Model-based Reinforcement Learning Improves Autonomous Racing Performance


Racing Dreamer: Model-based versus Model-free Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Racing Cars

In this work, we propose to learn a racing controller directly from raw Lidar observations.

The resulting policy has been evaluated on F1tenth-like tracks and then transfered to real cars.

Racing Dreamer

The free version is available on arXiv.

If you find this code useful, please reference in your paper:

      title={Model-based versus Model-free Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Racing Cars}, 
      author={Axel Brunnbauer and Luigi Berducci and Andreas Brandstätter and Mathias Lechner and Ramin Hasani and Daniela Rus and Radu Grosu},

This repository is organized as follows:

  • Folder dreamer contains the code related to the Dreamer agent.
  • Folder baselines contains the code related to the Model Free algorihtms (D4PG, MPO, PPO, LSTM-PPO, SAC).
  • Folder ros_agent contains the code related to the transfer on real racing cars.
  • Folder docs contains the track maps, mechanical and general documentation.


"Dreamer learns a world model that predicts ahead in a compact feature space. From imagined feature sequences, it learns a policy and state-value function. The value gradients are backpropagated through the multi-step predictions to efficiently learn a long-horizon policy."

This implementation extends the original implementation of Dreamer (Hafner et al. 2019).

We refer the reader to the Dreamer website for the details on the algorithm.



This code has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 with Python 3.7.

Get dependencies:

pip install --user -r requirements.txt


We train Dreamer on LiDAR observations and propose two Reconstruction variants: LiDAR and Occupancy Map.

Reconstruction Variants

Train the agent with LiDAR reconstruction:

python dreamer/ --track columbia --obs_type lidar

Train the agent with Occupancy Map reconstruction:

python --track columbia --obs_type lidar_occupancy

Please, refer to for the other command-line arguments.

Offline Evaluation

The evaluation module runs offline testing of a trained agent (Dreamer, D4PG, MPO, PPO, SAC).

To run evaluation, assuming to have the dreamer directory in the PYTHONPATH:

python evaluations/ --agent dreamer \
                                     --trained_on austria \
                                     --obs_type lidar \
                                     --checkpoint_dir logs/checkpoints \
                                     --outdir logs/evaluations \
                                     --eval_episodes 10 \
                                     --tracks columbia barcelona 

The script will look for all the checkpoints with pattern logs/checkpoints/austria_dreamer_lidar_* The checkpoint format depends on the saving procedure (pkl, zip or directory).

The results are stored as tensorflow logs.


The plotting module containes several scripts to visualize the results, usually aggregated over multiple experiments.

To plot the learning curves:

python plotting/ --indir logs/experiments \
                                                --outdir plots/learning_curves \
                                                --methods dreamer mpo \
                                                --tracks austria columbia treitlstrasse_v2 \

It will produce the comparison between Dreamer and MPO on the tracks Austria, Columbia, Treitlstrasse_v2.

To plot the evaluation results:

python plotting/ --indir logs/evaluations \
                                                --outdir plots/evaluation_charts \
                                                --methods dreamer mpo \
                                                --vis_tracks austria columbia treitlstrasse_v2 \

It will produce the bar charts comparing Dreamer and MPO evaluated in Austria, Columbia, Treitlstrasse_v2.

Instructions with Docker

We also provide an docker image based on tensorflow:2.3.1-gpu. You need nvidia-docker to run them, see here for more details.

To build the image:

docker build -t dreamer .

To train Dreamer within the container:

docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd):/src --gpus all --rm dreamer python --track columbia --steps 1000000

Model Free

The organization of Model-Free codebase is similar and we invite the users to refer to the README for the detailed instructions.


The codebase for the implementation on real cars is contained in ros_agent.

Additional material:

  • Folder docs/maps contains a collection of several tracks to be used in F1Tenth races.
  • Folder docs/mechanical contains support material for real world race-tracks.
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