Make after-work Mending More flexible In Python

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Make after-work Mending More flexible In Python

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A Lite Package focuses on making project's after-post mending pythonic and flexible. Certainly used for expanding finished projects without changing exists source code.

  • No Origin Codes Changes, Injection with Licenses
  • None Invasive Embed Way, More Flexible
  • Easy to use

Package Related

Thr Official Packages ast, inspect, functools used.


Overwrite requires Python 3.6+ to run.

Simply install with one-line pip command.

pip install Mending

How to Use

Core Import

from Mending import Mend

Set a License Any type of Cipher-text is satisfactory. Set int 0 as example.

_license = 0

Defined Function Mending function, used for overwrite previous method.

def func():

Register Function to Event queue.

  1. Register_type (string): Register with the same Event_queue_type will be added to the same event queue (in registration order).
  2. times (integer): The times this function calling is affected. (if affected forever, set times to -1)
  3. license (any): Used to identify whether the modification is valid and distinguish between different mending events.
  4. func (function): Mending function, used for overwriting.
Mend = Mend()
Mend.Butler.register('Register_type', times, _license, func)
# Add entrance to function
def affected_func():

Add the License Claim If the license is valid, the registered function affected_func will be modified and completely overwritten by func.

# Claim above the function calling

The Performance above is same as:



Complex Overwrite

Mend.Butler.register('Event_queue_type_A', 1, license_A, func_A)
Mend.Butler.register('Event_queue_type_A', 2, license_B, func_B)
Mend.Butler.register('Event_queue_type_B', 1, license_B, func_C)
def func_A():
def func_B():
def func_C():
def affected_func_A():
def affected_func_B():

Different license claiming leads to different way of overwriting. After several times calling set before, the performance of modified function will change back to origin again as a result of event queue gets empty. The program works as below:

affected_func_A() # Output: 2
affected_func_A() # Output: 1
affected_func_A() # Output: 2
affected_func_A() # Output: A
affected_func_A() # Output: A
affected_func_B() # Output: 3
affected_func_B() # Output: B

Get Catalog Name and Available Licenses of Original Function

-> dict {'catalog_name': str, 'available_license': list[str]}

Browse the Event Queue

Print details for Event Queue:

Mend.Queue.print(catalog: str)

Get length of Event Queue:

Mend.Queue.len(catalog: str)

Get Event Queue as following type:

Mend.Queue.get(catalog: str)
[{'times_left': int, 'license': any, 'function_name': str}, 
 {'times_left': int, 'license': any, 'function_name': str},
 {'times_left': int, 'license': any, 'function_name': str},]

Directly manipulate the Event Queue

Class Queue redefined, making it compatible with Pythonic Style Commands as below:

Mend.Queue.append(catalog: str, event: list)
Mend.Queue.pop(catalog: str, index: int)
Mend.Queue.replace(catalog: str, event: list, index: int)
Mend.Queue.clear(catalog: str)


For multi-threaded function overrides, the event queue is cross-threaded, and the order of event completion depends on the total program time sequence, asynchrony may cause event order confusion. Instantiating Mending for each individual thread is a reasonable solution.


Version: 2021.11.18 (0.0.8)

Author: Zack the White, Qcmcmc

Email Contact: Zack the White Qcmcmc



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