crypto currency scraping

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Web Crawlingscrypto


What ?

Crypto currencies scraping

(At the moment, only bitcoin and ethereum crypto currencies are supported)

How ?

A python script is running in a container, and scrape informations (using CoinGecko API) about crypto currencies. Then this informations are send to a SQL database.
(You can also run the script alone with a .env file and a systemd service)


  • You can launch this scraper by simply using the "docker-compose.yml" file that i let you on this repo.

Docker-compose file

Here is an example of docker-compose file.

version: "3"
    image: baldurr/scrypto:latest
    container_name: scrypto
      - CRYPTO_LIST=bitcoin,ethereum
      - DEVISE_1=eur
      - DEVISE_2=usd
      - SCRAPE_TIME=300
      - SQL_USER=root2
      - SQL_PASSWORD=mypwd
      - SQL_HOST=
      - SQL_DB=db_scrypto
      - SQL_PORT=3308
    restart: unless-stopped

Environment variable

List of all currencies available:
"btc", "eth", "ltc", "bch", "bnb", "eos", "xrp", "xlm", "link", "dot", "yfi", "usd", "aed", "ars", "aud", "bdt", "bhd", "bmd", "brl", "cad", "chf", "clp", "cny", "czk", "dkk", "eur", "gbp", "hkd", "huf", "idr", "ils", "inr", "jpy", "krw", "kwd", "lkr", "mmk", "mxn", "myr", "ngn", "nok", "nzd", "php", "pkr", "pln", "rub", "sar", "sek", "sgd", "thb", "try", "twd", "uah", "vef", "vnd", "zar", "xdr", "xag", "xau", "bits", "sats"

Var Usage Info
CRYPTO_LIST List of currencies separated by ',' Max: 2 currencies
DEVISE_1 Name of the 1st currencie defined ex: eur
DEVISE_2 Name of the 1nd currencie defined ex: usd
SCRAPE_TIME Scrape interval in second ex: 300 = 5min
SQL_USER SQL user used
SQL_PASSWORD SQL user password
SQL_HOST SQL host which host the database ex:, don't set localhost while this will refer to the scrypto container if you use the docker method
SQL_DB SQL database name This var must be set to 'db_scrypto'
SQL_PORT SQL database port


SQL configuration

To use correctly this image, you must create a database named 'db_scrypto'.

If you use the docker method, connect to the scrypto container:

docker exec -it scrypto /bin/bash

Then connect to the SQL database:

mysql -u myuser -p

Enter your password and display databases like this:

SHOW databases;

If 'db_scrypto' doesn't exist, create it:


Then you have to create the tables to store the data.

  • For the table name, please name it like the crypto currencie name: bitcoin, ethereum
  • For the value columns, set the name of the column like this: value_mycurrencie (ex: value_usd)
CREATE TABLE ethereum (data_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, time DATETIME, metric VARCHAR(20), value_eur numeric(10,2), value_usd numeric(10,2), PRIMARY KEY(data_id));
CREATE TABLE bitcoin (data_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, time DATETIME, metric VARCHAR(20), value_eur  numeric(10,2), value_usd numeric(10,2), PRIMARY KEY(data_id));

Now you are ready to collect data

Docker configuration

DockerHub image:

mkdir scrypto
cd scrypto
docker-compose up -d

Wait a bit and:
docker logs scrypto (will display the api response if the configuration worked)


In this repo, you will also find a json fill that contain the grafana dashboard configuration

Grafana dashboard example: image

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