FastOCR is a desktop application for OCR API.



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FastOCR is a desktop application for OCR API.


Arch Linux

fastocr-git @ AUR

Build from AUR or install with your favorite AUR helper.

yay -S fastocr-git  # Using yay
pikaur -S fastocr-git  # Using pikaur
# ...


fastocr @ PyPI

pip install --user fastocr
# Then copy desktop file to ~/.local/share/applications


Proudly use DepHell to generate file.

python install
# Then copy desktop file to ~/.local/share/applications


Proudly use Poetry for developing.

poetry install




Service name: io.github.brucezhang1993.FastOCR

Object: /io/github/brucezhang1993/FastOCR


Actions Arguments Description
captureToClipboard {seconds} {no_copy} Capture and OCR to system clipboard or dbus signal
seconds: Delay capture in seconds
no_copy: If true, the result will not be saved in clipboard
quitApp -- Quit app


Signals Arguments Description
captured {text} OCR result will be sent to this signal
text: OCR result in plain text


Pull requests are welcome.

For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.



  • invalid token doesn't need cache, fix potential TypeError

    invalid token doesn't need cache, fix potential TypeError

    For Baidu OCR, token and expires_in in .cache/fastocr/baidu_token_data.json will be null if wrong API (or empty API) is given, where there's no need to save token in the cache file. (Otherwise it can raise a TypeError during timestamp + expires_in)

    opened by wsyxbcl 1
  • [BUG] 截图操作后操作区内容可能存在未更新的问题

    [BUG] 截图操作后操作区内容可能存在未更新的问题

    Describe the bug 截图操作后操作区内容可能存在未更新的问题

    To Reproduce 用户反馈待复现

    Expected behavior TODO

    Environment information 用户反馈待复现 [Strongly recommend to run fastocr diagnose in the console and paste the outputs here]

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    unconfirmed bug 
    opened by BruceZhang1993 0
  • [BUG] The token cache for BaiduOCR may block the API update in setting?

    [BUG] The token cache for BaiduOCR may block the API update in setting?

    As the property method of BaiduOcr would use the cache file directly if there is, the API change in setting won't work.

    Remove the cache file after or redefine the "cache file behavior" would probably be nice?

    confirmed bug 
    opened by wsyxbcl 0
  • [Feature Request] Please support Mathpix API

    [Feature Request] Please support Mathpix API

    Describe the feature Could you please add support for mathpix API so that users can use this to copy and paste math formulars? Reference:

    feature request 
    opened by sukanka 2
  • Distribution



    • [x] Arch Linux derivative AUR ~~Thanks to myself~~
    • [x] NixOS/Nix fastocr Thanks to Potato Hatsue
    • [ ] Debian/Ubuntu derivative
    • [ ] Gentoo derivative
    • [x] AppImage



    • [x] PyInstaller (Exe)
    • [x] PyInstaller (Zip)


    • [x] PyInstaller (App)


    help wanted 
    opened by BruceZhang1993 2
Bruce Zhang
Bruce Zhang
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