Real-time 3D multi-person detection made easy with OpenPose and the ZED


OpenPose ZED

What to expect

This sample show how to simply use the ZED with OpenPose, the deep learning framework that detects the skeleton from a single 2D image. The 3D information provided by the ZED is used to place the joints in space. The output is a 3D view of the skeletons.



This sample can be put in the folder examples/user_code/ OR preferably, compile and install openpose with the cmake and compile this anywhere

The installation process is very easy using cmake.

Clone the repository :

    git clone

Build and install it :

    cd openpose
    mkdir build
    cmake .. # This can take a while
    make -j8
    sudo make install


The ZED SDK is also a requirement for this sample, download the ZED SDK and follows the instructions.

It requires ZED SDK 2.4 for the floor plane detection but can be easily disabled to use an older ZED SDK version.

Build the program

Open a terminal in the sample directory and execute the following command:

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j8

We then need to make a symbolic link to the models folder to be able to loads it

    ln -s ~/path/to/openpose/models "$(pwd)"

A models folder should now be in the build folder

Run the program

  • Navigate to the build directory and launch the executable

  • Or open a terminal in the build directory and run the sample :



Beyond the openpose option, several more were added, mainly:

Option Description
svo_path SVO file path to load instead of opening the ZED
ogl_ptcloud Boolean to show the point cloud in the OpenGL window
estimate_floor_plane Boolean to align the point cloud on the floor plane
opencv_display Enable the 2D View of OpenPose output
depth_display Display the depth map with OpenCV

Example :

    ./zed_openpose -net_resolution 320x240 -ogl_ptcloud true -svo_path ~/foo/bar.svo


  • This sample is a proof of concept and might not be robust to every situation, especially to detect the floor plane if the environment is cluttered.
  • This sample was only tested on Linux but should be easy to run on Windows.
  • This sample requires both Openpose and the ZED SDK which are heavily relying on the GPU.
  • Only the body keypoints are currently used, however we could imagine doing the same for hand and facial keypoints, though the precision required might be a limiting factor.
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