A totally unrealistic cell growth/reproduction simulation.



A totally unrealistic cell growth/reproduction simulation.

How to run

  1. Go to directory
  2. py main.py

Customizing starting condition

Edit the constants inside config.py


Specifies the chance of a new cell spawning according to it's adjacent alive.

  • TYPE: dict[int, int]
  • DEFAULT: {1: 0.2, 2: 0.4, 3: 0.6, 4: 0.8}


Specifies the size of the board or slot available.

  • TYPE: dict[str["LENGTH", "WIDTH"], int]
  • DEFAULT: {"LENGTH": 20, "WIDTH": 80}


Specifies the lifespan of spawned cell.

  • TYPE: int
  • DEFAULT: 5


Specifies the cell(s) slot that will be spawned on the first cycle.

  • TYPE: list
  • DEFAULT: [randint(1, BOARD["LENGTH"] * BOARD["WIDTH"]) for _ in range(5)]


Specifies the cycle to stop the simulation. -1 for an infinite simulation.

  • TYPE: int
  • DEFAULT: -1


Specifies the time before clearing the console and showing the new board state.

  • TYPE: int|float
  • DEFAULT: 0.3
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