A minimal platform for Markdown-based blogs



This project provides a minimal blogging platform based on Markdown files.


This project powers the following blogs:


$ python setup.py install


# The application will listen on port 8000 and it will
# serve the current folder
$ madblog
usage: madblog [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--debug] [dir]

Serve a Markdown folder as a web blog.

The folder should have the following structure:

  -> config.yaml [recommended]
  -> markdown
    -> article-1.md
    -> article-2.md
    -> ...
  -> img [recommended]
    -> favicon.ico
    -> icon.png
    -> image-1.png
    -> image-2.png
    -> ...

positional arguments:
  dir              Base path for the blog (default: current directory)

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG  Path to a configuration file (default: config.yaml in the blog root directory)
  --host HOST      Bind host/address
  --port PORT      Bind port (default: 8000)
  --debug          Enable debug mode (default: False)


The application will look for a config.yaml file in the current directory if none was specified through the -c command-line option. The structure is the following:

title: Blog title
description: Blog description
link: https://link.to.your.blog
# Use home_link if you have a different home/portal address
# than your blog, otherwise it's the same as `link`
home_link: https://link.to.home
# Path/URL to the logo (default: /img/icon.png)
logo: /path/or/url/here
# Blog language (for the RSS feed)
language: en-US
# Show/hide the header (default: true)
header: true

  - category1
  - category2
  - category3

Markdown files

Articles are Markdown files stored under pages. For an article to be correctly rendered, you need to start the Markdown file with the following metadata header:

[//]: # (title: Title of the article)
[//]: # (description: Short description of the content)
[//]: # (image: /img/some-header-image.png)
[//]: # (author: Author Name 
   //]: # (published: 2022-01-01)


Images are stored under img. You can reference them in your articles through the following syntax:

![image description](/img/image.png)

You can also drop your favicon.ico under this folder.

LaTeX support

LaTeX support is built-in as long as you have the latex executable installed on your server.

Syntax for inline LaTeX:

And we can therefore prove that \( c^2 = a^2 + b^2 \)

Syntax for LaTeX expression on a new line:

c^2 = a^2 + b^2

RSS syndacation

RSS feeds for the blog are provided under the /rss URL.

By default, the whole HTML-rendered content of an article is returned under rss.channel.item.description. If you only want to include the short description of an article in the feed, use /rss?short instead.

Fabio Manganiello
Developer, maker and hacker with an insatiable passion for automating things.
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