Telegram Radio Player UserBot
A Telegram UserBot to Play Radio in Channel or Group Voice Chats.
This is also the source code of the userbot which is being used for playing Radio in AsmSafone Channel.
Deploy to Heroku (The Easy Way)
- Generate pyrogram session string by String Session Generator Bot or running by yourself on heroku run console.
- Then Enable the worker after deploy the project on Heroku Resources Tab.
Heroku Vars
: Get From my.telegram.orgAPI_HASH
: Get from my.telegram.orgSESSION
: Generate from @genStr robot.CHAT_NAME
: Username of Channel/Group where the bot plays Radio.ADMIN
: ID of user who can who can control the userbot.
- Python 3.6 or higher.
- A Telegram API key and a Telegram account.
- FFmpeg Python
- Telegram String Session of the account.
- Userbot Needs To Be Admin In The Channel or Group.
Run On VPS (The Hard Way)
$ git clone
$ cd RadioPlayer
$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
$ pip3 install -U pip
$ pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
Edit with your own values.
$ python3
- @AsmSafone [Dev]
- @MarshalX [For tgcalls]