Print matplotlib colors



Tired of searching "matplotlib colors" every week/day/hour? This simple script displays them all conveniently right in your terminal emulator! This uses matplotlib.colors to get color names and RGB values and prints with ANSI escape sequences.

It can also print all of the built-in colorbars.


This requires a terminal with true color support. Notably, Mac's does not have this and so the colors cannot be properly displayed. I'm not sure that that is a workaround for this. On Mac I suggest switching to a different terminal emulator with more modern support such as kitty or iTerm.


You just need a Python distribution with matplotlib.


It's probably easiest to create an alias in your shell's rc file (e.g., ~/.bashrc) such as

alias mplcolors='python /path/to/dir/'

then you can just run


to print the colors.

Screenshot showing the script in use

To display all of the built-in colormaps, use the -b flag ("b" for "bars") or the --colorbars option

mplcolors -b

Screenshot showing colorbars.

To Do

Color lookup, color grouping. Print subset of colormaps

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  • the value of least_score of GetNearNameColors should be set to 0.5

    the value of least_score of GetNearNameColors should be set to 0.5

    Hello. Thank you for your recent PR approval. Today, I suggest that the value of least_score of GetNearNameColors be set to 0.5.

    if least_score is 0.05, it means the colors suggested have more than 5 percent similarity to the target. Before, mplcolors -s greem shows below suggestions. image I think the result is not natural, and that there are too many colors. For example, red is far away from greem.

    Now, set its value 0.5 and mplcolors -s greem shows image This result is natural. If least_score is bigger or small than 0.5, The suggestion colors are too many or a few; If 0.4: image If 0.6: image

    Thus, least_score = 0.5 is better than least_score = 0.05 and may be best value. Another idea about this value is that user can change this value from some setting file or, more simply, from command line argument. In either case, I think that the default value of least_score should be set 0.5.

    Also, this PR includes deleting print(suggestions) in at line 258. suggestions is dict object. Therefore simple print is not user friendly. I guessed this print was for debugging, so I deleted it. If the result shows not only color names but also color codes, I think it is better to introduce another option argument and implement another function.


    opened by Take-Me1010 1
  • implement color name search

    implement color name search

    Hello. Your project mplcolors is really good and useful! And here is pull request about implementation to search color names. The features added in PR are below.

    1. search color name (not color bar names...)

    Search by whether the target name is included or not.

    スクリーンショット 2021-11-11 160254

    1. suggest color name if no color is found

    If no color name is found in above method, suggest color names based on difflib package (since python 3.2).

    スクリーンショット 2021-11-11 160138

    If there is something wrong, please tell me it!

    opened by Take-Me1010 0
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