and intialize a file called sol.cpp with the fastio template for C++ in there.

template is still optional. The --notes flag, if provided, will create a file called notes.txt in the directory.

Creating a contest directory

This is peharps the only reason I wrote this script.

cftool contest [name] [language] [problemcount] [?template] [?--notes]

This commands creates a codeforces contest directory. The command syntax is almost simillar to problemdir with the added problemcount argument.

cftool contest 768DivA cpp 6 fastio --notes

This creates a directory called 768DivA and, following codeforces naming scheme, puts 6 files named A, B, C, D, E, F (from A to the problemcount-th letter of the alphabet) respectively. problemcount cannot exceed 26.

The directory name can have multiple words, in that case you put quotes around the name.

cftool contest "696 Div B" py 5 default --notes

This command also supports exclusion of the template argument and --notes flag.

Creating a contest directory with problem directories

This command has the same syntax as contest, but instead of creating files, it creates a directory for each problem, each having a file called sol.

cftool contestwpdir "593 Div 3" cpp 8 fastio --notes

Note: The command name is shorthand for contest with problem directory, this should help you remember the name.

Adding your own templates

If you have a better, or a personal template you'd like to use, you can do so.

First, create a new directory in the templates/ directory of the script. The name of this directory must be the file extension your language uses. i.e py, cpp, js etc. There already are some premade directories.

Next, create a file called default in the directory with your language extension (i.e default.cpp or default.py). This is template used by the script when the template argument is not provided. You can leave this file empty if you want.

Now to add a template, create a file with the desired name (The language extension must be included with filename)

Once you are done, you need to reinstall the script. Navigate to the directory with the setup.py file and run-

pip install .

If all went well you should be able to access the template now, i.e-

cftool problem test.java myshinyjavatemplate


I plan making a the script a binary executable in the future, so you don't need python installed to run it.


It'd be greatly appreciated if you PR useful templates to the project. If you use the script, consider starring it so more people can find it.

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