Authware API wrapper for Python 3.5+



Asynchronous wrapper for Authware in Python 3.5+

View our documentation

šŸ“² Installation

Run this to install the library via pip:

pip install authware

šŸ“œ License

Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.MD

šŸ“– Open-source libraries

  • dateutil
  • wmi
  • aiohttp
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  • get_variables broken

    get_variables broken

    The get_variables function is broken due to a call to which is a non-existent field or property.


    Remove the legacy call and change it to check if Authware.auth_token is None

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  • 1.0.3(Feb 22, 2022)

    This release brings the following new features and fixes:

    • Fix the get_user_profile function from breaking due to API changes
    • Added support for user variable creation, modification and deletion
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