Code to reproduce results from the paper "AmbientGAN: Generative models from lossy measurements"


AmbientGAN: Generative models from lossy measurements

This repository provides code to reproduce results from the paper AmbientGAN: Generative models from lossy measurements.

The training setup is as in the following diagram:

Here are a few example results:

Measured Baseline AmbientGAN (ours)

Few more samples from AmbientGAN models trained with 1-D projections:

Pad-Rotate-Project Pad-Rotate-Project-theta

The rest of the README describes how to reproduce the results.


  • Python 2.7
  • Tensorflow >= 1.4.0
  • matplotlib
  • scipy
  • numpy
  • cvxpy
  • scikit-learn
  • tqdm
  • opencv-python
  • pandas

For pip installation, use $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Get the data

  • MNIST data is automatically downloaded
  • Get the celebA dataset here and put the jpeg files in ./data/celebA/
  • Get the CIFAR-10 python data from here and put it in ./data/cifar10/cifar-10-batches-py/*

Get inference models

We need inference models for computing the inception score.

  • For MNIST, you can train your own by

    cd ./src/mnist/inf

    [TODO]: Provide a pretrained model.

  • Inception model for use with CIFAR-10 is automatically downloaded.

Create experiment scripts

Run ./create_scripts/

This will create scripts for all the experiments in the paper.

[Optional] If you want to run only a subset of experiments you can define the grid in ./create_scripts/DATASET_NAME/grid_*.sh or if you wish to tweak a lot of parameters, you can change ./create_scripts/DATASET_NAME/ Then run ./create_scripts/ as above to create the corresponding scripts (remember to remove any previous files from ./scripts/)

Run experiments

We provide scripts to train on multiple GPUs in parallel. For example, if you wish to use 4 GPUs, you can run: ./run_scripts/ "0 1 2 3"

This will start 4 GNU screens. Each program within the screen will attempt to acquire and run experiments from ./scripts/, one at a time. Each experiment run will save samples, checkpoints, etc. to ./results/.

See results as you train


You can see samples for each experiment in ./results/samples/EXPT_DIR/

EXPT_DIR is defined based on the hyperparameters of the experiment. See ./src/commons/ to see how this is done.

Quantitative plots


python src/
python src/

This will create pickle files in ./results/ with the relevant data in a Pandas dataframe.

Now use the ipython notebooks ./plotting_mnist.ipynb and ./plotting_cifar.ipynb to get the relevant plots. The generated plots are also saved to ./results/plots/ (make sure this directory exists)

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