Spy Ad Network - Spy Ad Network Detection With Python


Spy Ad Network

Spy Ad Network Detection

Jumps from link to link to access a site's entire background network. You can analyze this network of connections you have obtained. You can search for all these background network connections in lists. This way, you can find out if these links are on a spy and advertising network.

         I::::::::II::::::::I        P::::::::::::::::P       V::::::V           V::::::V
         I::::::::II::::::::I        P::::::PPPPPP:::::P      V::::::V           V::::::V
         II::::::IIII::::::II        PP:::::P     P:::::P     V::::::V           V::::::V
           I::::I    I::::I            P::::P     P:::::P      V:::::V           V:::::V 
           I::::I    I::::I            P::::P     P:::::P       V:::::V         V:::::V  
           I::::I    I::::I            P::::PPPPPP:::::P         V:::::V       V:::::V   
           I::::I    I::::I            P:::::::::::::PP           V:::::V     V:::::V    
           I::::I    I::::I            P::::PPPPPPPPP              V:::::V   V:::::V     
           I::::I    I::::I            P::::P                       V:::::V V:::::V      
           I::::I    I::::I            P::::P                        V:::::V:::::V       
           I::::I    I::::I            P::::P                         V:::::::::V        
         II::::::IIII::::::II        PP::::::PP                        V:::::::V         
         I::::::::II::::::::I ...... P::::::::P                         V:::::V          
         I01000110II00110100I .::::. P01000110P                          V:::V     --> CREATED FOR FREE NET
         IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ...... PPPPPPPPPP                           VVV      --> open-source culture
                                                                                   --> ANTI-SPY
             python IIPV_ANTISPY.py -<type_short_parameter> [target_site]
             python IIPV_ANTISPY.py --<type_long_parameter> [target_site]
              ####   -h    --help             how to use   ####
              [ -S ]  --source                        -> GET SOURCE
              [ -C ]  --content                       -> GET CONTENT
              [ -s ]  --script                        -> GET SCRIPT 
              [ -H ]  --header                        -> GET HEADER
              [ -c ]  --cookies                       -> GET COOKIES
              [ -M ]  --matchedip                     -> SEARCH FOR MATCHING
              [ -m ]  --searchip                      -> SEARCH IN IP LISTS
              [ -a ]  --malandab                      -> SEARCH IN MALWARE AND ABUSE LIST 
              [ -P ]  --searchinall                   -> SEARCH IN ALL
              [ -t ]  --toptracker                    -> TOP TRACKER CHECKING
              [ -u ]  --hugesearch                    -> HUGE SEARCHING FOR TOP TRACKERS
              [ -d ]  --detailsearch                  -> DETAIL SEARCHING 
              [ -D ]  --searchdomainall               -> SEARCH IN DOMAIN LIST
              [ -n ]  --allsocialchecking             -> SEARCH FOR SOCIAL SITE TRACKING
              [ -F ]  --facebookjs                    -> SEARCH FOR FACEBOOK JS
              [It jumps from content to content to try to expose the entire network of connections]
              [ -T ]  --contenttocontent              -> CONTENT TO CONTENT SPY-CONNECTIONS
              [ -R ]  --contenttosrc                  -> CONTENT TO SOURCE SPY-CONNECTIONS
              [ -L ]  --srctocontent                  -> SOURCE TO CONTENT SPY-CONNECTIONS
              [ -K ]  --srctosrc                      -> SOURCE TO SOURCE SPY-CONNECTIONS
              [ -Z ]  --alltree                       -> FOR ALL SPY-CONNECTIONS
              [NOTED - IMPORTANT]
              + USE VPN AND PROXIES
Baris Dincer
Data Scientist / Coder / Cyber ​​Privacy Consultant
Baris Dincer
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